Chapter 11 Sword of the Morning

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The following day after breaking his fast with his family, Ned went to his solar to speak with Maester Luwin and Vayron Poole to find out how things had gone in his absence. Going over every detail, Ned found that Torrhen had done an excellent job in the management of Winterfell. Ned was impressed by the work that his eldest son had done.

While Ned went over the books, Maester Luwin stood quietly, waiting for his Lord to acknowledge him. Ned looked up and noticed the concerned look on Maester Luwin's face; Ned frowned, “Is there something you need to tell me, Maester Luwin?”

Maester Luwin cleared his throat, “Aye, My Lord. It is about Lord Torrhen and Lady Catelyn.”

Ned's frown deepened, “What about them?”

“From the moment you left, My Lord, Lady Catelyn tried to usurp Lord Torrhen's position as Lord of Winterfell. She attempted to take control and push Lord Torrhen aside. Lady Catelyn went as far as trying to keep Robb and Sansa away from him and Jon.”

Ned growled, “What was she thinking? Lady Catelyn had no right; I left Torrhen in charge for a reason. He is to be the next Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. It is his birthright as my firstborn and heir!”

“I realize that My Lord, but Lady Catelyn has always been jealous of Torrhen. She is angry that he is your heir, not Robb. I think Lady Catelyn wanted Torrhen to fail at his task so that you would consider overlooking him and give Robb his position,” Maester Luwin explained to Ned.

Ned slammed his fist on the desk, “That will never happen! I will set Catelyn aside before doing such a thing to Torrhen. What else happened in my absence?”

“There were times I would see Lady Catelyn arguing with Torrhen, and one day she tried to slap him,” Maester Luwin explained.

Ned's eyes narrowed; how dare that woman try to strike his son! Maester Luwin continued, “But something must have happened that day because, after that, Lady Catelyn left Torrhen and Jon alone. She stopped interfering and let Robb and Sansa play with them again.”

Ned's eyebrows raised; he wondered what happened that caused Catelyn to stop harassing Torrhen. Whatever it was, Ned was glad, though he was still going to talk to Catelyn about her behavior towards Torrhen. But that would have to wait; once he finished meeting with Maester Luwin and Vayron Poole, Ned planned on spending time with his children.

While Ned was doing that, Benjen had gone to see his nieces and nephews. Benjen went to see Arya in her nursery first. He opened the door to the baby's room and smiled when he found Torrhen holding his little sister and talking to her softly. Torrhen looked up and smiled at his Uncle Benjen, his violet eyes sparkling when he saw the older man.

“Good morning, Uncle,” Torrhen greeted happily.

“Good morning, Young Wolf,” Benjen greeted in return, “How is the pup this morning?” Benjen asked, motioning towards Arya.

Torrhen smiled, “She was howling like a wolf this morning and wouldn't calm down for anyone but me,” Torrhen said, grinning.

Benjen chuckled, “Does that happen often?”

Torrhen nodded, “There are times that she wails louder if Lady Catelyn is holding her. Arya is pure Stark,” Torrhen said proudly.

Benjen shook his head, “Aye, that she is, nephew. May I hold her?”

“Of course, Uncle.”

Benjen crossed the room and took Arya from Torrhen. He smiled down at the infant; Torrhen was correct; the baby was pure Stark, from her dark hair to grey eyes. She almost looked like Jon, and that must infuriate Catelyn. Benjen knew that of the two boys, Catelyn hated Jon more than she hated Torrhen because Jon was a reminder of Ned's supposed infidelity. However, her hatred for Torrhen wasn't far behind Jon's.

Benjen spent some time cooing and admiring Arya before he put her back in her crib. Once he did, Benjen looked at Torrhen, who had a severe look on his face. Benjen frowned, “Is there something bothering, Nephew?”

“Uncle Benjen, there's something that we need to talk to you about.”


Torrhen stepped closer to Benjen and whispered,  “Uncle Arthur and I.”

Benjen understood and nodded, “Come, let us go to the Godswood.”

Torrhen nodded and followed his uncle out of the Keep, and they headed towards the Godswood without anyone seeing them. When they arrived, Benjen sat down on the tree's root and waited for Torrhen to speak. Torrhen stood for a moment and looked around when he spotted Arthur; he nodded towards his Uncle, and Arthur materialized so that Benjen could see him.

After all this time of knowing about Arthur's ghost, it still startled Benjen when Arthur would materialize. Benjen watched as the ghost of the former Sword of the Morning appeared next to Torrhen; Arthur smiled at Benjen.

It's good to see you, Benjen; I'm glad you returned safely. Arthur said.

Benjen smiled, “Thank you, Arthur. I heard that there were a few problems while Ned and I were away.”

Arthur frowned; aye, Lady Catelyn tried to make things difficult for Torrhen and his grace.

It wasn't unheard of for Arthur to sometimes refer to Jon by his royal title, especially if something was wrong. This act caught Benjen's attention, “What happened, Arthur?”

She tried to usurp Torrhen's position, and when she couldn't, Catelyn wanted to take it out on Jon. However, Torrhen stopped it and frightened her. Arthur said with a chuckle as he looked at his violet-eyed nephew.

Torrhen grinned at his Uncle.

“What did you do, Torrhen?” Benjen asked.

“I only gave her a warning and may have let a little of my magic show.”

Benjen rolled his eyes, “You need to be careful with that, Nephew. She believes in the Faith of the Seven, and you know how they feel about magic.”

“No one would ever believe her, Uncle. Lady Catelyn has no friends in the North, and because of her faith, she's trusted even less.”

“Nevertheless, she could cause trouble,” Benjen warned.

“I think she's going to try, Uncle. I think she's going to try to convince Father to send me away to foster somewhere,” Torrhen speculated.

Benjen grew angry at the thought, “Your father would never allow that.”

Perhaps Ned should. Arthur said. Arthur commented.

Benjen looked between the ghost and his nephew, stunned, “Are you mad? Why should Ned send Torrhen away?”

Not for Catelyn's benefit but for Torrhen's. He needs to go to Dorne; it's time for Torrhen to become the next Sword of the Morning. Torrhen should also learn about the other half of his heritage.

Benjen rubbed his bearded chin while he thought, then slowly nodded, “Perhaps you're right, Arthur. You have been training Torrhen for four years, and he's very talented. Do you think he can be the next Sword of the Morning?”

Arthur crossed his arms; without a doubt, Benjen. He's better than me at his age.

“Very well, we'll talk to Ned, but Torrhen, you need to prove to your father that you can do this. That means you have to show your true skill with a sword. And you must tell him about Arthur and your magic.”

Torrhen's brow furrowed, making him look like more like Ned. A determined look came into Torrhen's violet eyes, and he nodded, “Alright, Uncle, I will tell Father everything.”

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