Chapter 19 The Truth Revealed

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A few minutes later, Jon arrived in Ned's solar. When he entered and noticed the severe looks of his father, uncle, and brother, Jon became nervous.

Jon swallowed audibly, “You wanted to see me, Father?”

“Aye, Jon, please sit down,” Ned told his son.

Jon sat in the chair across from his father. He watched as Ned contemplated how he would tell Jon the truth. Ned decided it would be better if he was direct with his son and told him everything.

Ned sighed and looked at Jon. He gave him a sad smile, “Jon, I once promised you that when the time was right, I would tell you who your mother was. Today is that day.”

Jon stared wide-eyed at his father with his mouth hanging open. He leaned forward, “Father, please, tell me who my mother was.”

Ned glanced at Benjen and Torrhen, who both nodded in encouragement. Ned steeled his nerves and looked at Jon.

“What I am about to tell you will be difficult for you to understand and accept, but I want you to keep in mind that everything I did was because I love you, and I wanted to keep you safe. Can you do that?”

Jon was puzzled as to why his father would tell him that; nevertheless, he agreed.

“Jon, do you remember your Uncle Benjen telling you the story of what happened at Harrenhal?”

Jon looked at Benjen before answering, “Aye, I remember; he said because of the events at that tourney Aunt Lyanna was kidnapped by Prince Rhaegar, and the rebellion began because of Rhaegar's actions.”

“That is correct, Jon, but there were details from that story that were left out. Many people do not know the full story; only a handful know the truth, including those in this room.”

“What is the full story?” Jon asked.

Ned paused; he wasn't sure he could go through with telling Jon. When Torrhen saw his father's reluctance, he took over.

“Aunt Lyanna was never kidnapped, Jon. She went with Prince Rhaegar willingly.”

Jon's eyes widened, “What?!”

“Aye, from what I understand, Aunt Lyanna kept regular correspondence with Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia. They wrote to each other for months, and in that time, Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia fell in love with Aunt Lyanna and her with them. They were so in love that Prince Rhaegar wanted to take Aunt Lyanna as a second wife.”

Jon furrowed his brow at his brother, “How do you know all this, Torrhen?”

“Prince Oberyn told me,” Torrhen informed his little brother.

“What about Princess Elia? Did she not oppose this?” Jon asked.

“No, she thought it was a splendid idea as long as her son Aegon remained crowned prince, the princess had no objections,” Torrhen explained.

“So, in the dead of night, Prince Rhaegar and his kingsguard came to Wintertown and waited for Lyanna to sneak out of Winterfell,” Benjen continued.

“How do you know that, Uncle?” Jon asked.

Benjen sighed and looked down, then looked at his nephew, “Because I helped her escape. I knew that Lyanna hated Robert Baratheon and that she would never be happy with him. Robert was a drunk and a whoremonger, and Lyanna knew he would never change his ways. Besides, Robert was in love with the idea of Lyanna and the prospects of having Ned as a good brother. Robert never bothered to get to know Lyanna; he only considered her a prize to add to his ego. I couldn't in good conscience allow such a marriage. Once Lyanna explained her love for the Royal couple and that she was leaving, I had to help her. So, I smuggled her out of Winterfell.”

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