Ch. 12 • Group Hug

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Two babies.
Two babies are coming.

Oh my gosh my lady parts are going to die. I wasn't even ready to birth one and now I'm going to have two?! This is not correct.

"Sorry can you repeat that please?" I ask the nurse. I look over at Ace and see that he has a blank expression on his face, as if he was talking to himself like I just was.

"Well ma'am it looks as if you have two fetuses growing in your womb right now, see" She points at the screen as circle two small smudge like images. "There's a baby A and right next to the little bean is baby B. Would you like a picture of the ultrasound?" she turns back to Ace and I.

"Yes" Ace manages to say

"How many would you like?"

"Four please" I say to her

"Alright let me clean you up and I will go grab those for y'all"

The nurse wipes my stomach and then leaves out the door with the ultrasound machine.

"Why do we need four?" Ace asks me

"One for you, one for me, one for your parents, and the one for Kora and Carter"

"Okay, May we are having twins, can you believe that" Ace has a smile on his face, one I have never seen in all for our years of knowing each other.

"I can't believe it" I say in all honesty, "I mean I wasn't even ready for one baby and now we're going to have two! Two Ace!"

"Hey hey hey, calm down neonato, we are in this together alright" he says holding onto my hands, "we are a team and I love you. I'm never leaving you again do you understand me May"

I look at him with teary eyes and not, I bring his hand closer to my lip and place a general kiss on it

"I love you too" I say

He gives my and a squeeze and smiles, "well now we have to tell our families you are pregnant right?"

"Yes, but I want to wait until I'm done with my first trimester, there is a lot that could go wrong in it and I want to be out of the danger zone before we tell anyone, that includes Theo"

"Alright" he says

Not too long after the nurse come back in with our photos and tells us we are able to leave. I pick Roman up from Ace's thigh and hold him on my hip

————————-Back at home————————

The car ride home was filled with Roman's chewing noises, and a comfortable silence between Ace and I.

"May" Ace says while putting Roman into bed, he has fallen asleep after eating his bag full of Cheerios. "Yes" I say while changing into sweats and one of his shirts.

"I'm leaving in a couple of weeks, you know that right?"

"Yah, you told me when I found out your brother and friends were leaving"

"Well" he said, taking a deep breath "now that you are farther my children I was hoping you would come back with me"

"What do you mean?" I knew that me carrying his heirs would cause me to be closer to him, more than we already are,

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