Ch. 16 • Garden Party

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"Theigo De Léon! Give that back to the chef right now!" What a great thing to hear your girlfriend yell in the morning.

I was planning sleeping in today since it was Saturday, but the kids had other plans, and it was at this time that I noticed Roman smiling over me and drooling on me. Great.

I slowly get up and get ready, I throw on some sweats and a a white tank top, "let's go see what your brother did to make your mama so mad huh?" I say to Roman while grabbing him.

It take us about 2-3 minutes to get into the kitchen from May's and I's rooms, I give her credit for making such a large home. On the way over Roman is bewitched by the tall, floor to ceiling windows, as well as the Italian Tuscan architecture that runs through the house. All of our rooms are on one floor, and we have extras that are on the other wing of the house, not too close, but not too far, just enough so that when the boys get older they can move from one room to another so that the youngest child or children are always closest to our room.

"Good morning angel, what's happening here?"
I had May Roman and she places him on her hip, right next to her slightly swollen bump, it's not huge, but you can tell she is gaining a bit on weight solely on the front of her stomach.

"Well Theo is being a bit naughty and is trying to steal cupcakes from the trays before the party today" she says while looking strait at the little rascal.

"Well bud, what do you have to say for yourself Huh?" I say, now diverting my attention to Theo

"Sorry papa, I won't do it again, I promise" he says looking at his feet

Papa. I look at May and she looks at me worth the same amount of surprise. It has been a couple of months since Theo asked if I was going to be his father and I said that I was not, yet. But this is the first time he has ever called me it.

"Alright hun, go get ready, the part is in a bit and I don't want you to be all dirty" May says cutting into the short 3 second silence.

Theo runs down the halls and up the stairs to his room, his body guards following him not far behind.

"How do you feel about him calling me that?" I ask May

"It's better that he did it on his own, naturally, rather then us having to tell him. Right? Unless you plan on leaving again?" She says while looking a little scared of the possibility

"No no no baby, I will never make that stupid mistake again, never. I was just surprised, but I'm happy he thinks of me as his father, because I plan on being so sooner rather than later" I say while walking up to May and hugging her, I bow down and pepper kisses on her face while saying so.

"I love you"

" I love you too, more than you will ever know"


Everything is ready, my family is here, Ace's family is here, and so are all of our friends.

The garden party started around 11:40am- it is 1:20 now, and I am be going to think that now is the right time to tell our guest the big news.

I gather up the boys, and we walk up to the front of the Party where the food is. Theo is standing in front of me while Ace stands next to me with Roman in his arms. I wore a loose white cottage core dress while the boys wore Navy blue dress shirts with white shorts. And Ace being Ace wore some black dress pants with a white, rolled up at the elbow, dress shirt.

Once everyone's eyes were on us Ace began to speak into the mike "Well, welcome everyone. Thank you for being here at our house warming party" he says with his regular boss voice, I will have to talk about him. He only uses a normal tone with the boys and I. Also with his close friends and close family. "We have also brought you all here for another specific reason, if you look around there are a very small number of you here which means that you are important to either May or I" he takes a breath and looks at me and the boys and starts up again, "as you know May and I have been together for the past 3 months, and we would like to tell you that we are expecting"

Everyone broke into a state of silence and shock for a solid 5 seconds before they started congratulating up in a yelling way. "How long!" My mom asks, "Do you know the gender!" Stella says right after

"May is 3 1/2 months pregnant, we have made it past the first trimester and we are expecting twins. And no, we do not know the gender, but we will find out in 2 weeks or so"

The rest of the day was filled with laughter and smiles and lots of question on the babies.Theo and Roman were with between my parents and Ace's most of the time, switching couples every 20 minutes or so. I could tell that his parents were beginning to get attached to the boys, and I loved it.

Around 6pm everyone began to leave, we had all had our fair share of happy tears, multiple questions, and amazing- plus horrifying- birth stories.

The woman told me what they did when in labor as well as how their parters acted. Apparently Andrea had passed out during both Ace's and Mateo's birth and Stella got the doctor to take a photo of her in labor with her husband passed out next to her- it was on their Christmas card those years.

Once everyone left, Ace and I tucked Theo & Roman into bed and got into our own.

"Are you exited to know the gender?" I asked in a soft whisper

"Very, what do you think they will bed?"

"Boys" I say while rubbing my belly

"How are you so sure?" Ace's says while looking over and smiling at me

"I don't know, mama instincts?" I say with a giggle

"Alright" he says back

"Good night Ace" I tell him as I snuggle into his chest

"Good night Mia amor" he says and kisses my head

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