Ch.37 • Men

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3 months later
"A punch does not come from your arm, it comes from your gut, so hit correctly or not at all" I say to Enzo

I'm currently walking around a ring that's in the middle of the gym, watching Enzo spar with one of my members.

It's been 2 months since Enzo and Gio have met us, and the two have been living with us ever since, May still wants to adopt them, but I really don't know how I feel about it.

May is currently 4 months pregnant, I don't want to have to have a new born AND bring in two other kids at the same time, but she obviously thinks otherwise.

Don't get me wrong, the kids are cool. Gio and Roman have gotten pretty close, after a couple of weeks the two desired that they wanted to bunk together, so we moved a bunkbed and all of Gio's stuff into Romans room so the two could share.

Enzo on the other hand doesn't really indulge much with the other boys, he mostly keeps to himself, but I catch him talking to May once we get home from training ever day.

He wakes up, goes to school, comes to training with me. Then once we get home, he goes to him room to take a shower, and then ends up in the kitchen with May, and they

Today will most likely be no different, "harder Enzo, you got the form, but hit like you mean it" I yell

The kid throws another punch to his partner's stomach and blocks a kick to his side.

"Break" I tell them, they bump fists and walk out the ring

"What time is it?" Enzo asks coming up to me

"5, time to head to the house" I say

"Cool, I can't wait to get home, I really need a shower from today" he says with a laugh


That kid just called my home, his home.

"Yah... yah, I bet your tired" I say to him, "good... good job today"

"Thanks man, I really like it here"

"Yah?" I say once we start walking to the car

"Yah, it's cool, I wouldn't mind doing it for a while"

I just nod my head and we make our way home

"Hey, you guys are home!" I yell once I hear the front door open, "how was training" I wipe my hands on my apron and make my way to them

"Did you guys have fun? Ace? Enzo?" I say, they haven't responded, so it's a bit weird, "I talked to my obgyn (pregnancy doctor), and she said we can find out the gender when ever we want an-"

All of a sudden my sentence is cut short by a cloth being pushed forcefully onto my mouth, I quickly try to kick who ever is doing this, but my attempts fail once some more hands are wrapped around my body.

"Mmmmmm" I scream, I feel dizzy, does anyone else feel dizzy? The more I try to squirm the more tired I get. Why am I feeling this way? Who is this? Am I gonna die? The stove is on!

"She's not knocking out man!" I hear, everything sounds muffled

"Hit her."


"Hit her!"

"No, boss said to keep her unharmed"

"Fine, I will!"

And after that I feel a strong hit to my left temple, and everything goes black.

Pick up, pick up, pick up! I think to myself

"Gio" I whisper yell "go follow them!"

He's frozen in his spot, so I push him, he looks at me and I wave him off, and with that he runs off.

"Hello?" I hear papa say

"Home now!" Is all I am able to say


"Mama, there were a bunch of men, and they got mama, I know I can't do anything, so I called you, they have her, they hit her papa, they hit her papa!"


"I tried to run and get her, but Roman held me back and said they would hurt me too, get home papa!"

"Where are the guards?!"

"I don't know papa, but I left Roman, the twins and Manolo is the room and Gio and I are following the guys right now"

"Don't stop following them, and don't hang up, what do the ba*terds look like!"

"They are in all black papa, I don't know"

"Have they said a name!"

"No papa"

"We are almo-"

"They are leaving papa, the are leaving!"

I start running and give the phone to Gio, "don't hang up Gio, stay on the phone" he nods and I hear papa yelling

"Gio!" He says "don't let Theigo go to them, Gio! Don't let your brother go to-"

By that I'm gone, "Hey!" I yell "why do you have my mama!" All of the men turn to me and one of them runs to me, "mama!" I yell, once I see she is not responding, I start to run at the man

"Let go of my mama!" I throw a punch, but after that everything goes down hi, the man grabs me and throws me into the ground, kicking me repeatedly, I just start screaming and try to get up, while that is going on I hear a car, the guys have started to drive away, and I know why. Papa is home, the bad men left one of their guys behind-the one that was kicking me.

Papa and Enzo run out the car, both with guns in hand "get Theo!" Papa yells to Enzo

Enzo sprints towards me and the guys who was inflicting pain starts to run the other way, once Enzo gets to me he doesn't stop he continues to fall the guy until he tackles him, shooting him in both his legs, at this point more cars follow, guards tumble out, most accompany papa, but some come to me and Enzo.

All I remember is getting carried by Enzo and being taken to the infirmary, papa came and talked to me, half mad and half worried.

"I told you not to go Theigo, why the f*ck didn't you listen!"

"They had mama, they hit her, you would've done the same"

" but I am a grown man, you were a child, I have a better chance, I know you were trying to help. But at the same time I cannot lose two people, I won't even take that chance. I know you were trying to help, but it was very stupid of you to run after them, you should've just stayed on the phone, I was close."

" but I didn't know how close you were, and that was my mama, I had to run after, I had to give it a chance papa!"

"I could have lost you Theigo! I couldn't have missed that, we will get mama back, but I need you to promise me that you will never do something like that again until you are older, and even then, think, is it worth it"

"It was, I tried papa, I really tried" I start to cry

Papa comes over to my bed and grabs me, "I know you did, and I am proud. Sleep Theo, i've got this all handled" he kisses me on the head and walks out.

Gio walks into the room and Papa looks at him "why didn't you stop him?"

"I tried, I promise, but he wouldn't stop, and just handed me the phone"

Papa nods , pats Gio's head, and walks out

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