Ch.2 •Break in

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"Thank you Lea! See you soon" I say while placing Roman on my hip and trying to guide Theo out of the booth at the same time.

"No problem May, see you soon. Bye Theo. Bye Roman." Lea, the owner of the restaurant we just finished eating at, says as we walk towards the door.

All of a sudden my brain stops working, and I pause, behind the glass door is a man in an all back suit. He walks towards the door and open's it, swiftly walking pasted my boys and I. 

Why had I just stopped? 

'You know why' my conscious tells me

I do know why. That man reminded me of my ex-boyfriend Ace.

Ace, I gave that man my heart for 2 years. 2 years! And he just threw it away for the chance to sleep with new women every night. But I am past that, I am 21, happy, successful, healthy, and thriving in general...but I can't stop thinking about him sometimes, his piercing green eyes, inked black hair and toned muscular body covered in tattoos. He is beautiful, but I have to forget him, he is in the past now.

"Mama hurry up!" Theo say while pulling my hand "I want to hang out with my friends before my game starts."

"Hold on Theo, I still need to put Roman in his seat, and you need to buckle up before I even as much as start this car"

After a couple of minutes I get Roman into his seat, Theo buckles up, and we made our way over to the soccer field. 

Once there, I lay out a blanket and sit next to all of the other parents. Thankfully none of them asked me any personal questions. It's not like I'm afraid to get weird looks thanks to my choices, but I just honestly don't want t be judged.

I am sure they thought I was Theo & Roman's babysitter anyways, but honestly I couldn't care less, I was more successful then all of their soccer parent butts combined.

'Finally' I thought, we have finally landed in Scotland- Leith, Edinburg to be exact.

Everyone on this trip knew what the plan was, get May and take her back to Italy with me. Simple.

The only thing they didn't know was that we would be taking two children with us as well.

Time skip to the car

"Where to boss?" Our driver George asks

"104 Princeton Av." I said while making sure that all the men got into the correct cars.

After a 2 hour drive we finally arrived at the gate of her nationhood.

"Good evening sir, do you have your card with you?" asked a lady on the speaker near the gate

"No, both myself and the cars behind me are visiting someone." George replies

"Alight" the lady says while typing, " What is the address you will all be visiting?"

"House 104" He said, I just wanted to get inside already.

" Alrighty then, does Ms. De León know you ware coming?"

At this point I's annoyed and roll down my own window " No" I say " but if you open these gates she will"

" I'm sorry sir but I'm afraid I can not open the gates without..."

"Listen lady'' I say cutting her off " my name is Ace Rossi, and if you don't know that name then You must live under a rock. Now, If you do not open this gate in the next 30 seconds I am going to shoot you. Do. You. Understand.''

The gate lady doesn't say anything else, but the gates opened, so I know my outburst worked.

We began to drive through the community, passing small properties while on our way to May's house, until finally we stopped, 104  the mail box read. 

Looking at the detail of the house it looked as if cottage met castle, the house was not a normal size, looked as if May was comfortable, very comfortable. 

The property and all looked good, but not as good as mine, it was maybe x7 smaller than my house itself back home.

After taking my time to looking at the house, I finally stepped out of the car. I told all the George to tell all the men in the other cars to stay inside and then move across the road while Mateo, Vincent, Silas, and I all got out of our car.

Once we made it to the door I knocked.


Again, knock.


"Ace, I don't think she is home" said Matteo

"Let's just wait here until she does get here" added Vincent

"Alright" I say, so we decide to sit down on one of the benches May has placed near the door. 

"Where do you think she is?" Asked Mateo

"She has 2 kids, so she is probably out with them."

" What?" The guys say in unison

"Yup, Theigo and Roman, Theigo is 4, and I don't know Romans age."

"How do you know this?" Asked Vincent

" Conner found May's name on a soccer registration form, it said she was the parent of a kid named Theigo, he is 4, it also showed that he has a sibling, Roman, but again, don't know his age"

"So are we going to take the kids with us too? You know, back home?" Silas asked

"Yes" I say "we are going to take all 3 of them back to Italy with us, once we are there I will adopt the two boys and make them my children as well."

The guys just give me a nod and don't say anything else.

Around 10 minutes later we hear a car pulling into the driveway. Apparently the driver does not see us because they simply park regularly as if we 4 men are not sitting on their benches. Then the driver store opens and I see the driver, May.

She gets out and heads over to the back door, opens it, and looks as if she is working on something. Within a minute she pulls a young boy out of the car who looks about 2.

Before I can think another thought, another little boy runs out from the other side of the car. I am guessing this ones name is Theigo, he is in a soccer uniform but has taken off his cleats and shin guards and replaced them with sandals.

Once May gets closer to the front of the house she sees us. 

She freezes, and looks as if she has a montage of memories playing in her head.

The the older boy, Theigo pulls on her shirt

"Mama, who are those guys?" Theo asks

But May stays quiet and looks at me, the at her son, then back at me.


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