Ch. 23 • Dr. Russi

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9 months later
Theo is 5; Roman is 3; Nico & Oliver are 1


Oh goodness it has been a stressful year! Ace went back to work full time, Theo started first grade IN SCHOOL, Roman learned quite a bit of Italian and is now speaking half English and half Italian. The twins turned 1 and have showed that they are gonna be a replica of their father, not just physically- like their hair, eyes, and smirk- like what 1 year olds smirk?! But also mentally, that are pretty aggressive babies when I'm not around is what they maids and family members tells me when they watch them. And lastly me, I started working again this year!

I work at Marian Hospital in the small village about 1/2 an hour from the house, Ace told me he wanted me to work for him at his hospital for all of his members, but I felt like since I left my life and got into his, nothing has truly been mine, and working at a hopeful that's not his was my way of holding onto something myself.

Obviously I didn't tell him, because then it would cause a whole scene and I didn't want that, because Ace had provided for us all well and I was extremely happy in the relationship, but sometimes you just want something for yourself.

Anyways, here I am, on my way to check on a new patient of mine who Apparently he's having trouble with their balance, having multiple headaches, and having lots of nausea. I think it is a tumor, because as it expands in the brain it causes a lot of pressure on surrounding tissue. My patient is an 14 year old girl, typically she would go to a pediatric surgeon, but because of my prediction, she was sent to me.

"Hello Miss. Lorri" I say to the girl when I walk into the room, she was a bit taller then me- a bit embarrassing, but I was use to everyone being taller then 5'0 once they were passed 11-, she has blond hair, bright hazel eyes and light skin.

"Hello" she said, I then turned to the parents "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Martin, what brings us in today?" I already know, but it's good to at least ask in case anything has changed. "Well, if you can't tell already we are not from here" Mrs. Martin says with a small laugh, " We are here for a wedding, my brothers, Lorri has been having massive headaches for the past month and she has been throwing up for the past couple of days, constantly, and she has always been a clumsy girl, but recently she has been fine over losing her balance for no reason. Since we are not going home for another week we thought that it would be best to just check what is wrong with her right now and possibly get it fixed when we get back home"

"Okay" I say while writing everything down, "And Lorri, how are you doing in school hun?"

"Um, I-I guess I'm doing okay, I have 3 A's and 3 B's in school"

"And how easy is it to focus in class? Do you get headaches when you're thinking about problems or when you are just simply sitting down?"

"I get them all the time, but they do increase during school"

"Alright, Mrs. and Mr. Martin, I would like to perform a head CT on Lorri"

"Why" the father says, speaking for the first time

"Can I speak with you guys outside please" I say to the parents

"No no no, I want to know what is happening" Lorri says

I look around the parents to see if it's all right, and they just give a slight nod

"Well Lorri, from what you're telling me I think that you have a tumor in your brain, you are getting nauseous and headaches constantly, and from what your mother tells me you're clumsiness is getting more severe. When someone has a tumor in their brain it causes a lot of pressure on the tissue around it, making it more difficult to pay attention. Which is what you were saying is happening school."

"What" she says in a hushed tone, "I can't have a tumor! I'm healthy, and I have school and sports, and friends, why do I have it? I don't even smoke?"

"Even so it's true that smoking can cause tumors, not only those people get it, sometimes it's genetic, i do not have your family history, only your doctors back home have that, but I think it might be that. Have you guys had any experience with tumors possibly yourselves or early family members?" I ask her parents

"No" they both say

"Well then, might just be you sweetie. Don't worry though the sooner we get this out the sooner you'll be better, I do need to perform a head CT to see how severe it is but in all honesty I would much rather get out here and wait for you guys to go home. No matter how intense the tumor is it can still go rapidly and I truly do not wanna take that risk"

"How much will it be?" Mr. Martin asks? "And how long will it take for the surgery and recovery"

"Well, The cost depends on what type of tumor it is and how intensive it will be to take out. Recovery will depend on how much time the surgery took, and the surgery itself will depend on what type of tumor it is"

"When can we get the head CT? The wedding is tomorrow and we don't want to miss it, but we also want Lorri to get better." The mom says

"Well ma'am, I can write you up a slip that can get you a head CT today, that will then be delivered to me about half an hour after and I can see what type of tumor we are dealing with. If it is not terrible then we can wait until after the wedding to perform the surgery, but if it is intense then will have to perform it today or tomorrow"

"That's reasonable" Lorri says after a while of silence, " what will it do to me? Will I be okay?"

"I was taught to never make promises Lorri, I'm sorry. But I can tell you this, I will do everything in my power to keep you as normal as you are at the moment."

"Thank you doc" Mrs. Martin says

"No problem, here is you are slip, please take it to the front desk to the receptionist on this floor, not on the main floor, and she should schedule an appointment right away, at most you should be waiting an hour" I say handing the mother a slip " then you will be checked and I will get the photos from the head CT about 15-30 minutes later. It will take me at most half an hour to see what is wrong and to assess the tumor. After that I will call you guys and we will meet again to talk about it. Sound good" I say while getting up

"Yes ma'am, thank you" the mom says

"How old are you?" the father asks

" Jared, why would you ask that?" His wife says while slapping his arm ' slyly'

"That's OK, I can ask that all the time. I'm 23, but I promise you that I have had all the experience that everyone else in this hospital has, possibly even more. If you would like to switch doctors about this then we can, but I'm telling you right away that you will be getting someone less experience than me"

"And why is that?"

"I am the highest paid doctor not just here, but around the world. I am the one you want"

"Thank you Dr..." the mother pauses to look at my name tag "Rossi, thank you very much"

"No problem Mrs. Martin, I will see you all later today"

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