Ch.20 • Nico and Ollie

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"Is she gonna be alright papa?" I hear in a hushed version of Theo's voice

"Yes figlio [son], she is just tired, she brought your brothers into the world last night and that was a lot of work" Ace says at the same level of quietness

"Nico, Ollie" I hear in a loud blabbering tone, definitely Roman.

"Yes piccolo uomo [little man], those babies names are Nico and Ollie, but let's keep our voices down, okay, your mama is sleeping"

I begin to open my eyes and see Ace and the boys sitting around two small cribs, which hold Nicholas and Oliver.

I lift my hand to rub Ace's back and he turns around to face me "Good morning angolo [angle], how did you sleep?"

"Well besides waking up ever 1-2 hours to feed the babies, i slept alright"

"Good, go-"

"Mama!" Theo and Roman say at the same time and run over to me

"Watch it kids, don't hurt your mama" Ace tells them right before they jump onto me

"How are you my loves?" I say to the two older babies while hugging them.

"Good, Roman went to sleep, but I stayed awake for a while because I wanted to know what happened to you, papa, and the babies"

"Well we are all good, your brothers are good, and so am I"

All of a sudden I hear one of the babies cry, I look over and see that it is Oliver, he was put in the right crib , while Nicholas was put into the left.

"What's wrong baby? Are you alright? Come to mama. Ace can you give me Oliver?"

"Ya-" Nicholas started crying along side Oliver, probably because it scared him and woke him up.

"Awww, my other baby. Can you bring me both of them Ace"

"Yes amore mio [ my love ]" he picked up the two babies while Theo and Roman covered their ears

"Why are they so loud mama?" Theo asks

"Why they cry?" Roman follows up

"They are crying loudly because they are babies and they don't know better" I say

Ace hands me both babies and I begin to lift up my shirt. "Cover your eyes" I say to the boys, Theo and Roman turn around while Ace just looks at me. "I said cover your eyes"

"Nothing I haven't seen before baby, e poi, nutri i nostri filgli, la mia bella ragazza, sono felice. Te amo fiore. [ Plus, you are feeding our sons, my beautiful girlfriend, I am so happy. I love you flower. ]

I lean over to him and give him a kiss on the lips, I undo my bra and give each baby and nipple, they - thankfully- latch in quickly and begin to suck.

"Can we look now?" Theo asks

"Yes you can" I tell them

They turn around and look at me with a weird look in their eyes, "what are they doing mama?" Theo asks

"Feeding, they are drinking milk" Ace says

"But when mama would feed Roman she would give him a bottle, why are Nico and Ollie stuck to mama's chest?"

"Remember how I got you and Roman when you were older? Roman supposed to drink from a bottle at his age, plus, my body didn't produce milk at the time, so I could feed Roman like I am feeding Nicholas and Oliver"

"Oh, okay"

The rest of the morning went by nicely, it was just the 6 of us, and we spent it watching tv and eating. The doctor came in and checked on both the babies and I from time to time, and around 1 pm everyone came to see the babies.

"Oh my goodness. Are these my noni [grand children]" Stella says walking up to Ace and I, Oliver was in my arms while Nicholas was in Ace's.

"Merda, adesso sono veramente un nonno di 4 [shit, I am now a grandfather of 4]" Andrea says walking right behind his wife.

Right behind them are  Mateo, Silas, and Vincent.

The three come up to us with wide eyes, "how are you feeling May?" Mateo asks

"Good, it was stressful, but hey, I got 2 cute beans out of it" I say with a little laugh

"We are so happy for you too" Vincent says

"Congrats man, your a dad" Silas claps Ace on the back

"Thanks Si, but I already became one when I met Theo and Ace"

I look up at him and tears begin to form in my eyes, maybe it's just post-birth hormones, but I wanted to kiss him really really hard right now.

"That's true" and then turns to me "and congrats May, you are now a mother of twins" Silas says to me

"Can we see them? Please" Stella says, while basically jumping up and down, Andrea had to hold her down by the hand or else she would have exploded.

As if on cue, my side of the family ran into the room, "wait, wait, we are here" my mom- Kora- says

"Calm down mom, we are here now" Nigel tells her "hey sissy, how are you feeling"

"Better now that you are all here Nigel, hello Katherine, mom, dad" I give them a head nod and they all come close to Ace's family.

"Now can we see them please!" Stella says agin

"Yes" Ace says with a small laugh, along with everyone else in the room.

We place the babies onto an elephant mat on my bed so that the two babies can be seen, "Say hello to Nicholas and Oliver Rossi, babies, say hello to your family"

We place the babies onto an elephant mat on my bed so that the two babies can be seen, "Say hello to Nicholas and Oliver Rossi, babies, say hello to your family"

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Everyone looked at them with wide eyes, nobody spoke, they just marveled over the new members of our family

"Oh my goodness" whispers Carder, "you brought brought these two tiny humans into this world May. I am so proud of you" he says while teardrop escape from his eyes, he hugs Kora and they both have the same expression on their faces, joy.

I look over at Nigel and Katherine, but they don't notice, they just keep looking at my babies, "Oliver and Nicholas Rossi. Welcome." Katherine says, she then looks up at me and smiles, Nigel looks up as well and shoots me a thumbs up with tears eyes, I give a small chuckle, because when younger we would only give thumbs up when one of us did something that the other is extremely proud of, and that did not happen often.

"So handsome" Mateo says "They will be pulling heart stings when they are older."

"They pulling them now" I say

Ace came over to me and placed a kiss on my head, "I love you Ace, and I can not wait to see what adventures life brings us" I say

"Why not start now?" I look at him confused until he drops down into one knee. Holy sh*t.

Everyone in the room is Silent.

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