Ch. 38 • Ropes

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Where am I? Why can't I move?



I was f*cking kidnapped!

I slowly open my eyes, expecting to see a blank cement wall or a dingy dungeon cell, but instead I open then and see that I am in a nice room.

A really nice room, but my hands are tied to the headboard and my feet are together, right before I can do anymore looking, someone enters the room.

"Ahh, May, your finally up" I hear a man say, I don't recognize him

He has jet black hair and is covered in tattoos, kind of like Ace.

Ace. My husband.

My kids. They were all in the house when this happened!

"Kids!" I scream "my kids!"trying to get out of the rope

"Now now lovey, no need to yell, we don't have any kids here" the man says "they are too messy" he is now at the end of the bed, standing with his hands behind his back, judging me

"Who are you? why am I here? Wh-"

Suddenly the bedroom door opened again and another man walks in, "Hush now darling, we don't want to waist all of our questions on a man who doesn't know the answers" I hear from the new man

He calmly strides over to the end of the bed along with the first man, "let us introduce ourselves, my name is Gabriel and this is my right hand man Thomas" the new guy says, he is the total opposite of the first man, Thomas.

Gabriel has blond, almost white hair, and blue eyes. Yet it does not washout his complexion at all.

"Why am I here" is all I say

" well May, can I call you May?" Gabriel says jokingly, I just stare, "your dear husband is not the nicest person, and that caused some issues for me. You see, I like money, lots of it, and the best way to get money is to get your hands dirty. I did, or use to, do that by selling lots and lots of...goodies... to people" he says while taking out a container of pills from his pocket and shaking them "but Mr.Russi has begun to do the same thing, and I don't like that"

"So you thought kidnapping his wife would be a good idea?"

"No, we thought kidnapping his wife AND using her as a threat would be a good idea." Thomas says, finally speaking up

"My kids" I say, wanting to focus on my main fright "where are they"

"As Thomas said before, we don't have them, one of my men did hurt one though" Gabriel says

My breathing stops, waiting to hear what he says next

"But unfortunately, another kid got to him before my boys could finish the job"

"What do you mean?"

"A teenager, he tackled a man from my team before he could really hurt your kid. We saw he was doomed so we left him behind and left with you "

Enzo. Enzo saved Theo.

"That means that my husband was home when you took me" I state "and they have one of your men, more importantly a man who hurt his kid. What do you plan to do now?" I ask

"Knowing Ace, he will kill the man, rage will get to him and he is gonna end the mans life before he even gets talking. Plus, the child isn't even his, no blood, no importance."

"See that's where you are wrong. Theigo is his child, not physically , but by mentally. It does not take blood to creat a family, it takes time. Time in being there for a kid, actually loving them, being there overpowers blood. So I'm only gonna say this once, one of your men is in the hands of my husband. The man who beat his kid and who is part of the team that took his wife. You are f*cked." I say looking dead into Gabriel's eyes.

With that the two look at each other and walk out, leaving me once again in a dark room, tied to the bed. Having only to think of what is happening back home, and not knowing. And that is the greatest pain, the unknown.

Back home

It's been a 2 months since the kidnapping, 2 f*cking month!

The kids and I are not taking it well. Theigo, Gio, Roman, and the twins ask for their mama everyday and try to help me out. I just give them meaningless jobs so they feel useful.

Manolo has been getting taken care of by both my and Mays mother and his nannies, he hates the nannies, and tolerates his grandmothers.

Enzo on the other hand is becoming very useful. He goes to school from 8-3 on weekdays and front where is comes to help me. On weekends he goes to the gym for long hours to let out steam and then comes to my office again to help me around dusk.

By this time a lot of people know that May is in trouble, her family is staying in our guest house and request to be updated on the search every day during dinner.

Every night I stay in a guest room, I can barley even go into May and I'd room without wanting to breakdown, so I have had all of my stuff moved out for the time being. Before I fall asleep, I think of 2 things.

One- I'm going to kill the b*stards that did this

And two- May. She was 4 months pregnant when she was taken, meaning that she is 6 months pregnant now. By this time we would be buying clothes, creating the babies room, choosing a name, and know the gender, but because of my enemies, I don't get that. And I will make them pay for it.

"Ace" I hear someone say. Enzo.

I look up from my paperwork and give him a questioning look.

"The kids want to be with you, they went to look in your room but you weren't there, so they came to mine and asked for you."

"Are they here right now"

"Yah" Enzo moves to the side and 5 kids appear

"We can't sleep papa" Nico says

"Can we sleep it's you?" Gio asks

I look at all of them and see that they all have the same look in her eyes, loss of hope

I nod my head a get up from my chair, eventually we all make it to the room that I was sleeping in, right as Enzo is about to leave I tell him that if he wants he can sleep in the room with all of us as well, he does.

After a while, everyone is asleep, for some reasons I can't though, and that, for once is a good thing. Because right in the middle of my thinking m, the phone rings, the kids don't seems to be bothered.

I pick it up and look at the name, Mateo is calling.

"Hello?" I say in a tired voice

"Ace" he says breathlessly, "we found her"

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