Ch.6 • Party time

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The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. Theo and Roman took a liking to the new men in the house, and for some odd reason they became very protective of my children when we went to the park.

Let me catch you up a bit,

I decided that it was a good day to take the boys out to the park today, and when Vincent heard he said he wanted to come, ten minutes later I was informed that were all going.

Then when we arrived to a near by park, I decided it was time to relax

So I was sat in the grass holding Roman in my arms. Theo was playing tag with Mateo, Vincent, and Silas a couple yards away.

"So" I heard from behind me, In all honesty Ace's voice was deadly, it held a form of power and dominance that would make anyone and anything stop and listen, "how did you end up like this gattina? 2 kids, a new job, Scotland? And why did you stay so hidden huh?"

"I don't owe you any explanation for my decisions Ace, you dumped me remember. You have no say in what I do now, its my life, I chose what to do with it now. All on my own."

"It may seem that way mio amore, but everyone knows you are mine and that you will always be mine. Forever and always. If another male so much as glances your way he will turn into a dead man walking."

"No Ace" I say turning to him, "we are not together anymore, you can't be so dominate over me."

"You never complained about it before" Ace said while smirking

"Well now I am" I huff

"Could you just answer the questions May?"

"I moved to Scotland because my brother and sister-in-law are here, so are Kora and Carter."

[We will get to Kora and Carter in this chapter, just wait]

"And the job"

"I was a surgeon before I met you, remember?"

"And the boys?"

"Honestly, I don't know how that happened. I didn't plan on having kids so early in life, heck! I'm only 21, but when I met these kids we just clicked."

"How old are they?" Ace asked sitting down next to me

"Theo turned four last month and Roman just turned one and a half a week ago"

"And how do you feel about more kids principessa?"

"I do want more kids, that does not necessarily mean with you though" 

I mentally high-fived myself for my comeback.

"Trust me, you will have more with me. I was hoping a total of 8. You already have Theo and Roman , so that just leaves 6 more"

"Are you crazy, 8 children! Ace Rossi we are not even together and you want me to have 6 more children with you?" He still wore a blank face while I mine showed obvious sign of confusion and stress, "what even goes through your head!"

"Our future bellissima [beautiful]" He said with a strait face.

And with that he got up and walked towards the other boys, leaving me in my thoughts


It was 6pm, May and I were getting ready to go out.

I had convinced her to let Silas, Mateo, and Vincent watch the boys instead of having her neighbors watch them.

As terrible as it may sound, I need May back, and when I heard she had two boys, an idea started brewing

Those boys are about two years apart, so now would be a great time to get May pregnant.

It might seem like a bit much, but I know that if May gets pregnant she would have to move back to Italy with me.

Obviously I would still have to earn her love and trust back on its own, but I am making progress, I know it.

When I asked her about having more kids with me she acted all tough, but her eyes, they told the truth. They sparkled with hope and interest.

If I got her pregnant now, then in 9 months, Theo would still be 4, Roman would be 2, and we would have a newborn. 

See, all of them would be 2 years apart, and we would wait 2 years to have the next and so on and so forth.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was time to go, I called May. Nothing.

Again, nothing.

At this point I decided to just go up into her room and see what was taking her so long.

When I walk though the door I see May standing in front of her vanity trying to put a necklace on, she was wearing a short black dress paired with some black 5 inch heals. Her makeup was simple and hair straitened.

"Are you just gonna stand and stare or are you going to help me with this necklace?" May said snapping me out of my trance.

I walk over to her and she hands me the necklace she was trying to put on, it was a simple gold chain with a diamond butterfly hanging on it. It looked familiar.

"Kora gave it to me" she says as if reading my thoughts.

Kora was Nigel and May's neighbor when they were younger and played a mother figure to them while growing up. She would watch over May nd her brother while her parents were away.

Rather then taking care of their own children, Nigel and May's biological parents would go and act as if they were not parents at all. Leaving their kids home alone for months at a time.

As time went on the Kora, May, and Nigel hung out daily, and when Nigel went to go to collage, Kora watched over May.

From what I know Kora got married to a man named Carter, but the two were never able to have children, so her and her husband always saw May and Nigel as their own. Even though they were only fifteen years older then Nigel they still saw themselves as their gardenias, and May and Nigel saw the two as their parents.

They helped put the two kids through collage and were present on Nigel's wedding day and the birth of his children. As well as at all of Mays graduations.

The only reason Nigel, and later May, moved away from home was because their birth parents, were causing trouble with Kora and Carter. So they all decided to move to Scotland, but May got a job offer in Italy so she decided to be on her own for a bit before returning back to who she calls home.

I swiftly clipped the necklace into place.

"Thank you, we should get going? I want to leave before the guilt of leaving my kids for he first time kicks in" May says with a small laugh

"Lets go then" I say holing my hand out to her, thankfully she grabs on, we clasped hands and went down the stairs. 

Theo and Roman said goodbye to their mom while I just gave my brother and best friends a nod.

They had no idea of my plan, if they did then they would have given me a talk about how irresponsible my idea was, and I would not want to deal with that.

And with that we walked out the door to my car that was waiting.

Sorry for the wait you guys, I have been a little stressed over the holidays.

So what do you guys think of Ace's plan?

Do you want to meet May's family? Or how about Ace's?

Tell me what you think and don't forget to vote!!!

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