Ch. 30 • I love you

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It's my fault.

It's all my fault.

If I hadn't gone to mama and papas room to sleep with them, then nothing would have happened.

I had just been a big boy like Theo, then I wound have needed mama so much.

If I was a big boy like papa and my brother , then I wouldn't have cried so much.

It's all my fault that mamas in the big white building. The one that smells like a cleaning supply- bleach I think.

May was rushed to the mafia hospital within 7 minutes, they should have been faster.

I am sitting in the waiting room, Theo and Roman are in one chair together and the twins are with my mom in a spare room.

I get up and take the two boys to the room with their brothers so they can sleep more comfortably, Theo was told what happened, not the whole story-about who the woman was-but he knows that Roman was taken, and that May saved him.

Theo hugged Roman asking if he was okay, and Roman just cried, saying " my fault" over and over again, while Theo just held him.

For a pair of 5 and 3 year olds, they have matured a lot, and that's not good.

When a child is told 'you are mature for your age' that is not a compliment to them, it really means- the hidden meaning is, what the kid hears is- 'you were pushed to grow up quickly, good job' and that is the worst congratulations.

I pick up the 2 boys and bring them over to a clean bed next to my mom and the twins, my father is taking care of the house, making sure everything is clean and talking to the guards who were on call a couple of  hours ago.

Silas and Vincent took Victoria to the cells and left some guards to watch her, nobody can hurt her, she is mine to torture.

Mateo, he is here with me, and I thank god for that. He calms me down when the nurses come back with no information about the surgery, and keeps me from running into the operation room and yell at everyone to do better.

I lay the two boys down onto the bed, Theo is passed out, while Roman, is still awake.

"Roman, aren't  you tired? Go to sleep" I say

"No" he whispers

"Why not?"

"Is mama gonna die because of me?" Tears are threatening to fall from his eyes and his voice breaks with the question

"No Roman, mama has good doctors taking care of her, she won't die" I'm lying, I don't know, and that's the worst part, not knowing.

"I can't sleep papa, I can't."

"Alright" I pick him back up and go sit down again in the hallway chair, Roman on my lap, I take off my hoodie and put him in it so he's warm, and with that, we both sit. Quietly. Waiting for someone to tell us something, anything. And during that time, we drift off to sleep.

*some time later*

"Sir" I feel someone touch me, "sir" they say again "Si-" I open my eyes instantly, "if you touch me shins, that hand is gone" I threaten

The girl quickly steps back and I see it's one of the nurses from Mays team, "sorry to disturb your sleep sir, but Mrs.Russi has just gotten out of surgery and the doctor would like to speak with you. I can tell him no, so that you can sleep longer if you would like."

"No no, I'm up, just let me take my kid to bed" she nods her head and moves to the counter in order to wait for me. I secure Roman in my arms and slowly get up, "papa" I hear, sh*t.

"Go back to sleep Roman" I tell him

"Papa, why are we moving?" He asks, still half asleep

"I need to take to the doctor, I'm gonna put you into bed with Theo"

"Is mama okay?"

"I will find out when I talk to the doctor, but you need to go to bed."

"Will you wake me up when you have finished taking to him?"

"Yes" I look over at the clock and see that it's 12:28 am, Roman should fall asleep before I'm done talking, and so I'll wake him and his brother up in the morning, but it doesn't hurt to tell the kid a white lie.

"Okay, I love you papa" and with that he goes to sleep

I love you. That's the first 'I love you' I have gotten from this kid. Theo has said it, hell, even the twins try and say it. But Roman has never said it to me.

"I love you too Roman" I kiss his head, and with that I leave to talk to the doctor.

I walk out the door and go find the nurse, she is writing, "lead the way" I tell her, "of corse sir".

We begin to walk for about a minute until we reach an elevator, we walk in and she press' for flood 3

After a silent ride we reach the floor and I see May's main doctor, "Mr.Russi, good to see you" I says

"I wish I could say the same, but under these circumstances I wish we didn't have to meet"

"Totally understandable sir, if you don't mind coming into this room so we can talk"

We both go into the room and I see an unconscious May laying on the bed.

"So, let's get right to it shall we"

I nod and he begins

"Well, the knife pierced right through the right side of Mays back. Thankfully it did not hit any vital organs since it was a weak hit, but it still hit a pressure point, causing her to pass out."

I nod for him to continue

"The surgery was a success, and I said before it was a week hit so there was nothing extravagant that we had to do, but her body still needs rest. I give her 7 hours before she wakes up, it is 12:35 right now, so she should wake up when everyone else does, as it she was waking up for a normal day. I would suggest that only main family, such as yourself and your children, come and see her for the first half of the day in order to lower stress, but after that, she should be good enough to hangout with."

"And when will she be discharged?"

"2 days, more if we see fit"

"Can we set up a medical room at home so that she can be in a place more comfortable?"

"If she were to stay longer I would say yes, but since it's so short, we think it's best that she stay here"

"Alright" and with that I turn to see my wife, she looks a bit pale, but besides that and the tubes connected to her, she looks good. "I will sleep here tonight, have someone bring me a blanket and pillow"

"Of course sir"

"And Dr. Mellow"

"Yes sir?"

"Tell your team I say thank you, thank you for saving my wife"

"Of course sir" and with that he walks out and I lay next to my wife.

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