Ch. 18 • Gummies

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5 months pregnant

Uhhhhh! I have to go pee again! For the 3d time in the past 15 minutes, these boys are gonna be the death of me!

As you already know I am 5 months pregnant, and I feel like Ace is more pregnant than I am. He has not only gotten some of my symptoms, but also has gotten WAY more protective! I'm not even around to step foot outside without him asking a million questions.

As for Theo and Roman, they have changed completely!

Roman turned 2 last week and that was the moment that he changed into a different baby. He is now the exact replica of Ace- not looks wise obviously- but attitude wise. He has a bit of a short temper and now has the same death stare that my 'lovely', 'social', and 'friendly' boyfriend has. Thanks a lot Ace.

Theo on the other hand has had a much more, how do I say this in a nice way, drastic attitude swap. He, very much like his brother, has taken a liking to Ace's ways and now goes with him to work when ever he can, that's not the part I am mad about, I love that they are handing out. The part I am starting to not like is that Theo is catching onto the mafia behavior of Ace's work place.

Now I have 3 boys, all active like they are 27 and 2 at the same time!

And the cherry on top are the two devil beans in my belly. If I thought my children are like their soon to be father, then I am a bit worried on how the spawns of Ace actually are. God be with us all.

Being 5 months pregnant comes with many changes for both my body and mind. For starters I am now switching to small maternity clothes, my regular pants and shirts no longer fit me, another thing that has changed is how I view myself.

I'm not going to lie, everyone has their insecurities, mine has always been my height and the fact that I do not look exactly as a woman of my age should, meaning I'm short- 5'0, I don't have a 'big chest', and I have not outgrown my chubby cheeks. And with the addition of my pregnancy I have thought of myself as unattractive, Ace always tells me I look good and that I should not worry because he will never leave me, but what he does not realize, and what I do not tell him is that I am not afraid of what he thinks. Yet more of what others may think, I see some other woman looking flawless during their pregnancy(s), but when I look at myself I still feel inferior and less of a woman because I do not handle it the way they do.

And that's were Stella and my mom Kora come in. They have been around for my pregnancy every step of the way and help me when I am in a slump, I love them for it.
6 months pregnant

3 more months, 3 more moths and I will be able to hold 2 little lives in my arms and watch May and I become the family I am fighting for.

Of corse May has Theo and Roman, but they are not my children yet, and I until we marry, they are not mine, I can think of them as it, but they do not legally hold my last name.

But the two children in May's stomach, the two beans, those are mine, my flesh and blood.

We have decided on names, but do not want to revile them to our family before they are born.

When we found out the gender of the twins May and I were extremely exited, of course, both my mom and Kora were the only ones who were right about the gender. Surprisingly everyone thought that May and I were going to have one of each, while her brother and sister-in-law thought that we were gonna have twin girls.

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