Ch. 17 • Gender(s)

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Breakfast is always a good way to test my patience with my boys. All of them.

Subject A- Ace; he can be either one of two ways during breakfast time. He can A, be good and eat while helping me do stuff in the kitchen, by that I mean scramble the eggs. Or B, he can be a total jerk and simple come down, eat, kiss me and then leave for work.

Subjects B- Theigo and Roman; these boys can either pi*s me off really early in the morning, or wait until lunch time (no matter what they will always do it at some point of the day). A, the two can be nice to each other, not start a food fight, and eat without complaining. Or B, they will throw food everywhere, fight a bit, and lastly cry - normally Roman.

And lastly Subjects C- the twins; now the fact that they are in my belly gives them an unfair advantage because I can not punish them for the trouble they cause me. The two beans can either A, not make me pee every 5 minutes and help me with my emotions. Or B, use mr blather as a bounce house, make me cry, and force me to eat everything in sight.

Anyways, today all of the boys were doing great, and the beans were sleeping peacefully.

Today was another exiting day because I was effectively 4 1/2 months pregnant! Ace and I were finally able to know the gender of our babies, we had decided on not having a gender reveal- for ourselves- but rather for our family.

Ace and the boys would join us to our doctors appointment in which we would discover the gender, and when we get home we will hold a competition for those who want to guess the babies' gender.

At the doctors

"Calm down Roman, your mommy's tired, let her be" Ace says to the kids "you too Theo, I'm not a jungle gym, if you fall, it's your fault"

I am sitting in the patient chair, ready to be evaluated. While Ace, Theo, and Roman, are all sharing a guest chair. And from the looks of it they have lots of energy today, which leads us to the two boys climbing all over the two of us.

All of a sudden the door opens reveling a new doctor that I do not know, "Good morning Mr. Rossi, how are you today?" she says completely ignoring me.

Ummmm?! Ma'am, I'm the one pregnant, why are you not asking me anything?

"Who the fuck are you?" He snaps at her. Yah baby, you tell her off!

"Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier, my name is Dr.Core, Dr. Dwells has had an emergency delivery with another patient at the moment so I will be covering some of her patient's today"

Does she even see me? Or is she just a bi*ch? Because I'm the one with a swollen belly and in the patients chair. Or does she just thinks it's okay to disrespect me?

"How has the pregnancy been going miss?" She says finally looking at me.

"I'm getting a bit of morning sickness, and am eating everything in sight"

"Are you taking your pills?"

"Yes, two a day, one in the morning and one at night"

"Good good, and intercourse?"

"Excuse me?"

"Are the two of you having any?" She says

"I don't know how this is nessi-"

"Yes" Ace says to her

She looks at me with with disgust and him with lust "really?" She says in a confused manner, "I thought you might not want to touch a cow?"

I was shocked, first off I am not a cow, I have grown a bit since I got pregnant, BUT THATS NORMAL. And secondly, who are you to judge? Walking in here with her plastic barbie lookin' a*s, and being rude to me.

Ace instantly shoots up to say something but she beats him too it

"I mean, you could always get a temporary lover? Maybe one who is in this room?" She says while twisting her hair "I mean, your little toy wouldn't mind now would you sweetie?"

"You listen, and you listen good" Ace says, he is now right in front of her with a gun held to her temple, " May is not a toy, and you would certainly never be able to replace her- nobody would. Now you are gonna walk out of this room, and get me another doctor" he yells at her

The woman instantly scurries away and closes the door. I look over at Theo and Roman, they are both hugging each other, Ace's yelling must have scared them, I open my arms and the instantly run into them. Ace looks over at me and I bring him into the hug too.

"Why did you yell papa?" Theo says

"The lady was being very rude, and she had to be told off, but that does not mean that you can do it, only when you are my age will you understand when and how to do it, am I clear?"

"Yes" he says

"Girls?" Roman asks pointing to my belly

"Nooo Roman, they will be boys, we already went over this" Theo says to his brother

"Boys, we don't know yet, we have to wait for another doctor, alright"


A couple of minutes later another doctor walks in, this time she is very quiet and respectful, she doesn't even look at anyone besides me. Dr. Bi*chy must have told her side of the story.

"Would you like to know the genders ma'am?" She says quickly and quietly

"Yes yes yes!" Roman and Theo say- or should I say scream

"It looks like you are having two boys, congratulations Sir and Ma'am"

Ace leans over and gives me a big kiss in my lips and then rests his head on my forehead, "boys mi amore , we are having twin boys"

"I know" I say with some happy tears trickling out of my eyes, "they will just as handsome as their daddy"

"I'm gonna leave you all, I will leave the ultrasound photos at front desk and feel free to leave whenever you are ready, congratulations again" the doctor says.

Theo and Roman Jump into my lap and start talking to my belly, "we are gonna have a great time dudes, we will be a great army" Theo says to them, "yah yah" Roman adds

Boys. I'm having twin boys!

"Are you ready to tell our family's?" Ace asks?

"Yup, I am"

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