Ch. 15 • Dinner

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For the duration of May's pregnancy we will be jumping through months quicker then it might be done in other stories❤️

I am currently 2 months pregnant and it is killing me! I'm not able to tell my mom or dad, I can't tell Ace's parents, I can't tell my own children!

When we decided to leave for Italy it was... how do I put this... an eventful night.

I called my parents and told them what my plan was and they were quiet, they said to call them every day and that they would try and visit regularly. My brother on the other hand was not pleased, he got mad and told me not to do it but eventually he was sort of on board. And by that I mean he was not screaming at me when I talked to him.

Anyways, here I am, sitting in the mafia house with 2 boys running around the sun room, and 15 men outside my door with guns. What a nice way to start a Tuesday.

It was 10:43am and Ace was gone at work, and the Theo was on a break in school, I wanted to keep him homeschooled until he was fluent in Italian and would have no trouble speaking and asking questions. Roman and I were eating our second breakfast when Theo ran in telling us he got 15 minutes of free time and he wanted to hangout with him "mama and brother" in other words he wanted our food.

"How is school going Theo?"

"Meh, I am getting better at speaking though, can I go to school now?"

"No buddy, you might be getting better but we have only been here a month, and you still have a lot to learn"

"I guess" he says in a low tone

The day went by quickly, the boys and I have settled in nicely, and Ace did everything in his power to make up feel at home.

Marcelo, Silas, and Vincent were thrilled to see the boys and I again, we told them that we had decided to move back to Italy and that Ace and I were together.

They told me that getting me back to Italy was the original plan and the fact that I did come back earned Silas $50 from Vincent.

I got to see Ace's parents when we came back, his mom, Stella, was so happy to see me that she forgot about he son coming home and tackled me to the floor. Andrea, Ace's father, was the first one from his family to notice my kids.

Both were exited to meet them and of course Theo and Roman wanted to hang out with them due to the fact that the two had a cool car.

Once we arrived to Ace's house he told me that we were to move immediately after a new house was built. When I asked why he said that the house he lived in was a mafia house, it was home to over 500 of his men and he wanted to live with Theo, Roman, the babies, and I only. He made sure to add that there might be more kids in the future so he wanted to have a home for his family in general.

So to keep me busy, Ace let me design a house for us. His only inputs were that the home had to have 15 rooms, 4 living rooms, a gym, 2 pools, and an office. Seems like a lot but the fact that I don't have a time limit helps, but in a way I do ,because since the day I was given the 'assignment' he has been asking home much longer before it's done so he can give it to the contractor so the home can be built.

"Mia amor, I'm home" I hear Ace say as he enters our room.

I have noticed that he never says that when he enters the house's door, only when he enters our room or a room that I am in at the moment does he say his little phrase.

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