Ch. 5 • Orange Juice

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I wake up to the sound of small feet hitting the floor

"What the h*ll is that noise?" says Vincent in a morning croak

"Small feet" I say to him

I could get used to this, waking up to the noises of my kids , while May sleeps next to me instead of Mateo.

I still think back to when we were dating, May would wake up an hour before me and make breakfast every day before we went to work.

We worked together back when we were dating.

Not in the same unit, obviously. I was the Don, while she worked as an ER doctor in our hospital. Even though she majored in neurological surgeries, she had more use working with at hand injuries, but she did receive her fair share of patients with head trauma.

The day I saw her she was helping out Silas, he has been hit in the head during one of our sparing matches and I ended up having to take him to our ER, and that's when I saw her. A short, Mexican girl, who at the time, for some odd reason, had been wearing pink scrubs.

Pink scrubs. In a mafia hospital.

I yawned as I got out of bed, I looked around and saw that Silas was not in the room, so that must mean that he is already down stairs.

"Mama..... mama?" I hear outside of my room, sounds like the younger one, Roman.

I get out of bed, throw on a shirt and look outside my door, and waddling through the hallways is none other than the toddler himself, looking around for his mom. This little dude must has climbed out of his bed somehow.

"Hey there little guy" I say to him "how about we go find your mama yah?" I walk over to him and grab his little hand.

Once I reach the bottom of the stairs with Roman by my side I feel a sense of dreaminess wash over me. May is in the kitchen with her hair in 2 loose braids making pancakes, while Theo is in the living room watching Loony Tunes.

This must be the the life May always wanted, a classic family. A Cozy home, cute kids, a good job. All that was missing was a handsome husband to love and cherish, and I plan on filling in that slot.

"Good morning sir" I hear Theo say from the living room

"You don't have to call me sir Theo, call me Ace" I wanted to say dad, but I held back my tongue, not wanting to confuse the kid.

"Mama says to call adults sir or ma'am until they allow me to call them anything else" He replies before turning his attention back to the characters on the screen.

May always had great manners, so it's no surprise me that she passes them down to her kids.

"Morning gattina" I say as I enter the kitchen

Before she can say anything back, Roman starts talking

"Mama panquakes yummy" I feel a smile creeping up on my face as I hear his cute vocabulary and pronunciation.

"Good morning bubs" she says to the baby in my arms, "did you get him out of bed?" she asks looking up at me

"Yah, I need to get all the practice I can get if we are going to have more of these little things around" I say chuckling a bit

May doesn't say anything, but I see a small smile and hear a small chuckle from her as she turns around to cook again. 'Yes' I think to myself, I am breaking down her walls. Soon enough she will be mine again.

(I forgot to mention that this will be a fast pace book, so our main characters will get together earlier in the book rather than later)


"Thank you" I say to Ace as I bring Roman over to the couch with his brother " do you know when you and the other boys will be leaving?"

"Why" Ace asks "do you have something to do?"

"Yes actually, since I adopted the boys I have not gone out with any friends. If you don't count the occasional dinners, so I am actually going to go out tonight with one of my friends Lea. My neighbors will be watching Theo and Roman tonight."

I don't know why, but I am sure that I saw some anger bubble up in Ace when I said that I was going out.

"We will not be leaving anytime soon tesoro, in fact, I will join you tonight." He said plainly

I stared at him blankly, I knew better then to arguer with Ace, he always got what he wanted. I would rather know that he was at the club I was going to instead of having him come behind my back.

"Fine" I say, "but you have to promise to be on your best behavior while we are out, that means no fights"

"Yes ma'am" He says chuckling a bit and begins to walk away

"Ace" I call

"Yah gattina "

"Do you mind calling your brother and Vincent down for breakfast"

"Of course, where is Silas by the way?"

As if on cue, Silas walked through the boor with a grocery bag in hand.

"I'm back Spring" Silas sings as he walks through the house and hands me the grocery bag. 

For a guy who is in the Italian Mafia, he sure does have a peppy attitude.

Silas had always been the nicest to me. At work he would always come and talk to me or eat with me if I was not with Ace. Nothing romantic or flirty, but platonically. He always said I reminded him of his mom.

"Thank you Silas" I say as I take the bag from his hands

" Dove eri? Non ti ho visto sorridere" [where were you? I didn't see you this morning] Ace says once he sees Silas.

"Sono andato al supermercado a prendere il socco d'arancia, idiota" [ I went to the supermarket to get orange juice, idiot]

Before Ace could throw back an insult, Mateo and Vincent walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning boys" I say to them, " Everyone to the table, breakfast is ready"

"Ok mama" Theo says while guiding Roman to the table

"F*uck yah" says Vincent, " I have missed your cooking Spring"

"Language" I say pointing my spatula to him

"I see you still have don't like cussing huh Spring?"

"Not one bit, now come on everyone to the table"

"Yes mama" say all the boys in unison. Obviously mimicking my son

Thank you so much for reading my book so far!!!

I would like to say that helpful suggestions are required, please remember that I am only 15 and do not write for a living, just fun.

Give me any suggestions you would like to see in the book, it can range from a pet to a pregnancy, i don't care. I love suggestions!!!

I would like to remind you that this is a fast paced book, meaning that May and Ace get together quickly.

Once again thanks you guys for taking the time to read this book, Have a great day!

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