Ch. 32 • Babies?

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Goodness, my body hurts, bad.
I turn my head a bit and see Ace sitting in a chair next to me, more like falling off of it while trying to sleep if I'm being honest.

I look right above him and see that the clock reads 5:46am, where am I?

Then it all comes back to me, putting the boys to sleep, finding Roman in danger, pushing him away, and then everything going back.

Roman. Is he okay?!

"Ace" I croak out, "Ace" I say again

Then in a droopy way Ace wakes up, "May?" He whispers, "May, are you awake?"


"Sh*t! Your okay, baby your okay!" I quickly gets out of his chair to hug me, light enough to were it doesn't press on any of my tubes, but harm enough for me to feel it. "I need to call the doc" and he steps out of the room door and yells for a nurse, once he's back inside I ask him,

"Where is Roman? Is he okay? Are the other boys okay? What happened to the girl? How long have I been out?" I bombard him with questions.

"Slow down gattina, Roman is okay, he only had a small cut on his cheek, the other boys are okay. Theo knows what happened and was comforting Ro, he feels like it's his fault"

"But it's not his fault, it's not my babies fault. Did you tell him that"

"I did, don't worry. As for Victoria, she was knocked out and taken to the cells in the main building"

"How long have I been out?"

"Only a couple of hours, we had some of my men rush you to the hospital while I took care of Roman, then you element into surgery and got out at 12ish, it's been 5 hours, the doc thought you would wake up around 8"

All of a sudden we hear a knock at the door, "Don, it's Dr.Mellow, May I come in?"

"Yes" he says

With that the door is opened, "hello Mrs.Russi, how are ya feelin'?"

"Not too good, my back hurts a lot" I say

"That would make sense, you were hit there, left side to be exact. But don't worry, it was a weak shot and did not hurt any vital organs. You should make a full recovery, but we would like to keep you for 2 days to watch your recovery."

"That sounds reasonable"

"Now, I suggest that you go back to sleep ma'am, it's still early and I will have one of the nurses come and add something into your vitals for the pain. Does that sound good?"

"Yes" both Ace and I say

Once the doctor leave, Ace slips into the bed with me, this one was a bit wider than normal hospitals bed, but hey, I wasn't complaining.

"Good night May, I love you, please don't leave me"

"I won't leave you Ace, ever"

Time skip 4 months
"Mama, where are we going?" Roman says to me while we walk down the farmers market

"To get tomatoes, remember, we need then for dinner"

After I got released from the hospital Ace made sure I didn't go to work for a month, after that he was still hesitant to let me go, but now, I'm as free as I was before.

To say that Theo and Roman were happy to see me would be an understatement, the 2 were extremely chatty, well Theo was, Roman just snuggled into me and would randomly kiss my cheek, it was cute. Nico and Oli didn't even know what was going on, so they treated me like they did everyday.

After a while I convinced Ace to take Roman to the doctor and see if he had separation anxiety, but the doctor ended up telling us he had overall anxiety, and separation from me was just one of the thing that triggered him.

"Here you go ma'am" the vender says to me

"Thanks" Roman tells him and we walk off

After dinner
"So, gattina, how was your day" Ace asks me while I walk into the room

I just finished putting all the boys to bed, and was definitely ready for some sleep

"It was good, Roman and I went to the farmers market and did some shopping, we also went to visit that one school that Maggi's daughter Zoe goes to, it's not bad. And I want to get Roman into public kindergarten, he was already homeschooled for preschool, and I want him to make some more friends."

"Makes sense"

"How about you? How was your day?"

"Well, it was good, but I've been thinking"

"About what" I say, getting into bed with him

"What do you think of trying for another baby?"

"What?" I ask in a calm state, but I am anything but calm right now

"Another baby, I think now would be a good time"

"And why is that?"

"Well, Theigo is almost 6, Roman is almost 4, and the twins are almost 2, I think this is a good time, so that when you have the baby, all the kids will be 2 years apart"

"You really did your homework didn't you?" I said while giggling

"Can you blame me? I want to put another baby in my beautiful wife" I says while scooting closer to me and smirking

" are right about the age thing, it would all be even... and we have talked about more kids, but are you ready?"


"Yes you, are you ready for another baby? I mean, the sleepless nights, the diapers, all the appointments, do you have time for it all?"

"I'll make time, I'm ready"

"Okay" I say while smiling

"Okay?" Ace says in an exited/question type way

"Let's try for baby #5"

"F*ck yah!" And with that he is off, and I don't feel like going to sleep anymore....

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