Ch. 40 • Ep. 1 Elouise

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It's been 1 years since the traumatic incident. Once Ace and I got home was when I started to cry more then I ever have in my life.

I was carried up to a guest room- apparently Ace had been sleeping there- and then I saw them, my Babies.

Once they heard my cry was when they all woke up, Roman was the first to get to me, then Theo and Gio. Followed by the twins, and lastly Manolo was carried to me by Ace.

After a while of hugging and crying, I heard the door open, and there stood Enzo, standing in his school uniform, "I ask for the car and they said you didn't send them" he said to Ace

"We found her Enzo, and we were on a mission, your not old enough to go on those" Ace said back

As if he wasn't even paying attention to Ace's response, Enzo ran to me, pushing past a couple of the boys and started hugging me as if his life depended on it.

"Your here, and safe" he says, muffled

"I'm here, I'm here" I said hugging back

That had to have been the most emotional day of my life. That night while cuddling, Ace asked me if I still wanted to adopt Gio and Enzo, I obviously agreed and it was done the next day. Much quicker then the time it took for me to adopt Roman and Theo.

The next morning also took place in the doctors office, I had gone 2 months without any doctor visits, both Ace and I were not okay with that.

We found out we were having a little girl, a 6 month old healthy girl was growing in my belly. We were ecstatic and rushed over to tell the rest of the kids, I believe they were even happier to hear the news than Ace and I that night.

As for Gabriel and Thomas, well, I don't really want to talk about them. All I can say is that about a week after I was taken home, Ace came home in different clothes than he left in that morning.

When I asked about it he opened up a bad he was holding and inside laid his original clothing, covered in red stains, I just told him to not even get it cleaned, just to burn them.

Now, back to present time, I am currently carrying our new baby girl, it's about 2pm and all the kids are at school except for Manolo, Elouise, and I.

Yes, we named our baby girl Elouise. The name didn't hold an important meaning, actually I heard of it when I was at the store.

A little girl was walking with her mother, and in her arms was a doll, she called it Elouise, and I- for some reason- fell in love with the name.

Ace was at work, he now works from home 1 out of his 6 days of work, and it's very nice. Although it can get a bit annoying when the kids only want to be with their father and not their mom.

"Let's go Manolo" I say to the walking baby, "it's time to go pick up your brothers from school"

I quickly get into one of Ace's many cars, and buckle Elouise first, then Manolo. Looking at the clock I see that I am gonna be late if I don't leave now.

The drive consisted of baby song as well as telling Manolo not to take off his shoes and socks. Elouise was an angel on the ride- thankfully.

Finally we made it to the preschool school, I pulled up in the pickup line and signed out Nico and Oliver. The two slowly got in, wanting to talk to their friends more, forcing me to tell the various time that we had to go.

Next we went to the elementary school, I was glad to see that my kids were all together and I didn't have to get out of the car to find one of them. "Babies, sono qui [babies, I'm here]" I yell, Theo, Roman, and Gio all look at me embarrassed and quickly get into the car.

"Mama" Theo says "don't call us that in front of everyone" he says once in the car

"Fine fine" I say smiling

"Where are we going now mama?" Gio asks

"To get Enzo"

The drive to pick up Enzo was the worst one- Manolo was trying to get naked. The twins were making a mess with food. Gio and Roman were thumb wrestling- and they were surprisingly loud about it. And Theo, well he was just screaming the lyrics to a that was playing in his brain. And just like always, Elouise was sitting quietly, only taking when she felt like it. Which wasn't a lot, I think I'm gonna take her to the doctor for that, her brothers were talking a lot more at her age- or at least trying to.

"Finally" I say, pulling up to Enzo's high school

I see him sitting down... with a girl...

"Enzo" I yell, he quickly turns to me and gets up, not before saying goodbye to the female he was just with. She stood up as well, and o saw how she was an entire 2 heads shorter than him. I don't know what's in Enzo as Gio's genetics, but those two boys are tall.

Finally he comes over to the car and gets in,

"so" I say once we are home, "who was your little friend?" putting Elouise down him her crib

"Just a friend" he say

"And what is your friends name?"


"Nice name" I say walking up to him "and do you like this Maria?"

"What? No! She's, she's just a friend mom" he says

"Alright alright" I say with my hands up in surrender  "get your homework done, I'm gonna start dinner. Make sure tour brothers get started on it too"

"Okay mama"

I start to walk out the door, but right before I exit I hear "she's just a friend Enzo"

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