Ch. 26 • Honeymoon

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Just as I suspected, leaving the next day was TERRIBLE. Theo was crying, Roman was crying, and then the twins started crying, the two older siblings would not let May and I go. They would get taken off of us and then about 5 seconds later get attached to the other parent.

The twins were also even worse than Theo and Roman, they didn't even know what was going on and they were still crying!

The kids were going to stay with my parents for about 3 days, then they were going to stay with Silas for the rest of the week because my parents and Mateo will be going to a meeting for me. And Mays family is leaving at the same time we are and heading back home.

"Baby, we have to go" I say to May

"I know, I know, but I can't leave them like this, look at them Ace, our babies are crying their eyes out"

"I can see that my love, but we need to leave, they will stop crying when we leave. I promise"

"Okay okay, I love you my babies, mama and papa will be back in a week, behave alright" and with that she gives them each a kiss on the head and gets up, "nooooo" is all we hear as we walk out of the house.

"That was harder than I though" May says while we get into the car

"It was"

"How long is the flight again?"

"Well the flight should take about and hour and a half, but I will take us about an extra hour to get to the airport"

"Wow" she says in a dramatic way "a whole hour of nothing..."

"Do you have something in mind my little vixen?" I say smirking at her

"Well, how soundproof is this car?"

"Not even the driver will be able to hear you scream" I say reacher over to grab her thigh

"Well in that case, I do have a couple of ideas"

And we lean in for a nice long kiss, and some other things along with it.

May - 6 days later

Greece was beautiful! The beaches were nice and clear, and the food was to die for.

Ace and I were definitely enjoying our time together, no kids, no distractions, no interruptions when we are.. well, you know.

Today is our last day if our honeymoon before we head back home to our kids and work, no matter how much I love our babies, mama needs some time for herself.

"Hello Mrs.Russi" Ace says as he wraps his arms around me, I'm in the bathroom curling my hair before our last dinner here.

"Why hello there Mr.Russi, it's a surprise seeing you here"

"In the restroom?"

"No, out of bed" I say with a giggle

"Well it's not my fault I want to keep my amazing, young, smart, beautiful, wife in bed with me 24/7 before we go back home to a house full of interruptions"

"Hey hey hey, don't call my babies interruptions, you still wanted me after you found out that I had two kids and then got me pregnant with twins after."

"True true"

After a while, I was finished with my hair and got dressed. I put on a simple white bohemian dress and sandals and Ace put on shorts and a polo top.

We walked over to a steak house, not far from the hotel with guards not far behind. I told Ace that I wanted it to only be us on this trip and he agreed, he gave in to easily so I know for a fact that he discarded what I said and still brought guards along.

After 5 minutes we arrived to the restaurant and were greeted by a hostess who walked us to our table. "Why hello there, my name is Kelly, and I will be your waiter this evening, is there anything I can get started for you today sir?" The lady said, but of a b*tch if you ask me, but, me being the bigger person just sat there and waited for her to ask me.

I looked over at Ace, waiting for him to respond but he just glared at the poor, desperate, and quite frankly horny looking girl. Who during her short 15 seconds of being here, had unbuttoned 2 of her too shirt buttons 'discreetly'.

"My wife" he finally said "and I would like a new waiter"

" excuse me?" The Kelly girl said "anything do you need I can get you, there's no need for a new waiter"

"I said I wanted a new waiter, one who doesn't disrespect my wife by not being greeted first." Ace said a bit pounder now

"I'm very sorry, I didn't even notice she was here" the girl said again

"You didn't notice me walk in with my wife?"

"No sir, I'm very very sorry, can you please forgive me" 'Kelly' said in a sad girl voice, she sounds like a 'pick me girl' if you ask me.

"That's because you were too focused on his d*ck" and old lady says behind up

All 3 of I just turned back to see an old couple around the age of 60, the woman who just made the comment is sitting there happily eating her lamb while her husband chuckles at her comment, and I do as well.

"Well it's not my fault, and it's not like it matters, this dude seems like the kind a guy to sleep with a new girl every night even though he has a wife. It's called getting bored. Out with the old in with the new, am I right"

I look over at Ace in shock and he looks as if he is gonna shoot this girl at any second.

"Besides, your wife looks as if she's gained a bit of weight, I suggest you order a salad sweetie, it might help you keep your husband for an extra night before he sleeps with m-"

And with that statement Ace shoots up from his chair and pulls out a gun with a golden crescent on it "now you listen here you b*tch, and you listen well, I will NEVER leave my wife for a desperate sl*t like you. I will never leave my wife for anyone, and I will be dammed if you insult the mother of my children, now, you will walk back to what ever rock you emerged from and get me A NEW DAM WAITER!"

The girl quickly runs to the kitchen and everyone who was watching the scene unfold now had their eyes on the table, menu, flower piece, anything but Ace. I know they all saw the  design on the gun, it was hard to miss, "now, shall we finish our dinner mi amore" Ace says as if nothing

"Yes" I say placing my hand on his, "thank you" I whisper

"I will do it a hundred times over for you" and with a that a new waiter comes our way and asks us both what we would like to drink.

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