Ch. 8 • Questions

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I woke up feeling like I was in a cage- not in a bad way though- I felt as if I was being protected and shielded from all the bad in the world. My shield was Ace, his tan tattooed arms draped over my waist holding me securely in place while his body was pressed so close to me that we could have molded into one.

His soft breath hit the top of my head in a soothing rhythm and his chest rose and fell at the same speed.

This is how we use to wake up, I would savor these moments every morning, where none of us worried, rather we just watched each other in admiration and love. I missed it, a lot. But now I have it back and I don't want to lose it.

I snuggle deeper into Ace's chest, not wanting to disturb his slumber, but it seems that I was too late.

"Morning love" He says in a husky morning voice.

Oh how I have missies that voice

" Good morning baby" I say back while lifting my head off his chest in order to meet his eyes.

"How did you sleep?"

"I slept like a baby in all honesty" I said with a chuckle, " I was worn out"

"Hmmm makes scenes, we have always gotten workouts from our love making" Ace says in a funny way.

"That is true" now comes the hard part asking all my questions, "do you really want me? Want Theo and Roman? You always said you didn't want kids? And..."

" Yes" Ace said cutting me off " I do want you, and I do want Theo and Roman, I know I said I didn't want kids, but seeing this, seeing you with them, I love it"

"But what if you get tired again and go back
to wanting some random girl every night? What if you toss me aside like you did last time? Not only would you be breaking me but you would be breaking my children, and I can't take that chance of you are not in 100%"

" I won't, I'm in this 100%. I want you and your, no, our boys. I will not leave you because I just spent the last 10 months searching for you, and now that I have you I am not letting you go, you are mine. Forever and always. Please be mine again May, and not only in bed, but in life. I still love you, please."

"Ok, but you have to promise that you will stay or I will find a way to tear you apart limb by limb" I say chuckling a bit

We stay in our spot, basking in each others warmth, talking about what we have done since we last spoke.

Ace told me how he thought that being single would make him more of a leader and force him to have no weaknesses, but when I left he felt terrible and the mafia went down a bit, not in ranking, but in stability. Even thought Ace and I had only been together 3 years, the men and woman of the organization had already seen me as there Donna, their queen. So when they found out that I was gone they had felt a bit of their leadership left with me.

I told him about Kora, Carter, Nigel, and Katherine, how it was amazing having all of us back it one place again. How Noell and Joshua stopped trying to talk to Nigel and I, finally understanding that the family damage was too much and it could not be fixed with a simple call from them.

I told him how I felt going from a normal young lady to a mother. How I was handling Theo and Roman, regarding school, daycare, and work.

Having a family was all I ever wanted, I wanted to love a child of my own so that they don't ever have to go through what my brother and I went through. Because at the end of the day blood does not make your parent, it's being there that does, being able to kiss your child good night and wake them up with a song each morning. Being able to have a conversation with them at dinner and watching them grow from seeds to flowers.

"I love you" I say out of the blue " you have no idea how long I dreamed and waited that you would come back to me. No matter what I did I always wished that you would want me again"

" I want you, I want you so much that I am never letting you go again, you and the boys are going to live the life of royals. I will kill for you and the kids, just as I will for our future ones too"


"Yes gattina"

"Will Theo have to take your position as Don once the time comes or will he have a choice since he is not your blood?" I know it is a far-fetched question but it has been on my mind for a while now so I thought I would ask.

"All of our children will have a choice, I always knew what my father's business was and it was always my goal to become Don when it was my turn, I had a choice whether I wanted the position or not, I wanted it. That does not mean that other want it as much as I did."

"So is that a yes or no?"

"Yes gattina, our boys will get a chance to choose whether they want to take my position or if they want the next child in line to take it instead"

"Ok, so you want to have more children?"

"Yes, very much, as long as it is with you"

"How many again?"

"Eight, like I said we already have Theo and Roman so that leaves us with 6 available spots."

"Eight really? What if after 1 I lose my body and you decide you don't want me anymore?"

"Losing your figure is obviously going to happen once you have a child, that does not mean that I'm going to leave yourself. You know that I love you more for what you are inside then what you are outside. If you feel insecure then I will make sure that you feel like a queen every single day, and I'm sure that at the end of the day you will look at yourself in the mirror and love your body because you know deep inside that you earned, you have a mother's body and they come in every shape and size, and as men we need to learn to be thankful for those types of bodies because without them we won't be here. I will never leave you because I know that without the body - that you deem unfit for the world- I wouldn't have our futuristic children, and I will be so thankful to you for them."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes May, and if you truly feel insecure then I will help you regain confidence in yourself. Whether that means helping you work out or being on a diet with you in order to make you feel better. At the end of the day we are a team and if one team member needs help then I will gladly do so."

I kiss him lightly in the lips while a small tear rolls down my cheek

"Thank you, I am so lucky to have you again"

"No love, I am the lucky one"

With that we kiss and just go back to taking and cuddling  until I hear some small feet racing down the hall.

"Mama? Ace?"


Ch. 8 was full of some real talking, I would like to state that if you have any suggestion on the story that would be amazing, whether it's for the plot or for the characters. Good vibes you guys.

Love yah and don't forest to vote ❤️

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