~8~last day?

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i woke up in my room but not on the bed, in the chair that is usually int the corner of the room. i tried to move but failed, they had me chained up onto a chair just like the first week here. now i know i fucked up i probably killed him but it was worth it.

i heard foot steps out side of my room and talking too.but i couldn't make out the voices.

"im gunna fucking kill her"

"what no you cant do that"

"why you want her to actually kill sapnap next time, she cant be trusted"

im guessing i didn't kill him fuck mission failed good one tristan. what the fuck im talking to myself. i never talk to myself. its quiet in my head, no voices, nothing but my voice. what the fuck did they do to me.

"its not her fault she couldn't control it, dream you have to believe me she couldn't."

"come on george, why cant she control it huh?"

"i cant tell you i made a promise to her and she actually trusts me just believe me dream she didnt have a choice."

"george tell me or in killing your new found 'best friend' and trust me you know i will"

i wouldn't even consider george as a best friend he barley made the friends list because of my brother.

"dream dont tell her i told you but she hears voices to. and what you told me they are sometimes hard to resist."

"george i told you i only hear one voice and its rarely"

i started to hear the door opining reviling dream and george. "so much for a secret right george...tsk..tsk..tsk... i knew i couldn't trust you. "tamis i-" george looked at me with pleading eyes. "its ok george i heard your conversation, but thanks for trying to save my life like that. hey dreamy how sappy."i asked with amusement almost drunkenness  weakness potions also make the person have drunk like behavior no surprise there. what they gave me was the strongest quantity  i can tell because ive accidentally dropped some one me before.

"you have no right to talk about him right now considering your position is worse than his." dream with anger in his tone putting a knife to my neck.

"dreamy... answer me this. what did you do to me."

"what are you talking about. i didn't-"

i cut him off before he can feed me anymore bullshit lies."oh bullshit dream tell me how you got rid of them, and give them back now." "tamisra i didn't do anything what are you even talking about."

"the voices. dont act all innocent now. tell me how you stopped them. and if you didn't do anything george would you please tell me what you did to them." i am pissed at this point they are feeding me bullshit, and i wont stand for it.

"tamisra... we dont know anything about your voices. but we are letting you go." i looked to to stare directly at dream is he really letting me go they have to be fucking with me. "but your not leaving without the deal we made. your still going to be a spy for us, and you said you wanted to right before we knocked you out." i hummed in response "ohh one thing, dream will i be allowed to hurt them after"

Tamisra techno X oc X dreamWhere stories live. Discover now