~18~ happy birthday pt1

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this chapter is going to be a switch between her pov and 3rd person pov but when it is importan i will tell you what pov it is :]

as we ( dream, sapnap, george, punz, eret ) were all walking to l'manburg to discuss the surrender of their country we saw them having a little meeting inside the van. i just now realized i was still in dreams cloths but i do have my platforms on though. i probably look like an idiot but i am comfortable so who cares.

once they noticed us wilbur came out first, then tommy came out angry "listen here eret and tristan, and i mean this in the nicest way possible, you fucked up. so stay away from l'manburg, both of you" he sounded mad and it was visible in his face and tone. 

"or what tommy" she started walking over to him slowly, her hands in the pocket of the hoodie, eyes flickering between grey and red. she was trying to control herself the best she could, the voiced demanded that she threaten him, or at least hurt him.    

"wha- what" tommy was backing away from her until his back hit the side of the wall van.

"what are you going to do, what if i come back here one day, just to pick one of your little lives again... hmm?" she stopped trying to fight it, her eyes now red with a demented look. tommy visibly shivered from fear. 

"i- i" tommy didn't have anything to say anymore he was scared. "oh tommy... do you know who i am? do you know what i am?" he gulped down whatever he was going to say

suddenly everyone's eyes were on her everyone's, she looked behind her facing dream not for permission on what she was going to say but for acknowledgement, he just nodded as did she.

"my name is tamisra, meaning she who is full of darkness, i earned that name from how much i lurking in dark villages and killed them all i even burned down my own village, blew up some others." all of the l'manbugians were in shock, i am surprised they didnt figure it out before.

"what- what do you mean, tommy dont say anything anymore." wilbur was panicked with tommy he can still sense the anger in her from what he had said before.

dream was walking up behind her, she was aware but never broke eye contact with tommy. no one knew what he was going to do but she trusted him. she was still looking at tommy with rage in her eyes. slowly he wrapped his arms around her waist and his head resting on her shoulder, under his breath he said "come on now princess, dont waist you time now, you know why we are here. once we are done we can leave back home okay?"

i dont know why i felt loved and my stomach was doing flips, it was just like with techno.

with that she retreated back with dream to go back to the group, tommy ran back inside the van. wilbur cleared his throat "uhh... can we talk about everything outside of l'manburg"  dream grabbed on to my hand i dont know why but i didn't mind "sure you can wilbur we will meet on the path in 5 minutes.. and if you must, only bring one other person i would like to keep this one on one though."

as we were walking out of l'manburg i decided to make small talk with eret, still having dream walk besides me. "so king huh?" he got a bit scared because she know shes an anarchist. "uh... yeah but i am going to try to remain neutral with everyone"

"well good luck with that eret i really wish you the best i dont want to have to bring you down." she said playfully nudging his arm, she tried to lighten the mood the best she could with a joke and eret soon enough caught on to it and laughed.

dream was still holding her hand but not paying attention to the conversation he was thinking of what might happen. "so eret how old are you?" at this point she was just trying to get to know him better, he wanted the same. "i am 21, and how about you?" he asked looking down at her hands entwined with dreams.

Tamisra techno X oc X dreamWhere stories live. Discover now