~TW~ just a little bit of angst
tubbo spoke up "hey will... do you smell something burning?"
i had smelt the sweet sent of burning trees, to most it is a nasty bitter smell but to me it reminded me of all the times i had burned down villages. the bitter smell mixed with the screams of pain and terror i loved it it brought me good memories. i first noticed the sent when i burnt down my village that was my first happy moment alone since he left.
we all started walking to the gates of l'manburg to see the entire forest that surrounded it lit on fire. they already knew of my skills so i dont have to hide them so i climbed onto the wall with no hesitation to get a better look. "what do you see up there tristan" wilbur called from below.
"as far as i can see its all burning" it took all of me to not laugh "i see the team of them sapnap has flint and steal in his hand" i jumped back down to hear tommy say "dam that pyromaniac"
oh so he likes fire that can be useful in the future for when i need something on fire. i can say i like fire probably just as much as sapnap, but i like explosions more, after i was done watching the villages burn i always would throw in around two or three peaces of TNT. the smell of gunpowder it was intoxicating, the sound the TNT made when the fuse was burning and the sound of it as it destroyed everything in less than one minute. everything about it i loved.
i took a seat on the ground still looking at the fire in awe. i had my legs criss cross with my hand resting on my leg and the other playing with the grass. tommy and wilbur where arguing on what to do let the fires burn or try and put them out.i would say let them burn they were far to gone to be saved. i wish i could have been the one to start it, they were having all the fun while i was in some nation with kids, a unfit leader, fox hybrid, and a traitor along side with me.
they decided to let them burn that it would be to dangerous if we went into the fire with no protection. i was already becoming dawn, i dont want to sleep i wanted to see dream and tell him about the duel. the way he shook his head in disappointed it still made my stomach churn i hatted that feeling, the feeling of letting someone down. i dont want his to be mad at me or disappointed in me. i want him to be proud of me. i wanted him.
no.no.stop. i cant do this, im losing myself in this stupid nation. i dont want him right? i just want him to be proud of me right? nothing more. nothing less. maybe i should try to find him and explain how and why eret could pull a sword to neck.
i've decided im going to sneak out tonight and i am going to tell him what really happened and he wont be mad at me. i haven't slept since the first day i got here and i dont even remember when that was, im losing sense in time but thats not a bad thing. i would have to be quick i cant take any breaks i have to get from point A to point B in less than seven hours. i just want to comeback just in time when my potatoes are fully grown.
i thought of the easiest and quietest way to to eave l'manburg and that was climbing the wall i remembered that all the trees were burned down and there would be no easy way to get down, luckily i had a saddle from a old cobble stone room i found in one of that caves i explored when i was looking for iron.
i was walking on along the top of the walls when i spotted a beautiful full grown black horse. as a way to get him to came to me i dropped one of the golden apples dream had gave me. as he was walking over to eat the apple i put my feet in the saddle holders ready to jump down at any moment, just waiting for the perfect alignment. when it came i jumped down lucky no damage was done to me or the horse i tamed him with another golden apple.
as soon as he was comfortable with me we went off to see dream and to my advantage the horse was fast. it was already midnight and i would be at the dreams house in around 15 minutes. on the ride to dreams house i found myself thinking about keeping this horse he just gives me comfort and i dont get attached to things quickly but recently i found myself to be doing that.
when we arrived at dreams house i knocked not wanting to be disrespectful. i still had my horse in my had pulling him along with me because i didn't have a lead. when i heard footsteps i started getting nervous what if i woke them up, but they never did have a normal sleeping schedule.
when the door opened i found myself staring into emerald green eyes, my face immediately started heating up, my heart was beating fast i wanted to break eye contact but i couldn't bring myself to it "im sorry to intrude but do you know if dream is here" my voice was small it wasnt in its monotone ways it was soft, sweet, small.
before i would say anything else i head sapnaps voice call from the kitchen "dream who is at the door" it hit me o shit this is dream without a mask. my face flushed red i turned around in embarrassment walking away with my horse knowing i just invaded his privacy and he would have shown me when he was ready.
right as i was about to hop onto my horse i felt a pair of warm hands grip my waist. i was holding my breath, i knew i hated being touched but this was different his touch was warm and loving something i haven't had in a while. the only person who i would let do this to me was techno, e would hold me like this when we were training.
i was brought out of my thoughts when i heard the usual cocky tone "awe did you really miss me that much my little aggressive teddy bare" that stupid as"s name thats what he called me in the forest the first time we met. "uhh n~no" fuck my voice had to crack really come on that was just embarrassing. i shrunk my head into my shoulders as dream was wheezing behind me.
"dream i came to talk to you all games aside" i want to make him proud, i dont want to disappoint him. "yes princess" "can you just quit with the stupid ass pet names dream, i just want you to be proud of me!" i snapped at him i dont know why, the old me would never do that, "what is wrong with me" i mumbled mostly to myself looking down at my empty hands, i felt a cold tear fall onto them, i didn't even know i was crying. why was i crying.
dream pulled me into a hug. when he did that i completely broke down i dont know why i would only ever do this with techno, but why dream.
~3rd person pov~
unbeknownst to them george and sapnap were watching them from the window they heard everything. they were disappointed in dream for using that potion on her. dream on the other had was happy he got her, he loved her but he wouldn't admit it to himself
sorry for not updating for a whole week i just sorta lost motivation in everything but today i got a big bag of gummy worms so im fine :] anyways have a wonderful day/night make sure to eat/drink something goodbye to my girls, guy, and non binary pals :] just maybe i will start on the next chapter tonight i haven't slept in 2 days omegalul

Tamisra techno X oc X dream
Fanficumm no spoilers and stuff but this is technoxoc and dreamxoc love triangle with the most powerful people should be fun? THIS IS NOT A DREAMNOBLADE STORY impressive award things~ #1 in sociopath