"wil the van is surrounded." wilbur looked up to see that it actually was his eyes widened in realization.
wilbur walked out the door, tommy looking at him through the window. "so gentlemen how are you all on this fine evening?" there was a small silence before dream spoke up "...good"
"and how are you liking the view from inside our nation?" wilbur asked raising an eyebrow. "i thought it was a trailer park." sapnap replied, following with chuckle from dream and george. "oh.your so funny sapnap, got the whole crew laughing." wilbur mutters only for us to hear.
"look listen here-"
"YEAH BITCH" tommy said trying to boost wilbur up. wilbur just sent a cold glare that said shut up or else... "we will meet up with you on our own terms, you do have the upper hand." "WOO YEAH" tommy shouted again tubbo tugged on the uniforms sleeve to get his attention"tommy stop making things worse" tubbo said.
wilbur now fully went out of the van thinking its safe, tommy tried to follow, but george shot an arrow that scrapped the side of his face. tubbo eagerly pulled him back into the van, fundy standing over him cleaning the wound. tommy hissed back as fundy poured alcohol over it to disinfect it.
wilbur looked back at tommy for being so ignorant. as he pinched the bridge if his nose he began to speak to him again "dream just pick a time and place we will be there" and with that they left.
~tamisra's pov~
i was watching as they exited l'manburg i noticed they had someone new with them, he was fairly short but tall, if i had my platforms i would be taller but with these converse he was definitely taller. we was wearing a white hoodie and he had a big noticeable gold chain, he also had black pants with ripped holes at the knee, i noticed he had blond hair just like dream but lighter.
i was pulled out of my thoughts as wilbur spoke up looking towards tommy "listen guys, i am old and frail, so tommy i want you to lead this war." is he being for real right now i am so happy to betray him.
"yes. now i can be the big man i knew i was. and now i can tell people what to do! tristan jump i am your boss you have to listen to me." may the gods have mercy on him when i get my hands on him.
"no. i will not be taking orders from you. wilbur is my boss." i growled back head in my hands voice as monotone as ever. "okay, tubbo jump." he did as told and tommy was back to his confident self.
wilbur spoke up soon after "okay then, we will meet with dream and his crew tomorrow at 10 am. make sure to get some rest and be prepared who knows what he could pull."
~3rd person pov~
just as everyone was going to sleep tommy walked up to wilbur and tapped his shoulder to get his attention. "hey will can we have a small talk right now" tommy looked down fiddling with his hands. "tommy cant it wait till the morning?" "no wil this is important its about tristan." wilbur then turned his whole body around so it was facing tommy. "fine then, that is it? say it fast its already getting late."
"wilbur you remember philza's old friend technoblade" "yes tommy whats wrong? why are you bringing him up?" wilbur was now questioning tommy. "philza told us techno was always a little bit off, and you remember how he always planted potatoes and he had red eyes." "yes what are you getting at tommy?"
"when tristan put her sword to my neck she had a smile on her face. and she didn't have grey eyes they turned red, like if you were to put food coloring in water they flushed red. then when you put your hand on her she want back to normal. and who do you know that always has a thing for potatoes wil-"
"wilbur they are both the same in many ways. maybe they know each other, there is a small chance but it might be true."
"tommy, tommy... we have her on our side she is a good fighter you have nothing to worry about." wilbur laughed it off trying to lighten the mood. tommy scratched the back of his head "yeah maybe your right."
~tamisra's pov~
i tried to sleep again but it didn't work, what day is it, low long has it been since i last slept. maybe i can farm a bit of potatoes, and i do have to work on the finale control room. yeah i should do that i could probably get it done by the morning.
i sneaked out of l'manburg to get some wood for the chests, i saw a flash of green, its 4 in the fucking morning, why is he following me. i groaned in annoyance "come on sweetie, why are you following me." i said in a almost, almost. teasing monotone voice i have had enough of peoples shit.
he came out of the shadows what "are you doing? when was the last time you slept? why are you getting wood?" why was he questioning me like he is my dad? "im getting wood for the final control room and i dont remember. why are you stalking me?"
"what is the plan for the final control room?" he ignored my question it was to late to get mad right now so i let it slide. "during the war i want you to retreat. then i will set an underground tunnel have to hide in it. take everyone to the room making them think i have more weapons and shit, i will press a button you all will come out and i will have my fun form there i dont want you all to kill them though. just beat them enough so they cant fight against me, i want my fun."
"okay tamisra do you need help getting wood?" i scoffed "i can get wood for myself plus im already done and so is the room" dream let out a sigh "i uh... brought you your cloths you probably want to wear something comfortable for today" "thanks i didn't really think about that"
"by the way dream who was the new guy with you all today?" i really wanted to know i haven't met him yet. "oh. thats punz he mostly comes in for big events or wars, thats really it." okay hes not fully on his side so i have to keep an eye out for him.
and with that i left him, with my cloths of course i'll have to change when i get to l'manburg, and i went back into l'manburg. the room was finished it was perfect the black stone was beautiful for was is going to happen in here. i soon walked out of the room going over to my potato farm. i spent a good 3 hours on my farm planting then replanting, them baking them so we didn't run out of food tomorrow.
it was now 6 am everyone should be waking up pretty soon getting ready for the meeting. i was sharpening my sword, it was loud just like nails on a chalk board but 10 times louder. as i was doing that fundy woke up first his hybrid ears must have heard me sharpening each and every one of my daggers, but little did he know i wasn't sharpening them for dream and his crew, it was for them. soon after everyone woke up looking at me sharpening my daggers with my legs crossed on top of the table that sits in the van.
~3rd person pov~
she looked scarier than ever today, she was back into her regular cloths, the back hood stitched into the leather skin tight around her whole chest, black pants, and her now platform boots. tommy and wilbur were almost eye to eye with her, but shes still a bit more shorter.
"good everyone is up, get ready for today we cant lose. wilbur whats the plan?" tristan said as she fixed her sitting position strapping all the daggers to her legs. "well, i actually want to get there early so we should get going now" he said as he walked out of the van "follow me gentlemen and woman, we will not run. we ill walk." tommy was really cocky for his new little role.
as everyone was walking to where they were superposed to meet up with dream and his team tristan pulled eret back to talk to him, "hey eret i want you to have a little fun in this betrayal so i wrote the cords to a secret room. you can take everyone there after everything is done right now. oh and when i give you a small two finger wave you can press the button."
tristan was extremely happy with her plan and so were the voices. eret seemed a bit off by the whole hurting and betraying his friends but that is just guilt. something tristan does not feel much of.
yoo had 30 mins of sleep today, i will probably start next chapter in the morning. but have a goodnight/day. make sure to eat/drink something. goodbye to my guys, gals, and non-binary pals :]

Tamisra techno X oc X dream
Fanfictionumm no spoilers and stuff but this is technoxoc and dreamxoc love triangle with the most powerful people should be fun? THIS IS NOT A DREAMNOBLADE STORY impressive award things~ #1 in sociopath