02 : Bright guy.

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"BTS ? Who the hell is that ?"

They all turned to Sasha, gasping.

"Are you on social media ?" Brittany asked, looking at her in disblief.

"I mean I know them but I don't know their names or anything.." She answered, getting embarrassed.

"Any TV ?" Brittany asked again, completely shocked.

"We both watch our things on our computers, we tried to have a TV but it's too many unnecessary arguments." Izumi answered.

Brittany a little as they could all imagine, the three of you stretching before practice.

The leader of your dance group clapped in his hands, catching everyone's attention.

"Okay now, they'll be here in a few minutes so everyone get ready, fix your posture and try to look good." He said. "This is our biggest contract and a chance to make some good advertisement."

The dancers all nodded in response, getting nervous.

Lucas motioned Sasha to come closer, holding her by the shoulders before looking into her eyes.

"You're the choreograph Sash' so you're the one who'll have to do the preview, are you nervous ?" He asked.

"I mean Brit' said they trained for years so yeah, kind of." She answered truthfully.

He smiled at her and massaged her shoulders before patting them.

"You're one of the best dancers here Sasha, you have nothing to worry about."

She nodded and the door pushed open, a bunch of people entering the room.

All of the dancers stood up in a line, looking at them.

There was a lot of staff : People with cameras and what Sasha identified as bodyguards too.

She gulped, feeling oppressed by the unusual amount of people in the room.

Izumi noticed her nervousness and grabbed her hand, squeezing it to help her relax a little.

The seven men came in sight and the hardest part was to stay professional, facing individuals that were literally glowing.

Sasha bit her lip nervously, her voice coming out shaky as the group introduced itself.

She was usually confident, but their aura was very intimidating

They settled up and sat on the ground with the rest of the dancers, Lucas and Sasha standing up in front of everyone.

"So this is the choreograph, Sasha." Lucas spoke up, turning to her. "Come on, go." He told her with a little smile.

She gulped, nodding as she took her position.

Lucas ran a little to sit on the ground and pressed a button on the remote, the song starting.

Sasha took a deep breath and started dancing, her mind emptying little by little.

She kept telling herself that there was nothing to be afraid of, after all, that's one of the things she's the best at.

Hands clapping were heard as she finished with a smile, slightly panting.

"Was it okay ?" She spoke up, looking at the members for a feedback, slightly panting.

The one who she identified as RM nodded.

"Thank you for taking the time to do that for us, we appreciate it, really."

She bowed her head to thank him, like Izumi told her to do.

"Very, very good !" An energetic voice was heard.

She turned to the voice, seeing him.

The brightest smile she has ever seen on his face, giving her two thumbs up.

She stared at him a moment, scanning his small eyes and little dimples, a beanie covering his hair and baggy clothes covering his body.

"Sasha ?"

She blinked fast as she snapped out of her transe, cutting the eye contact before turning to Lucas.

"Yes ?" She answered, gulping.

"I was telling you that you'll spend most of the time with J-Hope. Since he's the main dancer, he's the one who'll memorize the choreography first, so they can practice it properly in Korea when they'll fly back."

She nodded, hoping that J-Hope was that bright guy she developed a crush on in the span of two mili-seconds.

She sat back down next to Izumi as Lucas gave more explanations, feeling the guy's stare on her still. 

She didn't dare to cross eyes with him again, his gaze making her sort of nervous.

She didn't know this guy, but she was sure that she didn't want to disappoint him for some reason.

"Izumi.. Who's J-Hope ?" She asked in her best friend's ear.

He scoffed, but still answered her, judging it wasn't the best time to make fun of her.

"The guy you fell in love with in like five seconds." He answered in his usual calm tone.

She scoffed silently, rolling your eyes but they landed on 'J-Hope' making her look away immediately.

Why was he still staring ?

Either ways, she were now sure that those dance practices will sure be long.

And that she also needed to learn how to breathe properly again.




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