04 : The race.

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"Can you shut the fuck up ?"

Sasha sighed as she fell on the couch, head resting on Brittany's lap.

"Izumi leave her alone, you're so mean and for what ?" Britany defended her.

"Is it really the end of the world if he doesn't text her ? The man probably has an heavy schedule." He sighed.

Sasha pouted, staring at the ceiling.

"Jung.. Ho.. Seok.." She mumbled, biting the inner corner of her lips.

"See ? Someone needs to bring her back to Earth because she's starting to go really insane.." Izumi said. "She's litterally mumbling his name while looking at a blank surface, what kind of sorcery is that ?"

Brittany snorted, looking at him.

"If you're jealous just say that, you're the one who fed her Asian fetish." She said.

Those words pulled Sasha out of her transe as she aggressively sat up, looking at Brittany in disbelief.

"I don't have an Asian fetish !" She argued, getting up on her feet. "And to even start with, Izumi is the less attractive guy I know, he's the last guy who would give me a fetish for anything."

"Now you're lying, Izu' is very fine." Brittany said. "Definitely would let him hit."

Izumi smirked, listening to the conversation from afar and feeling his ego exploding.

"Either ways, I'm not and will not be attracted by my bestfriend that I live with and get to see every little weird habit of his." Sasha responded, putting her hands on her hips.

"Yeah she's more gimbap than sushi." Izumi spoke up.

Brittany snorted at that, making Sasha roll her eyes.

"You're not that funny." Sasha grumbled, turning to Izumi. "So we're just gonna ignore Brittany said she'd let you hit ?"

He scoffed, putting his hair in a manbun.

"Whatever, what are you planning to wear for your unofficial date ?" He asked, looking at Sasha with a resting bitch face.

Izumi had a talent to smoothly change a conversation's topic, he never missed with that.

Sasha was sure something happened between Brittany and Izumi at some point, the sexual tension painfully obvious between the two of them.

However she never asked, judging it wasn't any of her business.

"What do you mean ?" Sasha asked, sitting up.

Izumi and Brittany both sighed, looking at her.

"This man is a whole fashion icon, you can't show up looking like.. yourself." Izumi said. ".. No offense though."

Britany handed her phone to Sasha.

"Here, have a look at this man's fashion.. That's the only way you'll understand the world separating you two." She said.

Her eyes widened as she scrolled down the pictures on Pinterest, seeing how fashionable Hoseok was.

She always knew Koreans spent a lot of time on their appearance, but that was a whole other level.

"Woah.. Maybe I should just-"

"Don't let that impress you, you're kind of ugly and flat, but you have some qualities.." Izumi said.

She turned to him, panicking.

"Like what ?!" Sasha asked, blinking fast with her voice slightly raising out of nervosity.

"Having us as friends, end of the list." Izumi answered in a stern tone.

Sasha stayed silent a moment before running towards him, only to get her forehead flicked.

"Calm the fuck down dwarf, you need to think rationally." Izumi said.

"He's right, you have to step up your game." Brittany spoke up, walking towards the two of them. "He's a worldwide known celebrity, a literal angel but also an hardworking man with millions of girls drooling over him.. You have to show him that you're the only possibility for him." She said.

Sasha took a deep breath as Brittany put her hands on her shoulders, looking into her eyes.

"The only way to win the race is determination, Sasha ." Brittany said.

A sound of a notification came from Sasha's phone, making Izumi grab it, scoffing with a small smirk before looking at her.

"And you'll have to start training because he wants to see you tomorrow night."




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