06 : Miscommunication.

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"This is also very wooow !"

Hoseok and Sasha ended up at the beach, taking a walk together.

Of course, there were a few bodyguards, but far enough to let the two of them have some privacy.

She often let her eyes wander on his figure.

How small he looked in those baggy clothes, how fashionable he was, his perfect side profile, beautiful smile and how nice he was to look at.

Being around him felt nice and comforting, the feeling intensifying every time he opened his mouth.

"Are you okay ?" He asked her, snapping her out of her transe.

She nodded, pressing his hand tighter.

"Yes, everything is completely fine."

He pouted a little, making her chuckle at how cute he looked without even really trying.

"What ?" He asked her, slightly panicking.

She shook her head, still chuckling.

"Nothing, you're just cute."

He looked like he was about to say something but sighed, pulling out his phone.

" 씨발, 잠깐만요.." He muttered under his breath, doing his best to type with only a hand, not wanting to let go of hers.

[ah fuck, wait*]

She looked at him with a small smile, not understanding what he said, but still waiting for him to type.

He probably forgot she couldn't understand what he just said, but she didn't say anything, taking the moment to look at him again, until he looked up at her.

"Okay so.. Um.. If I am cute then you are the cutest person on Earth.. Good ?" He asked, unsure of the translation.

You smiled at him, imitating him.

"씨발, 잠깐만요.." She repeated his words with a small smile, causing him to laugh, his hand over his nose.

[fuck, wait*]

"씨발 is.. um.. bad word ! Don't say 씨발 !" He said between two laughs.

She laughed too, her eyes disappearing before looking back at him.

"씨발." She repeated with a smile.

"Sasha !" He playfully scolded her.

"Hoseok ?"

The way she said his name made him feel butterflies, staring at her as she typed with a hand on her phone with a childish grin, obviously proud of what she was doing.

"So.. 영어 매우 잘하십니다.. Was that good ?" You asked.

[your english is very good*]

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