05 : Boyfriend.

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"Does it really look okay ?"

Sasha twirled on herself, making Izumi raise a brow, tilting his head as he analyzed her.

"I don't know about the outfit but you should definitly get implants because that ass looks like a damn pancake." He muttered.

She audibly gasped, not expecting him to say that at a moment like this, when she needed confidence.

"Fuck you, I mean it." She sighed.

He chuckled, making Brittany glare at him.

"Don't listen to him, you're beautiful.. Izumi you sure have a lot to say for a man."

He rolled his eyes, pulling out his phone.

"Whatever Brit'.. Whatever." He mumbled.

She analyzed herself in the mirror, fixing her top, and tying her white converses, making sure her hair was well slicked back, makeup perfect.

She sprayed some perfurme on her, sighing out of nervosity.

"Do you have to go to the location or.." Brittany trailed off, waiting for an answer.

Sasha shook her head.

"Nope, he actually comes pick me up in the van." She said with a little smile. ".. I'm excited."

"Those huge black vans celebrity have ?!" Brittany asked in a semi-yell.

Izumi clicked his tongue, flicking her arm.

"Stop yelling, she can hear you." He groaned in annoyance.

"Put your hands on me again, I dare you." Brittany turned to him.

Izumi scoffed, smirking before looking up at her from his phone.

"I'll put my hands in you actually."

"Hey hey hey, get a room !" Sasha cut them off, grabbing her phone and her purse. "I'm gonna head out now, Jesus Christ, horny ass people.."

"Says the one who'll get dicked down by the end of the night." Izumi mumbled.

Sasha pretended she didn't hear, slamming the door closed on her way out.

Everyday, they were confirming her doubts a little more about their 'friendship'.

She had to get some fresh air because their tension was intoxicating, but Izumi's last words lingered in her mind.

Sasha didn't really know the man, but she also didn't know what she'd do if he asked her for sex at the end of the night.

She did have some casual fucks from time to time, but it wasn't really thrilling anymore.

She sighed, slightly freaking out when the scary van stopped in front of her.

The driver got out, opening the door for her and she got in, the smell of his cologne immediatly hitting her nostrils, a moan almost escaping her lips.

He smelled good.

He gave her a bright smile as she sat next to him, smiling back.


"You.. um.. You look.. You look waaaw !" He attempted to compliment her.

Sasha smiled at Hoseok, chuckling at his cuteness.

He was very endearing, being confident in his poor English.

She put that aside, judging that as long as the two of them understood each other, it was enough.

"Thank you, you also look very waaaw!" She answered with a smile.

He chuckled, looking a little flustered.

Not knowing how to communicate, Hoseok grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers.

If he couldn't talk with words, then he'll talk with his body.

Sasha gulped, trying to surpress a grin.

His hand was big and warm, reassuring as he firmly held hers.

It looked like he'd never let go, and the feeling of being appreciated was enough to make her heart flutter.

And it has been only two minutes.

"If you.. Want to stop doing this.." He pointed his hand on hers. ".. Just tell me, okay ?"

She smiled, nodding.

His accent made it somehow both cuter and sexier at the same time, or maybe it was just how hard he tried for her.

"I will, don't worry.. Your hand feels nice to hold." She reassured him.

"Your hand too." He answered, rubbing his thumb on the back of her palm.

She could tell he was trying his best to form sentences.

Even though they weren't grammatically correct, she understood what he wanted to say and it was more than enough.

"How old are you ?" He asked, starting to get worried.

"I'm twenty-five, and you ?"

"The same age."

She nodded, appreciating every little moment, every tiny bit of conversation.

He gulped, marking a small pause before talking again.

"Do you have a.. uh.. Do you have 남자친구 ?"


Sasha blinked fast in confusion, not understanding what he said.

Hoseok slightly bit his lower lip, getting slightly frustrated at the language barrier.

Suddenly, he looked up at her, softly grabbing her jaw to kiss her cheek.

Sasha felt your face burning at the sudden touch, everything moving fast at this point.

"Is this okay ?" He asked, referring to the kiss.

She nodded, gasping as she slowly understood what he meant.

"Oh ! I don't have anyone, this is okay." She answered. "Why ? Do you want to be my 남자 친구 ?"

He chuckled at her accent as she repeated the word, that simple action making him a little more comfortable, as if she tried to learn from his konglish.

He slowly nodded in response to her question, making her chuckle.

"So this is a date ?" She asked, turning your full body to him in surprised.

She never expected him to be so direct with it, but there he was.

"Yeah !" He answered with a smile.

She smiled, giggling quietly as he looked at her, enjoying that you enjoyed that whole date thing even if it was hard to communicate one with another.

Sasha had the feeling that even though it may turn silent at some moment, this date would be the best of her life.

Because it was with someone that was willing to try for her, no matter the barriers.




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