17 : Back home.

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After a long day at Hoseok's job, the couple came back home after eating at HYBE's cafeteria, the food indeed really good, just like Hoseok wouldn't shut up about.

"Was today okay ?" Hoseok asked, crashing on the couch.

She nodded with a small smile, laying on the couch next to him, head on his thigh.

"Yup, it was."

He hummed, hands caressing her forehead up to her hairline, her eyes slowly closing.

"Tired ?" He asked her.

"Not really."

"Can we continue then ?"

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she opened her eyes to look at him.

"Continue what ?"

"The studio thing."

She felt her insides clench at the fresh memory, the fire in her slowly coming back to life.

"What we did in the studio.." She repeated in a small voice.

"Yeah, it's not over." He said, playing with the hem of her top. "Ready ?"

"Are your hormones okay ?" She asked, chuckling.

He scoffed shaking his head.

"You're a problem Sasha.. I like doing it with you too much."

Once again, her insides clenched as her stomach danced tango, feeling all flustered.

He pulled her skirt up, never cutting the eye contact as he slid his hand in her panties, slowly rubbing her clit.

He saw her eye twitch out of sensitivity, his index rubbing circles.

He hummed in satisfaction at each small whimper that she let out, set on satisfying her, letting her hold onto his arm and grind on his finger.

He soon replaced his index with his thumb, sliding two fingers inside of her which made her moan.

He quickly pulled his fingers out, hearing her whine but she soon stopped as she realized he was pulling her to the bedroom.

Once inside, he pushed her against the bed yanking her skirt down and throwing her shirt somewhere in the room.

"Better.. Open your legs."

She immediately did as he said, letting out a small moan of pleasure as she felt his hand going back to its spot but instead of having his thumb on her clit, it was his mouth, tongue flicking against it, licking it, teasing it.

She squirmed around a little but he groaned warningly, as if he was telling her to not push his limits.

She stopped moving around, an hand tangling in his hair, hips slowly grinding in his face.

She had to admit, he wasn't really good with his tongue, but his fingers inside of her moved just perfectly, touching the right spots that made her release the prettiest sounds.

"Yes.. J-Just like that I'm gonna- No~"

She looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, a small pout on her lips at the loss of contact.

He had no intentions to make her cum, only to make her wet enough.

He smiled at her frustration as he unbuckled his belt, taking off his jeans.

Just a flight away. [Edited] | JHSWhere stories live. Discover now