10 : Spare time.

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"I'm gonna cry this is so hard !"

Brittany passed behind Sasha, furrowing her eyebrows at the sight.

It has been a few days since Sasha and Hoseok met at the hotel, and needless to say, she still felt a little sore after what he did to her.

"You put this mess upon yourself Sasha.. But damn, how devoted are you ?" She blinked.

Sasha sighed, putting down the pencil.

"Hoseok does a lot for me, the least I can do is learn his language but.. Shit, this is hard.." She groaned, desperate.

"Then ask him for advice ?" Brittany asked, more in a stating tone.

Sasha turned her head to her with a deadpan, looking at her up and down.

"It's supposed to be a surprised, what does it look like if I ask him ?.. Shit I do for Hoseok.." Sasha mumbled, looking at the notebook in front of her.

Brittany chuckled, putting on lip balm.

"It's something about that dick.. You're out there learning Korean for him." She said, still surprised. "After you let him blow your back-"

"Let's~ not talk about that." Sasha cut her off.

"You did the crawl of shame Sasha ! I can't even say walk because you couldn't do this basic human function."

Hoseok was always making an effort in English for her sake, in whatever situation.

He always used a translator to text her and when they were together, he talked in baby language.

So Sasha decided to take on yourself and learn his language to show him that she was also trying to get closer to him, but she didn't expect for to be this complicated.

But it wasn't going to be easy considering the aching between her legs, Hoseok thoroughly and utterly ruining her in any shape or form.

And it has been days.

Sasha groaned out of frustration, letting her head fall on the table.

"I'm taking a small break." She sighed.

She stood up and made her way towards the fridge, grabbing a can of sprite.

At first she wasn't very fond of the drink, but Hoseok made her love it, just because he did.

And as if on cue, Sasha's phone started to ring, Hoseok's contact popping on the screen.

A small smile tugged on her lips and she rushed to the corridor's mirror, checking herself quickly.

Because of his busy schedule, they haven't seen each other since they had sex, which was one of the reasons Sasha decided to learn Korean : she missed him, and it made her feel somehow close to him.

She smiled at him as his face appeared on the phone, a bright smile on his face as well.

He was in a car, looking all fresh and handsome, playing with his hair, head laid back on the seat.

"Hi.." She said with a smile.

Brittany glared at her, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Try to say in Korean ! Put your efforts to use !" She yelled in a whisper.

Sasha decided to ignore her, walking away as Hoseok greeted her as well.

"How are you ?" He asked.

She could hear whispers around him, meaning he was probably in the same situation as her, his friends asking questions and/or giving him directions.

She saw his AirPods though, meaning they didn't hear her.

"Pretty fine and you ?" She asked, examining him as he did the same.

"Miss you.." He answered.

She chuckled, sipping on your sprite.

"Miss you too Hobi." She said with a small smile. ".. Well actually, I was trying to learn a little bit of korean before you called." She finally confessed, not able to keep it from him.

His eyes slightly widened, his pearly whites showing.

"Really ?"

"Yeah but this is hard !" Sasha whined.

He paused a moment to think about his next words before talking.

"Practice.. With me." He proposed. "Just a little !" He said in a pleading tone, gesturing 'little' with his thumb and his index.

It didn't take her long to give in, taking a deep breath to calm her nervosity.

"Okay so.. um.. -안녕 ?" She said hesitantly. "I can talk to you informally, right ?"

Hoseok squealed as he nodded, fangirling over her as she threw her poor korean into a small conversation.

He looked so proud of you and happy, which made her happy too and proud of herself.

".. Tonight I have.. umm.."

"Spare time." Sasha heard the leader's voice say, a little too loud.

Hoseok chuckled as the embarrassed Namjoon covered his mouth, but she couldn't see him do that.

The members were pretending they weren't listening, but Namjoon ruined it.

"Do you want to.. um.. go to.. date with me ?" He asked.

She gave him a cheeky grin, nodding.

Sasha missed him a lot, his proposition was heard and her hormones were already acting up.

She didn't expect sex, and frankly after getting destroyed like that she didn't want any for the moment either, but she felt butterflies in her stomach at the mere mention of seeing him.

Her dream boy.

Jung Hoseok.





Small rant : Compared to my other stories, this one is so pure and lighthearted, it's so peaceful I love it ghkffk

[edit] a bitch didn't know she'd correct the smut into the kinkiest shit ever at the time, so the 'pure' flew out the window.


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