16 : A day in Hoseok's life.

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"So this is my studio.. Hope world."

Sasha looked around with wide eyes, finally discovering the studio her boyfriend wouldn't shut up about.

It was the day after she arrived, and he decided to bring her to work with him though she couldn't really follow him around, she didn't really want to either, it was embarrassing.

He said his schedule was pretty light today, so she could wait for him in his studio.

"It's pretty.."

He hummed, watching her silently walk around.

"It's my first time being in a music studio.. What does this button do ?" She asked, pointing at something.

"Ah it's to add um.. B-Bass I think ?"

"Yes that's how you say it." She confirmed.

He nodded, reassured, and sat on his chair with a small grunt, looking at her staring at the mixing table with big eyes.

"It's fascinating."

"You look pretty." He said with a small smile.

She turned to him with confused eyes before chuckling.

"Well that was unexpected but I'll take it.. You're prettier though."

He shook his head, grabbing her arm to pull her on his lap, wrapping his arms around her.

His hand squeezed her waist, lips kissing her cheek.

"Smell good.." He mumbled, closing his eyes.

She had a small smile on her face, stroking his nape hair but slowly, he was going down to her neck, opening the first buttons of her shirt to have more access.

"Baby.." She sighed, starting to squirm.

"Mh ?"

"You're at work.."

"So ? It's just you and me here." He said, going back up to her lips.

Her fists clenched on his hoodie, feeling how needy he was from the kiss they shared.

He moved her body around to make her straddle his thigh, now having more ease to grope her ass.

He lightly bit her lower lip, making her whimper.

"Knees." He muttered against her lips.

"Here ? Now ?" She asked, kind of panicked at the idea of getting caught.

"I said knees, Sasha."

She didn't question him any further, getting on her knees in front of him and looking up at him.

"Why are you waiting ?"


She unbuckled his belt, still shocked at the way he just switched.

In the other hand, she felt reassured that he was horny like that, it meant that he didn't do anything while they were apart.

Why would he be so eager if he did ?

Either ways, she was now facing his semi-hard cock, wrapping a hand around it and looking up at him for confirmation that she could touch, only seeing him drink coke peacefully, looking down at her.

She tried to wrap her lips around it but he sucked his teeth, pushing her head away.

"No sucking, only hand."

Just a flight away. [Edited] | JHSWhere stories live. Discover now