18 : In love.

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It has now been a few days since Sasha has arrived and if until then she has only been following him to work, that night Hoseok decided to take her out on a date.

His hormones were now tamed to Sasha's pleasure, the girl appreciating not feeling like she was about to fall apart.

It was pretty late, the two of them walking at Han river, holding hands.

Though Sasha wasn't the type to do that, thinking it was just cheesy to hold hands like that, she made the effort for him.

"Are you having fun here ?" He asked her with a small smile.

She nodded, returning the smile.

"Yes.. I know you feel bad about having to work but it doesn't disturb me really, I just like spending time with you."


Though she had a good time in Korea with her boyfriend, Sasha didn't forget hey had some serious things to talk about, it couldn't be neglected just for a few giggles and good sex.

"But I want to make sure that when I go back, you won't forget about me." She answered.

"I promise."

"No I don't want promises, I want significant actions to back up what you say because I'm not spending two weeks without hearing from you again."

He puckered his lips under his face mask, looking at the floor.

"Did it hurt you ?" He asked in his native tongue, voice low.

"Yes it did, because I had no explanation as to why you were behaving like this." She answered.

"Were you mad at me ?"


"Then.. Why did you agree to come ?" He asked, biting his lower lips anxiously.

She shrugged, looking at the starry sky, the warm breeze blowing, her hand still tightly holding his.

"Because you.." She cut herself up by a small sigh, feeling nervous. "You make me feel good, comforted.. Appreciated.. And I want to make this work regardless, I know it's gonna worth it at the end of the day and I don't have any other choice because if it doesn't.. Not gonna lie it's gonna hurt like a bitch."

With their hands still linked, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling his mask down to kiss her forehead.

"I promise we'll make it work."

They were both talking in their native tongues, yet still managed to understand each other, with efforts and patience, catching up on a few words to understand the sentences.

"I'll do anything it takes."

"And ?" She asked.

"I already told you it won't happen ever again." He said in a slight whiny tone.

"Still, say it again."

"It won't happen again baby." He said, kissing her temple at each word, making her chuckle.

She hummed, not even realizing when he gently grabbed her chin to peck her lips with a small smile.


"Again." She asked, puckering her lips.

He giggled and obliged, earning a smile from her.


She giggled in response, holding the pose as he took a picture of her, a huge smile on her face.

"You always take pictures of me whatever I'm doing.. Oh my God do you take pictures of me  when I'm sleeping ?" She asked, eyes all wide of fear.

He snorted, looking around him nervously as he slowly let her go.


She let out an audible gasp, making him laugh harder as she stayed silent, too stunned to speak.

"But you look cute~"

"I look cute whatever I do to you, your opinion isn't reliable." She answered.

"It is ! It's the most important one." He said, kissing her cheek. "Let's go get something to eat."

"The hotteok you got last time was good." She proposed.

"Then let's get that.. The lady was so nice." He said with a small smile.

She stayed silent, staring at her handsome, strong, tall, incredibly nice, good hearted, funny boyfriend.

She liked him, a lot, she had strong feelings for him.

Love was starting to install itself, she could feel it.

She felt different when she looked at him now, as if the whole world had stopped, feeling breathless, like she was floating.

She was falling in love with him, hard, and didn't plan to self-sabotage herself.

She was being listened to despite a language barrier and well taken care of, she wouldn't neglect that for anything in the world.

She looked at him with big heart eyes as he paid the lady for the hotteok, delicate hands fishing the won bills in his wallet as he kept a kind smile on his face, always.

"Are you okay ?" He asked, noticing her gaze.

"You're so handsome.." She said before taking a bite of her food as they sat down.

He chuckled, putting her hair behind her ear, careful to not lift the corner of her lace front after receiving a whole lecture when he accidentally did it.

"Thank you.."

She pointed the hotteok towards him and he took a small bite, immediately feeling her small thumb wiping the corner of his lip.

"You're so beautiful too.." He complimented her back.

"I know.. Just kidding, thanks."

He let out a small chuckle, now being the one staring at her, at every inch of her face as if he wanted to remember her so well that he'd be able to see her with his eyes closed.

"I'm in love with you.." He said in a small voice, finger twirling around the tip of her hair.

She choked a little out of surprised, a worried look taking over his face as he rubbed her back, giving her a bottle of water.

"Are you okay ?" He asked, eyes all wide.

She nodded, rubbing her chest.

"I just didn't expect that.. Just know that the feeling is mutual."

He gave her a smile, kissing her forehead as she scouted closer to him, carrying on eating but feeling all flustered, her melanin hiding how much she would've been blushing.

His cheeks too were a little pink, feeling quite shy after confessing like this.

Yet they both overall felt good about this.

Shy, but good, cuddling each other on a random bench at one in the morning, watching the peaceful Han River.




this was so disgustingly cute


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