12 : Ignored.

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"Come on Sasha, let's go."

Izumi sighed, looking at Sasha on her bed, back facing the door.

"I'm not in the mood.." She answered in a small voice.

He walked in the room, opening the windows wide, making her let out a groan, eyes squinting at the sudden light intrusion.

She has been in her dark room for so long that Sun felt odd to her.

That wasn't the Sun she needed.

"Izumi !" She whined, covering her eyes.

"Yeah yeah, you've been skipping practice for days now, get yourself together." He firmly said, getting out of the room. "I'm leaving in thirty minutes, if you don't get out of bed yourself, I'll drag you out."

On these words, he closed the door, leaving her to herself, wondering what was Hoseok doing.

He left a week ago, but hadn't contacted her since.

Not a single call, text or even just a picture, nothing.

She felt used, as if she was just a girl he wanted to play with.

Part of her knew he wasn't that kind of person, but after all he was a man in the industry.

They have access to money, power and women, so why would he try to stay loyal at the other side of the sea ?

She slowly got out of bed, walking towards the bathroom to see the damages this past days have made.

She had been binge-eating and it was visible, her face a little rounder, lips slightly chapped and eyes small.

She sucked her teeth, getting in the shower to wash up, taking care of herself.

It was nice while it lasted, that's all she needed to keep in mind.

She put on her sports shorts and a loose white shirt, knee protectors and her sneakers.

She was lucky that Lucas was understanding, however it was her job, no matter how much she associated it with Hoseok.

"Private plane my ass."

She looked at herself in the mirror again and satisfied, she grabbed her bag, walking towards the front door.

Izumi smiled at her with pride, giving her head a small pat.

"I'm proud of you, let's go now.."


"What an asshole !"

"I know right ?"

Brittany shook her head as they both stretched together.

Practice was tough since she didn't attend for a few days, but it still felt good to unleash like that after the past few days.

"Not even a text ? Who doesn't have time for a text ? Bullshit !" She continued. "How dare he ?"

Sasha smiled at the way her friend went off on someone that wasn't even there.

It made you her better, in a way.

"I fucking followed the topic 'j-hope' on Twitter because apparently it's the only way I can know what he's up to... Unfortunately this motherfucker still fine as fuck." Sasha groaned. "However not much updates there either."

Brittany let out a small gasp, clapping in her hands as if she just had the idea of the century.

"Tonight we're going out, you need to forget about him !" She said with a huge smile. "Put on your best outfit and post that shit on Instagram, he needs to see his loss."

Sasha let out a small sigh before pouting.

She wasn't much of a party person, the idea wasn't very appealing to her.

Plus, she didn't like that kind of drama, if Hoseok was an asshole, she thought she shouldn't give him any importance instead of showing him that he affected her.

That was his problem with him and himself.

But Brittany didn't thought the same and was ready to drag Sasha out of her shared appartment with Izumi, decided to make her feel alive, though she looked dead.

After all, Sasha was convinced that Hoseok and her shared something special.

The disappointment hit hard.

"I don't like going out.. I don't feel like it either.."

"Uh uh ! You need to meet other people and aerate your system, I really don't like to see you like this, I want you to have some fun and not be locked up in your room with the demon in your closet as a friend."

That made Sasha chuckle softly, making Brittany smile that her attempt succeeded.

"The demon in my closet ?"

"Yeah yeah, that good old friend.. But it's not a human being, and you need to socialize and get back to what life was before you met him."

Sasha stayed silent an instant, thinking about it.

After all Brittany was right, she had a life before meeting Hoseok and it must go on.

"Alright then, I guess we can go out."




Just a flight away. [Edited] | JHSWhere stories live. Discover now