09 : Yes sir.

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(Forgot it last part chile-)



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Hoseok's hands trailed on Sasha's body, caressing her hips as he kissed her lustfully.

He kept mumbling things under his breath in his native tongue, and the way it rolled out of his lips made her squirm.

His voice was slightly deeper, raspier.

His fingers rested at the hem of her top, his eyes staring into hers.

"Okay ?" He asked for her consent.

Sasha nodded, giving him permission and he kissed her neck as he took off her top.

His knee rested between her thighs, rubbing her spot through the clothes as his hands massaged her chest, lips sucking on her neck, leaving really light hickies.

She was moaning quietly, already feeling like she was going completely insane at his mere touch, his eyes already hooded.

The sunshine side was long gone, his boner now pressed against her thigh, slightly grinding on her as he sucked on her nipples, delicately, his hands taking off her sweatpants.

"H-Hoseok.." She breathed out, fingers tangling in his messed up hair.

"Sir." He corrected her.

She felt her insides clench at that, his eyes piercing through hers.

"I'm not that nice in the bed.. So umm.. Tell me if you don't feel comfortable.. Say stop."

If someone ever told her that this man was kinky, she would've laughed.

He seemed like an absolute fan of vanilla sex, but well, seems like she was wrong.

"Yes sir."

A small smirk fired on his lips before he gently pushed her off of him, making her stand up.

"Floor." He answered, pointing at his crotch.

Her eyes slightly widened, clearly not expecting that but following what he said, getting on her knees.

Since he didn't speak english fluently, his sentences were just a few words, and that somehow just made it hotter.

They haven't even started yet, but she already knew this man wanted total obedience, she could feel it.

So she just stayed on her knees, looking up at him and waiting for his next orders.

A small smirk formed on his lips, knowing that she got it.

He calls the shots.

He stood up, grabbing himself his glass of wine and pouring some, hands on his phone putting some RnB playlist before sitting back down, putting the bottle and glass on the night table.

Just a flight away. [Edited] | JHSWhere stories live. Discover now