13 : Perfect timing.

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They were partying, hard.

Sasha and Brittany got at the club an hour ago and Sasha felt already tipsy from the alcohol rushing in her blood, her hips moving by themselves to the sound of the music.

Hoseok crossed her mind multiple times, but she tried to shrug it off.

It wasn't about him right now, he was probably fucking some girl anyways, not once thinking about his 'girlfriend'.

A guy poked her shoulder, making her turn around.

She questioned him with her eyes, giving him a small polite smile.

He wasn't really her type, but anything to get her 'boyfriend' out of her mind.

"You're alone ?" He asked, leaned in her ear.

Just as she was about to answer, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

"Sorry, wait a second."

She walked to the bathroom and answered, assuming it was Izumi since he was the one supposed to pick them the club when they'll be too wasted to remember their own names.

Maybe he was checking up on them, though he'd most likely call Brittany for that.

"Izumi you better have a good reason before I-"

"Izumi ?"

Her heart flipped as she heard his voice at the other end of the phone.


She heard him chuckle, her eyes rolling by themselves.

"Sorry I.. didn't call you.. before." He immediately apologized.

Though Hoseok was a kind soul, that she knew he wouldn't hurt her purposely, she still felt upset, rightfully.

"And why is that ? I was worried ! Aren't you supposed to be my boyfriend ?" She finally decided to let it all out. "What kind of boyfriend ghosts his girlfriend for a week and then comes back like a fucking flower huh ?!"

He sighed at the other end of the phone, biting his lower lip in guilt.

He was also thinking that since she didn't contact him, she was playing with him. He finally decided to call to clear the waters, and turns out he was right to do so.

"Busy schedule." He answered. ".. I'm sorry Sasha, I sleep a lot.. I just wake up."

She took a deep breath, closing her eyes.

The alcohol in your veins was making her head slightly spin, she clearly wasn't in a good position to discuss about serious matters like this.

But she missed his voice.

Hearing him after a whole week was reassuring, her heartbeat softening at she listened to him speak in his baby language.

"Where are you ? Very much noise.." He said, sounding genuinely intrigued.

She sighed, throwing your head back.

"At the club."

She could practically hear the disappointment in his voice as he let out a little 'oh'.

"Are you.. umm.. Are you angry with me ?" He asked you in a small voice.

"I am indeed." You answered without hesitating.

Just a flight away. [Edited] | JHSWhere stories live. Discover now