08 : Talking bodies.

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The door of the hotel room opened on Hoseok, a smile already plastered on his face.

"Hello !" He said, pushing aside to let her enter.

Sasha answered in his native tongue, not without stuttering, or a terrible pronunciation.

His eyes brightened at her attempt, absolutely loving this attempt to make him more comfortable.

Which in a sense, succeeded.

It meant she was trying.

For him.

"Oh God, did I say it right ?" She asked out of embarrassment, remembering when Izumi talked about these 'koreaboos'.

He nodded, pulling her closer by the waist.

"Yeah, good." He answered, pulling her into an embrace.

She smiled, humming his scent.

He smelled musky and... and strangely comfort ?

He put a kiss on her forehead, making her smile before pulling her towards the couch of the suite.

She sat on his lap, surprising him, yet he didn't say anything, wrapping his arms around her waist, a hand brushing your thigh.

"Comfortable ?" He asked, which she nodded to.

Her arms hesitantly hugged his shoulders, pressing a kiss on his cheek.

"Very comfortable."

He stared at her eyes, his gaze slowly falling on her lips.

This simple gesture made Sasha nervous, her teeth chewing on the inner part of her cheek.

He looked at her back in the eyes, puckering his lips.

"Now kiss.. please."

His grip around her got tighter as he held her closer, his lips puckered as he looked her, waiting.

She leaned on him, a hand on his chest as she pecked his lips with a smile.

Hoseok smiled at her, stroking her lower back as he burried his face in the crook of her neck, enjoying her soft scent.

"Good.. Good girl." He said hesitantly, as if he tried to figure if it was the good words.

However, the feeling of her insides clenching on his thigh proved that he didn't mistake the words at all, more like a misuse.

A light pink colored his cheeks, Hoseok not knowing how to react to that.

His plans for the night were miles away from sex, but he couldn't deny that Sasha gave him the tingles.

No matter what Izumi said, she was not flat.

She was a dancer with defined muscles, a cute ass and plump breasts in front of her, her stretch marks peaking from her top.

Her plump ass was pressed against his upper thigh, covered by her joggings.

Hoseok chewed on his bottom lip nervously.

He thought he could control himself around her, but turns out he was now wondering if he could handle her.

However, he knew exactly what treatment he should give to that body.

He didn't know how to ask her, so he just pushed her off his lap gently, before she could feel him grow beneath her.

Making Sasha uncomfortable was the last thing he wished to do, and a boner against her wasn't the best way to keep everything family friendly.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she watched him, Hoseok looking flustered and embarrassed.

"Is everything alright ?" She asked him, putting a hand on his.

He hummed, nodding.

Usually he was always smiling, but at the moment he looked panicked, avoiding her gaze.

She changed her hand's position, putting it on his thigh, not noticing the way his pants were tightening by seconds.

Unfortunately for him, he was bad at lying.

"Hobi are you sure you're okay ?" She asked for confirmation.

"Your.. Your hand please.." He muttered.

She looked at her hand, finally noticing his bulge through his shorts.

Her legs shut at the sight, especially at how big it looked.

"I-I'm sorry.." She stuttered, embarrassed after realizing that she has been staring.

He gulped, shaking his head, not knowing what to say either.

The two of them have been only seem people to fuck over the past years, but since they really liked each other, they silently agreed on taking it slow when it came to sex.

Sasha's inner hoe wanted to ask him if he wanted 'help', meanwhile the side of her that craved love for so long decided to stay silent.

He pulled out his phone, typing fast before looking back at you.

"Let's pretend it never happened." He said quickly, gulping.

She bit her lower lip, lowering her gaze before meeting his bright eyes again.

Those kind of things shouldn't make him embarrassed and she wanted him to understand that she didn't care about those things.

Especially since body language was the one they both were trying to learn for each other.

She leaned on the couch, crashing her lips on his.

His eyes stayed opened a moment before closing as he kissed her back, pulling her on his lap again.

Needles to say, slow was completely thrown out the window.

Her arms hooked around his neck, pulling him closer as his tongue entered her mouth, teasing hers.

He mumbled something in his native tongue under his breath that she of course didn't understand, whimpers leaving her lips as her ass brushed against his rock hard crotch.

"Fuck.." She sighed as his lips kissed your neck, finding your sweet spot.

His hands roamed on her body, feeling her up.

His lips were soon back to kissing her lips, fingers tugging as the aim of her top.

He swiftly took it off, massaging her breasts as he kissed down her neck.

He took one of her nipples on his mouth, sucking on it to hear more of her pretty moans that he grew to like more and more as time passed.

Everything about this man was driving Sasha crazy, and it seemed like she wasn't making it easy for him either, her fingers disheveling his hair that he seemed to have combed before you came.

She kissed his neck, grinding on top of him as he let out little moans under her, not really loud, but enough to get her off.

His breathing got heavy as he felt her lick and suck on his earlobe, finding it was his sweet spot.

The words mixed in his head, making him confused in what he was supposed to say, except one word that was enough to make her understand.

"Shit.. Bed."




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