Finale : You know I'll see you again.

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"Are you ready ?"

Sasha nodded, a small yawn escaping leaving her lips.

An thirteen long hour flight was waiting her, and it was only two in the morning.

He watched her with a small smile, seeing her wear one of his comfortable shirts with a pair of leggings, socks and Nike flip flops.

He gave her a long hug, kissing her all over her face as he obviously will wear a mask at the airport.

"I'm gonna miss you.." He said, holding her tight.

"Me too.."

They've spent such a good time together, bonding and solidifying their relationship, getting to know each other, laughing, giggling, crying in front of TV shows together.

Such a good time, but everything has an end.

Not their relationship though, now they didn't want to let go of each other, though they did stopped hugging after a good while.

"Let's go." Hoseok said, grabbing her suitcase.

She nodded, taking his free hand as they both walked out of his apartment, her eyes roaming around the place a last time.

Last time before a while, at least.

She's gonna miss it, a lot, but she also missed home with Izumi and Brittany, her job too.

She had a life that she ultimately had to go back to, it'd take some adjusting, might be a little painful, but she'd get used to balance all of this.

Her long-distance relationship and her busy life in Los Angeles, it'll work out at the end, she was sure of it.

During the car ride they didn't say much, she just Hoseok what was his schedule for the day, both of them holding hands the whole time.

He made the coffee for her at hom this morning, putting it in a BT21 sleeve cup which she grandly appreciated, sipping on it as he peppered kisses on her hand silently, both of them enjoying their last moment together like this, silently and affectionately.

They soon reached the airport which wasn't as busy as it usually was consider that it was three in the morning on a Tuesday.

Hoseok helped her register and since they ran a little late, she immediately had to leave.

They walked to the gate and stopped there, looking at each other.

"Are you sure that you had a good time ?" He asked her with a small smile, pinching her cheek.

She hummed, nodding.

"I'm sure as hell I did, every small minute of it." She reassured him.

"Good.. Stay safe Sash'."

He looked at her and thought 'fuck it', pulling down his mask to peck her lips.

"I'll miss you so much." He said, wrapping his arms around her.

She hugged him back as tight, inhaling his scent as she snuggled in his chest.

Noticing it, Hoseok let go of her and took off his jacket, giving it to her.

"But you're gonna be cold.."

"It's alright.." He reassured her, kissing her cheek. "I'll be fine, let's take a last picture."

Sasha nodded, kissing his cheek as he took the picture with a small giggle, both of them not even checking it out.

It'll turn out good either ways.

Then she took a deep breath, looking at him.

"Make sure to eat well and sleep enough, okay ?" She said, making him nod.

"Call me when you get ho.. Oh no, don't cry baby."

A few tears fell down her face that he soon kissed away before pecking her lips.

"You'll come back soon."

"I will." She answered with a small smile though she was letting down a few tears.

She tip toed for a last kiss, pulling his mask back up before turning around, waving at him as she walked through the door, disappearing.

Hoseok stood there, all sad with his hands in his pockets.

He turned around with a small sigh, relaxing his shoulders and seeing the basically empty airport, the people being there almost fighting to not fall asleep or distracting themselves on their phones.

He didn't get caught, perfect.

[in case you don't know, dispatch isn't allowed to follow bts around 😉]

He got back into the car with a sigh, pulling his mask down and ruffling his hair, looking at the spot she was previously sitting on, his hand slowly rubbing it.

A small smile formed on his face as he pulled his phone out, seeing a picture of them on his lock screen.

It was a selfie of him, her sleeping self on his chest.

A soft chuckle left his lips at that followed by a soft sigh.

"Yeah.. I'll see you soon."





okay so it's over though there's the epilogue after <3

first of all i wanted to ask the people who read it first if you like the way i re-wrote this sorry :)

the ending was really messy and i feel like i could've incorporated more elements the first time so.. i rewrote it.

this is definitely my comfort book, like this shit is filled with fluff and is overall so cute.

i felt like the concept of long distance fit hobi the best for some reason, which is why i chose him as the member for this story

but anyways, hope you liked it !

you can find me in my other books :

• Hell in Heaven. | KTH x OC x MYG
• Friends. | PJM x Reader
• Out of My League. | MYG
• The mini book series : Mine & Yours. | KTH
• The eight member 1&2 | Maknae Line
• Princess 1,2&3 | Maknae Line
• Good at love | JJK
• The drunk trilogy : Champagne, Wine & Rum  | KTH
• Summer Love. | JJK
• Paper Hearts. | MYG
• Double Trouble. | JJK x OC x KNJ
• Watching you. | KSJ
• Hotel Room. | JJK x Reader
• Cat & Mouse. | KTH x Reader x JJK
• Those memories of ours. | KTH
• Maneater. | Hyung Line
• Sugar. | KTH

thank you so much, lots of love 💕💕💕

- Author-nim, Ashley 🤎

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