11 : Private plane.

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"So then I told Brit' that the food was good but her way of preparing it was disgusting and-.. Sorry, am I talking too much ?"

Hoseok snapped out of his trance, shaking his head.

As he proposed earlier, they went on a date soon, going back to the beach.

If Sasha was a little flustered at first after their encounter, Hoseok was really casual, as if nothing happened, so it didn't take long for her to relax as well, activating her chatterbox mode.

"No, no.. Keep talking.."

She raised a brow, crossing her arms against her chest with a small smile on her lips, seeing right through him.

She leaned a little closer to him on the tip of her toes, her face close to his in a teasing way.

"Liar." She whispered.

His eyes slightly widened as his lips pouted, indignation all over his face.

"I'm not a liar." He answered with an offended tone.

She chuckled, looking into his beautiful eyes.

His face inspired her love and affection, she couldn't help but watch him, endeared by every little thing he did.

She pressed a small kiss on his lips, making him smile, getting flustered at this sign of affection, as if he didn't fail her few nights ago.

He tried to hide his smile but couldn't help it, ending up looking away.

"See, you're lying again.. Your face talks for you baby." She said in a soft voice, pulling away from him. "What's wrong ?"

He shook his head, making her frown a little.

"Tired." He answered with a small smile.

She nodded, thinking that he indeed had a busy schedule and the only spare time he had, he decided to spend it on her.

A small pout formed on her lips, guilt getting to her.

"What's wrong ?" He asked, noticing the frown on her face.

"Well it's a day off and instead of resting you're listening to my stories."

He gave her a small smile, patting her head.

"Don't worry, I love listening to you... It's my.. my way of.. resting." He reassured.

She smiled back at him and resumed her discussion, even though Hoseok seemed disconnected.

She sighed softly, gripping his hand tighter.

That got him back to Earth, looking at her in confusion.

"Are you okay ?" He asked, feeling her tense.

She pursed her lips, looking right in front of her before turning to him, sighing.

"I feel like you're hiding from me, I don't like that."

His smile slowly concealed, worrying her even more.

What if he had a girlfriend waiting for him back home ?

What if it was all a lie ?

"Sasha, I.."

He made a pause in his sentence, the noises of the wind and the waves crashing on the sand being heard.

The fresh smell of the ocean filled your nostrils, soothing her though she couldn't help but think about the worst when her eyes traveled on his face, especially since he wasn't smiling, which was really unusual.

She looked at his every detail, thinking about how handsome her 'boyfriend' looked.

His hair slightly wavy and messy, deep shades of brown hugging his face, a sharp jaw that could cut apples and beautiful lips with a mole.

His nose had a perfect curve and his brown eyes shined as he looked at her.

".. I have to go back home.. in Korea."

Sasha suddenly felt out of breath, the sounds around them intensifying as the words left his lips.

She was so into her bubble that she completely forgot he was a foreigner that had to go back to his country at some point.

"I.. Wow."

That all she could say at the moment, taken aback by something so expectable.

She felt tears build up in her eyes, a sudden odd feeling getting to you.

He was still there, yet she already missed him.

"I'm sorry.." He mumbled, looking at his feet.

"No, no don't be.. We knew it was coming." She answered with a small smile, trying to reassure him.

But when she looked up at him and saw him giving her a small smile, a few tears escaped her eyes.

She hasn't known him long, but three words lingered in her mind every time she thought about him, whether it was at work, or when she was learning korean by herself for him, or the few times they FaceTimed.

Everything was moving fast between them, and the feelings were keeping up.

He took her in his arms, kissing her forehead as his warm embrace tightened around her.

"When will I see you again ?" She sobbed in his chest, hugging him tighter.

"Whenever you want." He answered.

You let go of the embrace, looking up at him.

"What do you mean ? Hoseok it's not the city an hour away, it's literally across the sea babe ! I.. I really.. Shit I don't know." She sighed in defeat.

He nodded at her words, pushing her coily bangs up to see her face better.

He gave her a reassuring smile, making her eyes open wide, looking at him with a light of hope on your eyes.

He kissed the top of your nose with a small smile.

"Private plane ?"

She looked up at him in confusion, feeling too overwhelmed to think properly.

"What do you mean ?"

"I have money.. I can give you anything, baby."




Just a flight away. [Edited] | JHSWhere stories live. Discover now