14 : Miss you.

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"Oh so you're really gonna fly out of the country because this man asked you to ?"

Sasha sighed, looking up from her suitcase to Brittany.

"Yeah ?"

"So we're gonna skip the part where he ignored you for days ?" Brittany deadpanned.

"Free travelling in first class and hopefully we can settle things I don't know.. I really like him though." Sasha sighed, cocking her head sideways.

"Yeah you better like him that much to leave the comfort of your home to fly out to a country you've been before in the responsibility of this man."

Sasha chuckled, Brittany settled on her bed, watching her thoroughly pack her suitcase.

A small smile formed on Brittany's face at the sight, even though she didn't really trust Hoseok anymore.

"I know what I'm doing don't worry.. I checked out on google what an idol schedule looks like and I understand that he didn't have time to contact me, I would've done the same to be honest." Sasha said.

"Yeah but you're his girlfriend, it's different.. How the fuck can he forget to text you ? Not saying he was cheating but.. It's super weird."

"Well I guess I'm even weirder for even wanting to give him another chance." Sasha shrugged. "Pass me the shirt here."

Brittany gave her said shirt, a soft sigh escaping her lips.

"I'm not telling you to stop talking to him, I know you won't listen either ways just.. Be careful, okay ?"

Sasha hummed, checking her suitcase for the umpteenth time before going back to folding clothes.

Her phone started to ring, showing Hoseok's contact on FaceTime.

She threw her bonnet off of her head, putting the phone on her side table and clearing her throat before picking up.


Brittany almost exploded in laugher at the soft tone Sasha used, earning a glare as she decided to leave the room, going to pester Izumi in his slumber.

"Hi, are you ready ?" Hoseok asked with a small smile.

"Not really.. Hey is it cold these days ?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

He nodded, watching her focused face with a small smile, but soon noticing her chest peeking as she leaned forward, her oversized shirt being a victim of gravity.

No matter how respectful Hoseok was, he remained a man, but mainly human.

A human with needs who missed his girlfriend, the night they spent together playing over and over in his head.

"Your.. Your shirt." He said, clearing his throat.

"You've seen it all either ways." She answered, not even lifting her eyes to look at the screen, way too focused.

A small nervous chuckle left Hoseok's lips at that, panic getting to him as he saw how confortable she was.

Cohabitation will be really complicated.

"Not for you.. For me."

Her eyes slightly widened as she looked up at him, putting a hand over her chest to lift the shirt.

Just a flight away. [Edited] | JHSWhere stories live. Discover now