Chapter 24 - Taking Care Of Buisness Part 2

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Ali's POV

After Danny and I spoke I decided to go upstairs to find Kay. Ugh I hope she wasn't ease dropping on the last part. I don't want to explain anything to her. Danny had to go back to his house, I honestly feel bad for what's happening with his family. I'm going to tell my parents about his family's financial struggles, whether he likes it or not. I hate to see him like that.

"Kaylee!" I knock on the guest room door.

"Hey Ali I'm just getting dressed." She replies. I gave her some of my clothes for day.

I wait about three minutes for her.

"Hey Ali, I think I'm ready to call my parents now." She says after a big deep breath.

"Are you sure? I mean if you still need time-"

"No, I'm ready. My mom is probably going crazy now." She nods.

"You know, you've put that woman through a lot of shit." I state, wow I've been wanting to say that for a while now.

"I know and I'm sorry." She says.

"Don't say sorry to me. Say it to her." I tell her.

"Okay." She says and heads down stairs.

I follow her and she heads to the living room and I head into the kitchen. I decided to make some blueberry pancakes. As I was mixing the batter I heard a knock on the door. As I was heading to the door, I glanced at Kaylee whom looked like she was on the verge of tears. Oh dear.

"Hey Danny!" I nearly yell and give him a hug.

"Haha hey Ali. I'm glad to see you too." He laughs.

He glances over into the living room where Kaylee is then back at me.

"She's on the phone with her parents." I whipser, and he nods looking back at Kaylee.

"Come on I'm making pancakes." I smile and lead him over to the kitchen.

When the pancakes were about finish, that's the same time Kaylee got off the phone with her parents.

"My parents are coming to pick me up." She says as she came into the kitchen.

"Oh wow, would like some pankcakes?" I nicely ask.

"No. I'm gonna get my things." She looks down and heads upstairs. Meanwhile, Danny's digging into his pancakes.

"These are so good!" He says and takes another bite. I fold my arms.

"Didn't you hear what the poor girl said?" I ask giving him a look.

"No, what she said?" Danny asks puting his fork down.

"She said her parents are coming to get her." I reply.

"Oh wow. So she's getting her things?" He asks.

"Mhm." I reply. I decided to take a plate of pancakes, and Kay came back downstairs and decided to eat too. After ten minutes of eating there was a knock at the door.

"That must be my parents." She says and gets up.

"Don't worry I got your plate." Danny says taking the dishes to the sink.

I open the door and Kaylee's mom dashes through the door.

"Ooh Kaylee I'm so glad you safe!" Her mom says as she hugs nearly chokes her.

"Thank you Ali." Kaylee's dad says giving me a pat on the back. Well then.

"No really thanks Ali." Kaylee's mom says and gives me a hug.

"Let's get going." Kaylee's dad says. They all left before I said bye to Kaylee. Well that's sort of bullshit. I look back at Danny who drying his hands. I go back into the kitchen.

"Don't worry I heard everything." He says turning his attention to me.

"I'm just glad she's okay I guess." I shrug.

"You were a trooper." Danny smiles.

"Now we have to worry about you and your family." As soon as those words escaped my mouth his smiled dropped.

"Oh come on Daniel! My family love you and I'm sure they'll be understanding." I blurt out.

"Alisyn I don't won't you to have deal with my family's issues!" He snaps.

"I honestly don't care, I'm helping you whether you like it or not!" I snap back. He sighs and and sits down in a nearby chair.

"I'm here for you." I say and hug him tightly.


Tonight at dinner I'm going to tell my parents about Danny and his family.

"Guys I have something to tell you." I start.

"What is it honey?" My mom asks.

"It's about Danny and his" I kind of stuttered.

"Is everything alright?" My dad asks.

"His dad, Cameron, had issues with his brother Jason, let's just say Cameron refused to pay back his brother a lot of money, so they got into it.
Now, he has to pay back this other company twenty thousand dollars." I explain, there was a short pause then my dad spoke.

"Daniel seems like a decent young man, so why not." My dad says.

"Why not what?" I ask.

"Why don't we help. All I have to do is sit down with Daniel's parents, and figure some things out. That's all." My dad explains, and I feel relieved.

"Oh thank you daddy! The whole situation's driving me crazy, like it's driving him crazy." I say and get up give him a hug.

"How about tomorrow we'll go over, all of us, and see what we could do." My dad suggests.

"That's sounds perfect!" I say. I could understand why Danny was being stubborn, but all I want to do is help. I hope Kaylee's family doesn't feel that I'm obligated to help Kaylee every time she's in trouble, if that's the case, then they're full of shit. Plus, that show they put on this morning was interesting. Anyways, I feel that buisness was taking care of.


xSarah and Aurora

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