ACT 1: Part 1

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It was a baffle to the people of London on how William James Moriarty could have a daughter, especially being so young. At just age 25, he was already rasing a young girl of 7 years. Despite the urge to do so, Nobody bothered to ask the question of how this was possible, not wanting to get onto the bad side of William or his brothers.

So, they kept their distance of the Moriarty family and discussed the situation behind their backs. However, the three men had already caught wind of the whisperings, Especially William. They were prepared for the rumors to be spread about Y/N...but that didn't bother them per say.

The rumors were so far off, that they couldn't help but just chuckle when they overheard them. Hilarious would be the best word to describe everything, and The Moriarty brothers would mostly ignore and continue to raise Y/N. Though, they were worried over what would happen to Y/N if the truth about her truly did come out.

She was not William's biological daughter, and if the news about that came to light, who knows what the corrupt high class would do to her. William didn't care if he lost everything if Y/N was revealed to the public to be adopted...He only cared about the wellbeing of his child, and how her life could be in danger.

William loved Y/N to death, beliving her to one of the few pure things that existed in this dark place. He treasured her, Y/N being his...Sunflower, if you could say.

Due to Y/N's young age, she obviously couldn't know things that she would obviously take badly. She couldn't know about her being adopted, she couldn't know about her father's...side job, besides being an math professor. And thankfully, she didn't seem to care.

Y/N was lost in her own world, being blessed with an imaginative mind. She would rather tell stories about princesses and knights, dragons and ogres, than learn about any anything that seemed to happen in the newspapers.

Y/N was William's little "Storyteller", gladly being a part of a audience of dolls whenever y/n had the chance to tell a new story that she made up. Albert and Louis would sometimes be part of the audiece, happily listening in on what the little girl had to say.

Despite how supportive on how William and his brothers were with Y/N...They were also worried for her. They were worried over the fact that came with the imagination...was also curiosity. Y/N always asked her father or uncles about what the whole of Britan was like whenever they got back from their travels, as she never accompined them due to how young she was.

The brothers would only give Y/N the standard answers, like "It's fine" or "You'll find out when your older.". They dare couldn't tell the true answer, her worldview would shatter if they did. She was far to innocent to learn about the truth of Britain, and William wanted to keep it like that.

William didn't want to lose his anyone or anything.


Y/N giggled to herself as she skipped through the hall, holding her white rabbit doll close to her. She was always a happy girl, rarely seen with a frown on her face. Whenever someone asked the girl about how she always had a smile on her face, she would say to them "It's because of my papa and uncles!"

She loved her family, being the closest to her father. Though, Y/N would admit that she would like it if they spent more time with her. If they weren't playing with y/n, they would mainly be busy with their work. Y/N sometimes asked if they could just leave their work to the side, but always got the same reply, being "I can't right now, it's important."

Y/N didn't want to be angry with her family, She knew how busy they could be...but she hated how she had to just accept it. As Y/N turned a corner, she stopped in her tracks when she saw her father. His back was turned and was walking down the hall the same direction Y/N was going. Y/N thought that he must have not be busy right now and quietly him.

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