ACT 2: Part 7

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Y/N laid on her bed, her eyes red and puffy from crying. She was just informed of the death of Sam, the poor boy having been murdered in his own home along with his maid and his other older brother. Lord Whitely's death was just a day after that, having been killed in public. Y/N should have seen this coming, but she truly believed that her friendship with Sam would last when they grew up......and possibly blossom into something more.

As Y/N rubbed her nose and looked up to the ceiling, she heard a knock coming from her door. She didn't say anything, wanting to be alone and mourn for her friend. The person who knocked on her door opened it, it being William. "Y/N...." William muttered, Y/N turning so that her back was facing William. William sighed, sitting next to Y/N on the bed and softly pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Leave me alone....." Y/N mumbled, William only shaking his head and telling her "I can't."

Y/N looked at her father, William giving her a sad smile and opening his arms so that Y/N could give him an embrace. Y/N did just that, snuggling into William's chest while William held her close. "Why did Sam die?" Y/N asked, William freezing up when she did. "He didn't deserve to die....." Y/N mumbled, William placing his forehead on her's. "He didn't, but that's just the cruelty of life." William told her, Y/N frowning and looking down. William hugged his daughter again, rubbing her back while rocking back and forth.

William felt terrible, not wanting to reveal to Y/N that he was behind the death of Lord Whitely. if Y/n found out, she would think that he was also behind the death of Sam and disown him. He couldn't let that happen, so he kept his mouth shut and played along that he was also unaware of the fate that was in store for Lord Whitely and his family. Y/N began to yawn, William chuckling and laying her back down on the bed.

"Get some sleep...." William said, about to leave but his arm was soon grabbed by Y/N. William looked back, seeing that Y/N had a pleading look in her eyes. "Sleep with me?" Y/N asked, William softly smiling and nodded. He than laid down next to Y/N, holding Y/N close to him as Y/N started to close her eyes. "Goodnight...." Y/N tiredly mumbled, William saying it back and closing his eyes as well.


It was nighttime when William heard rustling, at first thinking that it was Y/N twisting and turning in his arm. However, once William was about to squeeze Y/N to calm her down, he realized that he couldn't feel anyone. William quickly woke up, sitting up on the small bed and readjusting his blurry vision, seeing that there was a figure in the room. At first, William thought that it was Y/N......but soon noticed that the figure was too tall to be Y/N.

When William's vision was clear again, he saw that the figure was a cloaked person who......

who was holding a sleeping Y/N in their arms......

"Y/N!" William screamed, getting out of the bed and tried to reach out for his daughter. He grabbed the arm of the cloaked person, engaging in a scuffle with him. "GIVE ME BACK MY SUNFLOWER!" William yelled, the cloaked person smirking and hitting him in his head. William fell back, his vision going black and passing out.

But before he did, he saw the cloaked person leave trough the window with Y/N......


William woke up, sitting up on his bed and yawning. "Good morning, Y/N...." William muttered......but he soon went quiet when he remembered what happen last night.
"Y/N!" William screamed, about to get out of bed but was stopped by Louis. "You can't get out of bed just yet!" Louis told him, William looking at him with a worried expression. "Where is she?" William asked, Louis knowing who he was talking about.

Louis frowned, shaking his head as he muttered "We looked everywhere for her......". William's eyes widened, tears forming in them as he looked down. "No...." William whispered, Louis rubbing his back as he started to cry.

"Why......Why my sunflower?"

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