ACT 2: Part 2

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Y/N giggled as William wiped her face with a handkerchief, the young girl having just finished her meal. "You're always make a mess when you eat..." William said, smirking as Y/N took a sip of her water. Louis watched the two, chuckling while William gave Y/N a soft head pat. The three were currently in the dining compartment of the train they were riding on, the train chugging it's way back to London. As Y/N put her glass of water back on the table, William said to her "It's time to head back to our seats now."

Y/N pouted, telling her father "But we didn't have dessert yet!". William laughed, pressing a kiss to Y/N's forehead. As Y/N looked around the compartment, she noticed that somebody had entered the compartment and was seated at the back table. "C'mon-" William was about to sit up and grab Y/N's hand but Y/N went over to the back table before he could, having just recognized who the person was. "Sherlock!" Y/N exclaimed, tugging on the man's pants to get his attention away from the menu and towards her. Sherlock get the tugging and looked over at Y/N, his eyes widening but soon smiling when he remembered who she was.

"Oh hey, you!" Sherlock said, Y/N laughing and jumping up and down. Sherlock ruffled Y/N's hair, William going over to Y/N and grabbing her hand. "Y/N, don't go around talking to strangers!" William scolded her, Y/N looking up and him and saying "But he's my friend!". William than saw Sherlock, Sherlock half heartedly chuckling and waving his hand at him. "It's you...." William thought, freeing Y/N as he forcefully gave a smile to Sherlock. "Sorry if my daughter was bothering you." "No, in fact she made my day a lot better." "That's great to hear, but if you excuse us." William took Y/N's hand into his own and was about to lead her back to the table.

However, Y/N grabbed Sherlock's arm and pulled him with them to the table. "Can he sit with us?" Y/N asked, giving her father and uncle puppy dog eyes in hopes that he would say yes. Louis was about to say no, but William nodded and said "Of course he can, sweetheart.". Y/N squealed in joy, Sherlock chuckling as he took his seat next to Louis. Louis grimaced when Sherlock sat next to him, not wanting to be around him. William did too, but only mentally as he didn't want to show his daughter his displeasure around Sherlock.

"Uncle Louis, this is my friend Sherlock!" Y/N exclaimed, Louis nodding with a smile but secretly returning to his annoyed expression when Sherlock told him "We met at the Noahtic, I was watching over her while her father was gone.". "You mean taking her without my permission?" William asked, Sherlock laughing and nodding as he said "Yeah, you're right!". Louis bit his lip, thinking "You pest....". "May I ask why you're taking a train ride to London?" William asked, Sherlock saying to him "Just returning home after I encountered a dud of a case in York."

"You're a detective!" Y/N exclaimed, Sherlock nodding and slightly smiling as he saw that the little girl's eyes had sparkles in them. "He was in the newspapers." William said, Y/N looking at him with curiosity. "He was?" "Mhm, he solved the case of the murder of Count Drebber." Y/N looked back at Sherlock and smiled brightly at him, telling him "You're so cool, Sherly!". Sherlock blushed a bit when he heard "Sherly", but nodded and thanked Y/N for the compliment. "You must be really popular as a detective!" Y/N said, Sherlock furrowing his brown as he thought back to the cases he was now getting.

"Yeah, it's nice for the money but most of the cases are really dry." Sherlock said, Y/N swinging her legs playfully but was soon stopped by William who placed his hand on her leg. "William, can you lend an ear for me?" Sherlock asked, Louis looking over at him and saying "I'm sorry, but we were just about to leave-" Louis was interrupted by William, who waved his hand at him to show that there was no problem. "I'll gladly listen." William told Sherlock, Sherlock smirking at him.

"Remember the case I told you about that turned out to be a complete bust?" "Of course." "Well, I thought that it was connected to a series of murders that just so happened to be noble men." Y/N froze a bit when she heard that, looking at her father who had his brow raised. "There's a series of them?" William asked, Sherlock nodding and told him "Yes, and there's three so far.". "And I do believe that there's something that connect them together." Sherlock soon named the three murders, them being Enders, Drebber, and Baskerville.

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