ACT 1: Part 6

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Y/N looked in wonder at the giant ship in front of her, William watching her with an amused look. in front of the two, as well as others who were both nobles and commoners alike, was the "Noahtic", The ship that will hold the first seagoing ballet in the world.

When Y/N first heard about it, she immediately wanted to go. But she didn't ask her father or her uncles about it, knowing about how they mainly kept her in the manor. Though, when William told Y/N that she was coming with him and Albert to the ship, she became the most excited than she ever was for anything.

She remembered on how she counted down to the days where they would start their voyage on the "Noahtic", going on about all the stuff she wanted todo while on the ship. The ballet was obviously a must see for her, wanting to watch it with bow William and Albert. However, William told Y/N that he also had to do business while on the ship, meaning that he had to possibly miss the ballet.

Y/N wanted to be understanding, and tried to not show her disappointment on William having to miss the ballet. She didn't want to seem like she was selfish, as she was more than grateful that she was even able to go on the ship in the first place. Thankfully, Y/N got over it quickly, wanting to spend the most she had with her father, as well as try to enjoy the ballet with her uncle as best as she could.

However, Y/N wasn't aware about the true reason why she was going to the "Noahtic". It was actually part of a bigger plan William had on remaking London....and the whole of society, by showing the crimes that the corrupted nobles have been doing. The first target of this plan was to go on the "Noahtic", and originally Y/N wasn't going to join in.

William already had her involved with The Viscount of Belfor's death, and while she wasn't aware he was behind it, William had her stay far away from future crimes. She was just a little girl, and her mind wouldn't comprehend why William was doing this.

However, Y/N ended up overhearing William's plan....Though she only heard the part about going to "Noahtic" , which piqued her interest. When William spotted her peaking through the door, she told her to come into the room. In order to avoid her asking any questions, he simply told her that she was coming along to the voyage, having to give Louis's ticket to her.

He admits that it was cute to see her absolutely thrilled for the "trip", but was also afraid on how she might be tangled up in the plan. As William got lost in his thoughts, Y/N pulled on his hand and pointed to the entrance of the ship. "Papa, Uncle Albert's already on the ship!" Y/N said, dragging William to the ship, "We're going to leave him alone if we don't get on in time!"

William only chuckled, nodding as he held onto his hat and followed Y/N to the ship.


"Louis was always the one to do your hair, wasn't he?" William thought as he tried to braid his daughter's (H/C) hair into two pigtails. This sort of thing was always done by Louis, but since he wasn't around, William had to do it himself.

As William finished, he looked into the mirror to see how it went. "It could be better, but it manages..." William said to himself, as Y/N started to play around with her pigtails. William snorted as he saw this, putting on his formal suit's jacket.

"Are we done?" Y/N asked, who wore a formal blue dress and had baby blue heels that ached her feet. William nodded and Y/N followed as they left their dressing room, meeting up with Albert who was looking out at sea in the side deck. "Uncle Albert!" Y/N called out, Albert turning around to see his dressed up niece.

"Now there's my little princess..." Albert sweetly said, picking up Y/N and pressed a small kiss on her forehead. "Papa did my hair!" Y/N exclaimed, Albert trying to hold back a laugh. "Really?" Albert asked as William joined the two, Y/N nodding to confirm. "Last time he tried to do your hair, you stuck with the nickname "Wicked Witch"!" Albert joked, William blushing and puffing his cheeks, looking away due to embarrassment.

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