ACT 1: Part 5

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"And than, they all lived happily ever after..." William finished the last sentence of the storybook, feeling his daughter snuggled into his chest. He looked down and saw Y/N had now fallen asleep, snoring slightly as she did. William smiled and put the storybook away, beginning to caress Y/N's hair.

Y/N felt William's hand go through her hair, smiling as a blush came on her face. William chuckled, looking out the window as he began to hum. Once William finished humming, he slowly attempted to leave the bed, but Y/N grabbed his arm before he could.

William looked back, seeing Y/N give him her big puppy dog eyes. William scarlet eyes began to soften and he sat down back on the bed, asking Y/N "Are you okay, love?. Y/N sat up, shaking her head no as she said "I think....I think there's a ghost..."

"A ghost?" William asked, wanting to make sure what he heard was right. Y/N nodded, confirming that what she said was correct. Y/N began to explain what she meant by that, saying "I saw a shadow in the hallway..."

"A shadow in the hallway?" "I was going to get a glass of water, than I saw a shadow walking across the floor." "Are you sure it was a ghost?" Y/N quickly wrapped her arms around William, hugging him tightly. "I wanted to check...but I was so scared!" Y/N started to cry, William soon calming her down.

William softly started to hush Y/N, thinking to himself "No way did Y/N see a ghost...". Ghosts didn't exist, so maybe it was Albert or Louis, or maybe even him, in which that shadow belonged to, and Y/N, who was scared of the dark, probably didn't see them and just saw the shadow instead.

But he couldn't ignore the possibility of something else, and he obviously couldn't just tell Y/N to not worry...


Y/N almost walked pass the living room, until somone she didn't recoginize catched her eye. She stopped in her tracks and looked to see that a young man watering one of the plants in the living room. The man had jet black hair and pale skin, wearing a black coat with a light blue scarf.

The young man must have noticed that soemone was watching him, and he turned back to see who was looking. Y/N quickly hid behind the wall, not wanting to be caught by him. She soon began to hear footsteps coming over and when she closed her eyes to see what would happen to her...she heard the footsteps stop.

Y/N opened her eyes, seeing the young man infront of her. She backed up a bit from him, the young man slowly coming over to her. Y/N fell down to the floor, looking away from the young man. But when she looked back, she didn't expect what she saw.

The young man was now knelt, extending his arm out to Y/N. Was he....trying to help her out? Y/N looked at the young man's hand, than looked up at him. "Sunflower...Right?" The young man asked, a small smile on his face. "Your father told me alot about you." The young man didn't look threatening, and judging from what he said, must have know William, so Y/N took his hand.

As she was helped back up to her feet, she heard her father call out her name. "Y/N, there you are!' William exclamied, walking up to her and giving her a small kiss on her cheek. Y/N giggled, and William looked in front of him to see the young man Y/N was talking to.

"I see that you already met Fred." "Fred?" "Yes, he's an acquaintance of mine." Y/N looked back and saw Fred smile at her again, Y/N waving a bit at her. "Now come on, There's someone else I want you to meet..." William told her, taking her hand to bring her up to the study as Fred followed.

As Y/N entered the study, She saw a more older man sitting on leather chair. He had slightly spiky short black hair, and wore a long black jacket on the side of his shoulder. The older man looked over at Y/N and smirked at her, getting up from her seat and giving Y/N a head pat. "So this is the Sunflower William oh so adores..." The older man said, Y/N blushing as he finshed his head pat.

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