ACT 3: Part 4

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"And so....they all lived happily ever after." Enola said, Sherlock smiling and holding her close to show how proud he was of her . "You did it!" Sherlock exclaimed, Enola looking up at him and giggling when he pressed a small kiss to her forehead, "You read an entire book by yourself!". Enola laughed, but soon  yawned which made Sherlock chuckle. "Tired?" Sherlock asked, Enola shaking her head and telling him "No....I want to read another story...". Sherlock softly smiled at Enola, picking her up and taking her to his bedroom which he shared with her. "We'll read another story tomorrow." Sherlock said, laying Enola on the bed and putting the covers over her.

Sherlock gave Enola another kiss, whispering a "Good night...." to her before he took his leave. However, he felt Enola call out to him, looking back to see she was sitting up on the bed. "Stay with me?" Enola asked, Sherlock's expression softening and nodding his head. Sherlock went back over to the bed, taking out a chair and sitting down next to the beside. "Guess I'll stay here until you fall asleep..." Sherlock said, quickly noticing that Enola had a small frown on her face. "What's wrong?" Sherlock asked, Enola looking at him and playing with her fingers nervously.

"Do you really want me to stay here?" Enola asked, Sherlock widening his eyes due to being taken by the question. "I feel like....I'm causing you trouble." When Enola said that, Sherlock shook his head and muttered "You're not.....". Tears were about to fall from Enola's eyes, her saying "But...But I can't remember anything!". "No matter how hard I try.....I just can't!" Sherlock sighed, embracing Enola and holding her close to him. "I don't long as you're here...everything's fine." Sherlock whispered, Enola nuzzling her face in his neck.

"Sherly.....I don't want to leave you." Enola said, Sherlock smiling hugging her even tighter. "I don't want to leave you too...." "Promise.....that we will be together forever." Sherlock nodded when Enola said that, Enola taking out her pinky finger and locking it with Sherlock's. "You know.....Enola is the reverse of alone." Sherlock said, Enola looking at him with curious (E/C) eyes, "But.....You're never going to be alone.". Enola smiled, Sherlock kissing her one last time as she went back to laying on the bed. "Get some rest....okay?" Sherlock told her, Enola nodding and about to close her eyes.

"Goodnight...papa." Enola whispered, Sherlock's heart stopping for a moment as he heard that. Sherlock turned to face Enola, seeing that she was now asleep and smiling while she dreamt. Sherlock than smiled himself, leaving the room and gently closing the door. 


It's been a year since Enola was taken in by Sherlock, as well as being a year since Sherlock decided to take the mantle of "Papa" to her......

As the time passed by, Enola and Sherlock grew to be inseparable with one another, the two truly acting as if they were truly a blood related father and daughter. Whenever Sherlock didn't have a case, he would always spend his free time being with Enola, whether it be to simply read a story with her or take a walk around London. Sherlock truly loved Enola, and Enola truly loved Sherlock. 

Watson and Ms. Hudson also began to love Enola, Enola calling them her uncle and aunt respectively. Watson would always teach Enola about medicine and tell her tales about his time as an army doctor, while Ms. Hudson would take care of her while Sherlock and Watson were out solving a case. Enola became a staple in their lives, and I almost felt like it was yesterday when she came to live in apartment 221b.

"Okay, are you ready?" Sherlock asked from down the stairs, Enola nodding with a big smile on her face. Sherlock smirked, watching as Enola started to ride her bike down the stairs. Enola giggled when she felt the bumps of the steps, not being able to move the peddles until she reached the flat ground. Sherlock chuckled and moved to the side, Enola's bike hitting the floor. Enola than started to move the peddles of her bike, sparkles beginning to appear in her right eye as she exclaimed "Papa, Look! I'm doing it!". Sherlock laughed, going over to her and helping Enola keep her balance as she rode her bike around the room.

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