ACT 3: Part 3

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William was in his study when he heard the door open and small feet approaching him. William than felt a tug on his shirt, looking down to see his 3 year old daughter staring at him with her big (E/C) eyes. "Oh, hello Y/N." William softly said, picking up the toddler and sitting her on his lap, "What brings you here?". Y/N stayed quiet, touching William's face to show him a sign of affection. Y/N hasn't learned how to talk yet, which worried William and his brothers. They tried to take their time with Y/N, slowly but surely teaching her words in hopes that she would repeat them. But so far.....nothing has been working.

William smiled when he felt Y/N's hands, a light blush appearing as he pressed a kiss to Y/N's forehead. Y/N giggled, hugging her father which made William hug her back. "Papa...." Y/N said, making William's heart stop when he heard that. "What did you just say?" William asked, looking at Y/N as she laughed and exclaimed "Papa!". William's mouth was at first agape.....but it eventually formed into  a smile while he chuckled. "Yes, I'm your papa!" William happily said, holding Y/N close to him.

William opened his eyes, having just woken up from his slumber. "...." William didn't say anything as he sat up on his bed, thinking back to the memory he dreamt about. He had another one, where when he fell asleep, he would relive events of him and Y/N that were close to him. The most recent one was of when Y/N said her first word to him, which just so happened to be "papa". William still to this day loved that memory, that being the first time him and Y/N began to truly connect as father and daughter.

That was all of what William had of Y/N now.....memories of the good times they had before.....before she was taken away and never to be seen again. William sighed as he looked out the window of his room, the moon's rays going through the glass and giving light. William would say it was beutiful, but nothing mattered anymore to him now that Y/N was gone. William no longer saw beauty in the world, instead seeing it as it truly was....hell.

His only light was gone.....and the world had truly become darkness to William.

William got off his bed, leaving his room and going over to Y/N's. William was at first hesitant, but eventually grabbed the knob of the door and turned it to open the door. Once William stepped foot into the room, the memory of seeing the cloaked figure holding a sleeping Y/N in their arms went into his mind, making him stop in his tracks and hold his head in pain. As the pain started to die down, a familiar white rabbit had caught William's eye. William went over to the white rabbit picking it up and looking straight at it.

What was this again? Oh yeah, it was Y/N's plushie. William got it for her on her 5th birthday, William still remembering the smile on his daughter's face when he handed it to her. William's eyes went glossy with tears, sitting down on the side of Y/N's bed and clutching tightly onto the rabbit. "Y/N.......why did you leave?" William thought, letting his tears fall down.


Sherlock smirked when he heard the sound of Enola's giggles, having just finished counting down to ten. "Here I come~" Sherlock playfully said, turning around to begin the game of hide and seek. Sherlock already deduced that Enola shouldn't have gone far, and that she must have been hiding somewhere in the living room. As Sherlock walked around the room, he heard the sounds of ruffling coming from the couch. Sherlock chuckled, kneeling down to the couch and looking under it to see the white haired girl.

"Boo!" Sherlock exclaimed, Enola laughing and getting up. Enola tried to run away from Sherlock, but her arm was grabbed and was pulled close to him. Sherlock than started to pepper kisses on Enola's face, Enola smiling and trying to free herself from Sherlock. "Sherly! It tickles!" Enola said, Sherlock shaking his head and continuing the kisses. "Call me the best dad in the world, and than I'll stop!" Sherlock told Enola, Enola nodding and saying "You're the best dad in the world!".  Sherlock smiled, giving Enola one last kiss before picking her up and holding her close in his arms.

"How come you always know where I'm hiding...." Enola muttered, Sherlock chuckling and putting his forehead on top of her's. "Because you don't keep quiet when you hide, making it easy for me to find you." "No fair..." Sherlock pressed a kiss on Enola's cheek, making Enola smile again. However, the moment between the two was interrupted when Sherlock heard the front door to the apartment open. Sherlock tensed up, his smile dropping as he put Enola down and lead her to a closet. "Hide in here.." Sherlock said, Enola tilting her head and  about to ask why. Sherlock just ignored her, softly pushing Enola in the closet and shutting the door.

Enola found herself in the closet, scared over why Sherlock would want her to be in it in the first place. After a few minutes, Enola flinched when the sound of a gunshot was heard, Enola's eye widening as she remembered that Sherlock was still out there. "Sherly!" Enola screamed, opening the door and running over to where Sherlock could be. When she reached the front of the apartment, she saw that Sherlock was still standing on his feet....but with a red substance on his shirt.  Enola also noticed that right in front of Sherlock was a man who looked a lot like him but much older, and had a gun in his hand. "Sherly...." Enola whispered, Sherlock and the man looking at her.

"Enola!" Sherlock shouted, going over to her and hugging her close. "I told you to hide in the closet!". "But what's going on? Why do you have that red stuff on you?" Enola asked, Sherlock blushing in embarrassment when he heard the man with the gun chuckle. "So....this is what you've been hiding from me." The man said, putting the gun away as Sherlock took Enola into his arms and turned to face him. "Sherly....who is this?" ".....My brother." The man smiled, looking at  Enola and introduced himself. "The name's Mycroft." Mycroft said, Enola laying her head on Sherlock's shoulder  in shyness. Mycroft just laughed, approaching Enola and admiring her.

"You are certainly fascinating.....I never met someone with an appearance such as yourself." Mycroft said, Enola nodding in thanks to the "compliment". "Shy one...are you?" Mycroft asked, Sherlock sighing and carrying Enola back into the living room. "Read a book while with my brother." Sherlock said, Enola nodding and heading to the bookshelf to pick out a book. Sherlock than went back to Mycroft, who still had the smile on his face. "She's a cutie." Mycroft playfully said, Sherlock crossing his arms across his chest as he asked "What do you want?".

"Just wanted to say hi to my brother....and see if the rumors were true." "What rumors?" "That the great consulting detective Sherlock now had a daughter." Sherlock blushed when he heard that, not knowing what he should say. People were already talking about Enola? How? He only went out with her once. As Millions of thoughts began to swirl in Sherlock's head, Mycroft was about to take his leave. "I better be off.....tell the little one that whenever she has a fight with you, her uncle is always there for her." Mycroft said, closing the door and leaving the apartment. Sherlock just scoffed, but he couldn't not admit that he was glad Mycroft didn't see a problem with him taking care of Enola.

"Sherly?" Enola asked, tugging on Sherlock's jacket to make him turn his attention to her. "Yeah?" "What does this word mean?" Enola pointed to a word in a book she held in her hands, wanting to show Sherlock which word she meant and to help her understand the meaning. Sherlock chuckled, kneeling down and looking at the word. "Cherish means to treasure something or someone deeply." Sherlock said, Enola smiling and saying "Well, than I cherish you!". Sherlock was at first taken back by what Enola said......but he soon smiled back at her and gave her a kiss on her forehead. 

"I cherish you too....."

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