ACT 1: Part 2

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The day Y/N was taken into the Moriarty family will always be remembered by the brothers. It was a rainy night in London, and most citizens were in the comfort of their homes. The Moriartys were no exception, However... they were paid an unexpected visit.

Loud knocks could be heard throughout the mansion, coming from the door to the manor. Albert answered it, but instead of seeing someone stand in front of the doorway he found a small basket with a blanket inside it.

Albert became instantly stunned as he saw the basket, looking around to see if the person who left it was still in sight. As Albert kneeled down to get a better look at the basket, he saw the blanket move a bit. His eyes widened, immediately coming to the conclusion of what was inside the basket. Albert than slowly pulled the blanket down, seeing exactly what he expected...though that didn't expect him from being taken back.

A small (S/C) baby was sleeping inside the basket, the blanket being the only possible warmth for them. Albert was in shock over this, not knowing what he should do. "Who would just leave their baby here..." Albert thought, gently using his thumb to feel the baby's temperature. The baby's eyes than opened, in which they began to cry.

Albert quickly took the baby into his arms, softly shushing the baby so that they can calm down. Albert went back up to his feet and went back inside the manor with the baby, their cries becoming quieter.

William had just entered the living room downstairs when he saw Albert with the baby...well, he more accurately saw the baby first, and then Albert second. Albert was cradling the infant, who was sucking his thumb in an attempt for comfort. "Albert..." "William! I can explain-" "Can I hold her?" Albert looked at William, noticing that he had extended his pinky finger to the baby, in which they baby had grabbed and began to admire.

Albert smiled, and gladly handed the infant over to William. William closely held the baby close to his chest, sitting down next to Albert on the leather couch. "I'm guessing you just recently found her?" William asked, his eyes still on the baby. "'s a girl?" "What you didn't check?" "No! Why would that be..." Albert looked away from William, covering the blush that started to appear on his face.

William softly chuckled, feeling the baby cuddled onto him. "She was left here...and I'm confused on why?" Albert said, William looking over to his older brother. "The person who left her here probably wanted her to live a better life, but that was at the cost of not being able to see her grow up." William said, the baby starting to grab a hold of his hand.

"Just like-"

William shook that thought from his head, not wanting to think about that thing. She was gone, having since left this world...and him along with it. "William, are you alright?" Albert's voice brought William back to reality, reminding of him of the conversation he was still in. 'I'm fine." William answered, reliving Albert.

He didn't need to tell him about all that anyways...

"What do you plan to do with her?" "I'm not sure yet as this is all so sudden..." "Than I'll keep her." William happily smiled at his baby and got up from the couch, about to head back up to his room. Albert stopped him, telling him "William, Your only 18!" William looked back at Albert, simply saying "She's mine..."

Albert began to notice that there was...a aura around William. It wasn't an aura he felt from him was more sinister.

William than went back to his happy self, going back to heading up stairs. "Don't worry, my love..." William whispered softly to his child, "You safe with me from now on..."


Albert never imagined that William would grow to care for someone so much like he does with Y/N. While at first, it was scary for him and Louis at first, they grew to truly love Y/N just like William did. Albert now can't possibly imagine what life could be like for them if Y/N never showed up.

The manor became more livelier now that she was around, and Albert was truly thankful for that. He just wished he was around more longer so that he can experience it...

It was just Albert and Y/N in the manor for today, as William and Louis were busy dealing with...a certain mystery that needed to be solved. Y/N was outside playing with her dolls for "Tea Time", Albert watching her from the backyard through the window.

He must have accidently take his sight off her for a bit as when he turned back to the window, she was gone. Albert got up from his chair and walked closer to the glass window, hoping that Y/N was still in the backyard and was just out of the Window's range of site.

Albert couldn't find her anyway, making his heart rate faster than usual. "Don't tell me I lost her..." Albert thought, quickly leaving the room he was in and rushing to the backyard. If William had come back at this time, Albert would have been dead, not caring if he was his brother or not.

As Albert looked around the backyard, he didn't seem to realize that Y/N was looking down on him. Y/N was sitting on a branch from the tall tree, her white rabbit Snow laying right next to her. She wanted to tell her uncle that she was here the entire time, but she just found it so funny seeing him look all over the place but the tree.

Y/N giggled, her giggle reaching Albert's ears and making him look up to where the tree was. "Y/N!" Albert called out, walking over to the tree, "Come down right now, young lady!". Y/N shook her head, a smirk on her face. This just made Albert get angrier, and he started to climb up the tree himself.

Y/N realized what was going to happen, in which if Albert catched her, she would receive one of the biggest spankings of her life...she didn't want to experience the last spanking she had when she accidently broke a vase.

Y/N grabbed Snow and attempted to climb higher on the tree, but her leg was grabbed by Albert before she had the chance to. "Y/N, Stop your going to make us fall!" "No, I want to stay up here!' Albert than felt air, noticing at the last moment that he had fallen of the tree, Y/N following.

Thankfully, the tree wasn't that tall, and Albert made for a good cushion for Y/N. Albert laid on the grass of the backyard, an annoyed look on his face as Y/N attempted to get off from him. "Nope, come back here." Albert said, pulling Y/N close to him and hugging her tight.

"Are you mad?" "Yes...But I'm glad that you're okay." Albert softly gave Y/N a small smile and helped her to her feet. "Let's get back inside, alright?" Albert suggested, taking Y/N's hand and leading her back to the manor.

"But the tea party!" "You just have to continue it tomorrow, as you decided to rudely leave them to climb up a tree..." Y/N puffed her cheeks and looked away from her uncle, not wanting to admit that he was right.


"We're home!" William said, entering the manor as Louis followed behind him. William than stopped in his place as he saw Y/N sitting on her "Punishment stool", looking away from Albert as he sighed.

"I'm guessing Y/N misbehaved while we were gone?" "No...she's just mad that's all." "What for?" Y/N turned her stool over to face her father and uncles, telling them "He's not letting me back outside.". "And what for?" William asked, Albert soon explaining what happened while he was gone.

William only gave his daughter a stern look, saying "Y/N, are you aware of the fear that you could have gave us if your uncle didn't find you in time?" Y/N soon saw that she had angered her father and nodded, now realizing her actions. William than walked over to her and kneeled to her height, softly moving her hair to the side. "I'm hate having to be mad at that's why I'm just relived to have you still here with me"

William gave Y/N a kiss on her forehead, Y/N smiling as he did. Y/N than left her stool and went ahead to hug Albert, mumbling a "I'm sorry to him." Albert gave her a forehead kiss as well as a sign that he accepted her apology.

"Louis, would you mind helping Y/N get her tea set back inside?" William asked, "We can have our own little tea party inside the manor if not outside." Louis nodded and Y/N followed, wanting to help him get the stuff.

However, as Y/N touched her cheek...she felt a wet substance on it. She looked down on her hand and saw...


"Y/N! Aren't you going to help?" "...Don't worry, I'm coming!"

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