ACT 2: Part 5

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When Y/N woke up, a big smile was on her face due to what today was. It was her birthday, meaning that her father was going to spend the entire day with her. William would always put his work on hold and play with Y/N, something that excited Y/N more than anything. As Y/N got out of bed, she instantly went to the sunroom where she saw William and Louis at. William was sitting on the couch, Louis serving him his breakfast. "Papa!" Y/N exclaimed,  jumping on top of William which made him laugh. 

"What are you so happy for?" Louis asked, Y/N looking back at him and saying "Don't you remember?". "Remember what?" "You know....." Y/N started to frown, noticing that her father and uncle were  confused on what she meant. "Papa is going to spend the whole day with me...." Y/N said, William sighing as she turned to face him. "Y/N, I'm afraid that I can't play with you today." William told his daughter, Y/N's eyes widening when she heard that. "'s my-" "Y/N, we can play together another day." Y/N started to pout, getting off of William and stamping her foot. 

"No! I want to play now!' Y/N said, crossing her arms across her chest as William and Louis went into shock. "You always say that but you never do!" Y/N yelled, stomping out of the sunroom while William and Louis only watched. As Y/N walked back down to her room, she didn't notice what was in front of her and accidently bumped into someone. Y/N fell down on her behind, a small "ow..." coming from her. "Are you alright, Y/N?" Albert asked, Y/N looking up to see that her uncle was extending an hand out. Y/N took it, Albert helping her back up to her feet.

Albert soon noticed that Y/N was acting quite gloomy, making him kneel down to her height and ask her "Is something bothering you?". Y/N tried to keep a straight face, but tears only started to form in her eyes, which made her begin to cry. Y/N wrapped her arms around Albert's neck, Albert quickly embracing her as she sobbed into his shoulder. "Papa....Papa won't play with me today!" Y/N cried out, Albert's expression softening. " is your birthday...." Albert muttered, picking Y/N up and holding her close in his arms.

"How about you spend it with me?" Albert suggested, Y/N nodding and laying her head on his chest. Albert chuckled, rubbing Y/N's back as he carried her back to her room so that she could get ready to go out.


When Y/N and Albert returned from their stroll across London, it was already nighttime. "Had fun?" Albert asked, Y/N slowly nodding with a straight face. Albert sighed, seeing that she was still hung up on William. She was like that for the entire day, not emoting at all whenever Albert said or showed something to her. "Want to go to the sunroom?" Albert asked, Y/N looking at him while he sadly smiled at her, "Your father might still be in there.". Y/N only pouted, puffing her cheeks up as she told her uncle "I don't want to see him!"

"Y/N, you know that your father would love to spend time with you today." Albert said, Y/N frowning while Albert tried to reason wit her. "It's just that some things are out of his control." When Albert said that, Y/N grabbed the hem of her dress and nodded, making Albert smile again. "Okay, now go...." Albert said, Y/N slowly walking up the stairs of the mansion to the sun room. However, she noticed that in the sunroom that there was letter on top of the table. Y/N went over to it, picking it up and reading it.

"Happy birthday, Y/N~"  was what it said, Y/N feeling two hands cover her eyes. "Boo." someone said sweetly, Y/N laughing as she recognized the voice. Y/N quickly spun to see who covered her eyes, being greeted by her smiling father. "Did you really think I wasn't going to celebrate your birthday?" William playfully asked, taking Y/N into his arms. As Y/N laughed when William began to pepper her with kisses, the others went into the sunroom to see the interaction between the father and daughter.

William and Y/N noticed this, Y/N smiling at them and exclaiming "It's my birthday!". "We know~" Jack told her, him and the others wishing Y/N a happy birthday. Y/N giggled, William putting her down and telling her "There's cake downstairs.". Y/N's eye had stars in them, nodding excitedly as she grabbed ahold of her father's hand while he lead her down to the kitchen.


"You shouldn't worry me like that." Albert said to William, the two having finished cleaning up, "I really did think you weren't going to celebrate her birthday.". William chuckled, telling his brother "You know I'm not the one who misses out on my daughter's special days.". Albert smiled, him and William looking over to see that Y/N and Fred were sleeping on the couch together. The two had passed out after eating too much cake, which William found so cute. 

William went over to them, picking up Y/N and giving her a kiss on her forehead. William than went up the stairs, heading over to Y/N's room so that he could put her to bed. Though, Y/N slowly opened her eyes and laid her head on William's shoulder, asking him "Papa.....we'll be together forever, right?". William stopped in his tracks, but soon smiled and looked down at Y/N, telling her

"Of course we will, my sunflower......"

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