ACT 2: Part 1

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After she splashed the hot water on her, Y/N looked at her wrist which had a red mark that was fading out. The bruises Y/N received from Lord Baskerville still haven't fully healed, making her embarrassed on bathing with anyone watching her.

William had Y/N bath by herself, not wanting Y/N to feel guilty on still having the bruises on her. He felt terrible on having this happened to her, wishing that he made it to Lord Baskerville's private estate before...Lord Baskerville did the things he did to her.

Albert blamed himself for everything, knowing he should have been carefully watching Y/N. "None of this would have happen if I just kept her in my sights..." He would mumbled, Apologizing profusely to William.

William didn't tell Louis or Albert about Y/N now being aware of their activities, feeling like it would make this situation far worse. He was at fault too, and now the price was paid by having Y/N find out...but in the way William least wished would happen.

Y/N bit her lip as she looked down at the tub, wanting the bruises to be gone. She wanted them all gone, as every time she saw them, she was reminded on what that disgusting man did to her.

Her father told her to not think about it....but it was so hard not to. The door to the bathroom than slightly opened, Louis entering Y/N's bathroom with a towel in his hand.

"Y/N, I brought you your-" Louis stopped himself as Y/N quickly pulled the bathtub curtains, not wanting her uncle to fully see the bruises for himself. Y/N didn't want to see him at that state.

Louis's eyes softened as he slowly approached the bathtub, hearing a small sob come from the curtain. "Y/N...." Louis mumbled, pulling the curtains away to see Y/N sitting in the tub, her knees pulled to her chest. Y/N quickly closed her eyes and looked away from Louis, whispering "I'm sorry...".

"Please leave me alone...." "Y/N..." Louis kneeled as Y/N opened her eyes, tears escaping them as she felt her uncle move her face so that she can look at him. "Y/N....You don't need to hide them..." Louis told Y/N, seeing as she was trying to cover her bruises. "But...But I don't-" "We're already aware, you don't need to keep it a secret..." "But I look disgusting!"

Y/N's tears started to grow, as she left the tub and grabbed her towel, wrapping it around her and opened the bathroom door. Y/N was about to leave the bathroom, But Louis grabbed her arm and pulled her into a embrace.

"I'm...I'm a freak now...aren't I?" Y/N asked, crying into Louis's chest as he shook his head. "No, you're not...." Louis said, Y/N looking up at him with a tear stained face. "You are such a sweet angel....No matter what happens to you..." Louis pressed a small kiss to Y/N's forehead as he continued to say "These bruises...are just temporary....they just hide how beautiful you truly are...".

Y/N wiped her tears away as she cuddled into Louis, her uncle muttering "No matter what, you are the sunflower that bloomed into our lives.".

Louis looked down to see a small smile appear on Y/N's face, thinking to himself "There you go...".

"Uncle Louis, will papa be alright?" "Why do you ask that?" "I'm worried that he might get caught..."

Louis froze when he heard that, realizing what Y/N meant.


Louis knocked on the study's door, William telling him to come in. As Louis opened the door, he saw William sitting at the desk with a tired look in his eyes. "Brother William?" Louis asked, William nodding to hear what Louis's question was, "Do you think Y/N is now aware of what we are doing?"

William's eyes widened, looking up as he heard what Louis said. "What do you mean?" " Y/N said that she was worried that you were going to be caught...." William looked away, realizing what Louis meant. "Oh...." William could only mumbled that out, not knowing what he should say.

"Did you...tell her?" Louis asked, William slowly nodding as he still looked at the ground. "I had to...." William muttered, Louis shaking his head and saying "Why?". Louis than lowered his vice, knowing that Y/N might overhear what he and his brother was talking about as he said "She's....She's only 7".

"I know, but I couldn't just let her still be ignorant after what happened..." Louis was taken back, looking down himself when he remembered what William was talking about. Louis couldn't argue with what William said, understanding why he did it know.

William got up, taking out a locket from his suit jacket's pocket. Louis saw it, his eyes widening when he realized what it was. "Is that?..." "Yes..." William leaned against the wall and began to rub his thumb on the locket, remembering the person who gave him the locket.

It was his and Louis's younger sister's, who used to wear it everywhere she went. William and Louis also wore similar lockets, which was mainly to show that the three were inseparable. However, The younger sister would eventually get sick and pass away at the simple age of 5 years old.

William would keep her locket, not wanting to forget his baby sister who wouldn't get the chance to grow up. Y/N reminded him so much of her, which was one of the reasons why he decided to take her in and adopt her himself.

"I refuse to lose she means the most to me in this entire world..." William thought, clutching onto the locket tightly. Just than, a loud scream came from Y/N 's room, causing William and Louis to leave the study and go into the young girl's room to see what happened.

"Y/N!" William exclaimed, seeing his daughter on the ground. He picked her up, holding her close as Y/N wrapped her arms around him. "What happened?" "I....I had bad dream..." William's eyes softened, putting Y/N back on her bed and kissing her forehead softly.

"Was it about him?" Louis asked, Y/N nodding and tightly grabbed her blanket. Louis sighed, but William smiled and gave another kiss on Y/N's forehead. "Want us to stay with you for the night?" William asked, Y/N snuggling into him. William took that as a yes, chuckling slightly and pulling out a chair and sitting down on it.

As William sat on the chair, Y/N noticed the locket that was in his hand and reached out for it, Louis noticing it and his eyes widening. "Can I...have that?" Y/N asked, William being taken back and looking down at the locket his younger sister used to have.

Louis was about to say something, but William beat him to it, telling Y/N "Of course...". William handed the locket to Y/N, Y/N taking it and admiring the locket. "So pretty..." Y/N muttered, opening the locket and seeing a small picture of a baby inside it. "Is that me?" Y/N asked, William giggling and shaking his head.

"That's your auntie." William said, Y/N looking at him and tilting her head in confusion. "I have an auntie?" "Yes...." William trailed off a bit, realizing just how long it's been since he talked about his little sister. Louis cleared his throat, sitting down at the end of Y/N's bed and saying "She would have loved you..."

"Love me?" Y/N asked, Louis nodding and smiling as memories of his little sister started to flood in his mind. "You and her share a lot of things in common, so I can see you two being closer to one another like how you're close to your father." When Louis said that, Y/N smiled and sat up, asking her uncle "Can I meet her?".

Louis eyes widened, looking away and frowning as he didn't know what he should say to Y/N. Than, William spoke up, telling Y/N "I'm afraid.....she's not with us anymore...". Y/N looked at William and saw that in his eyes, tears were being formed. As William began to wipe his eyes, Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.

William blushed slightly as Y/N hugged him, smiling as he wrapped his own arms around Y/N. Louis watched the sweet moment, smiling himself as took the locket and looked down at it, feeling tears of his own when he saw the picture of his baby sister.

"Hey Y/N." William said, Y/N releasing her father from the hug and sitting on his lap as William gave her small smile.

"You want to come with me and Louis to London tomorrow?"


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