ACT 1: Part 4

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"Yes, William?"
"Do you think....Y/N might be catching on?"
"What do you mean?"
"I must have missed a spot when I was cleaning myself....and I accidentally must have put some on her..."
"...Did she buy your excuse?"
"I'm not sure, she's a very smart girl so-"
"And she's also a very young one at that, she will forget all about it in week's time..."

William leaned his head on his hand, watching through the window as the train he and Y/N were in chugged to their destination. William couldn't get Y/N's question out of his head, afraid that she might find out about him being a crime consultant. She would be heartbroken at him....

"Papa, The train stopped." Y/N said, snapping William back to reality. William than saw through the window that there was a train station, with big letters reading "DURHAM". William cleared his throat and got off from his set, telling Y/N "Come on, This is out stop."

Y/N took her father's hand and was lead out of the train and onto the train station, already feeling nervous. William saw this and gently bend down to Y/N, giving her a soft smile. "Want to explore the town a bit?" William asked, moving a part of his daughter's (H/C) hair to the back of her ear. Y/N happily nodded, and followed her father into the town.

William watched as Y/N stared in wonder at the town, finding it amusing when she ran around to make sure she didn't miss anything. Y/N wasn't familiar with the countryside, so everything that she came across was new to her. As Y/N stood behind her father, waiting for him to ask directions to the manor they were now staying at, she saw a women giving them a small glance.

Y/N started to stare the women, seeing her getting visibly angry. Y/N hid behind her father, William looking back to see what caused her to do so. Once the women saw that William noticed her, she qucickly began to walk away from them, not saying a single word. "You'll have to cut that one some slack," The old lady behind the fruit vendor said, William and Y/N turning to her.

"That girl, Michelle, Hates Aristocrats." The old lady soon gave a solemn look, saying "After all, The viscount as here as good as let her son die...". William quickly held Y/N close as he heard that, Y/N only watching as The women named Michelle went out of sight.


"Ah, You two are finally home." Louis said, just finshing up cleaning as William opened the door to the manor. Y/N ran up to her uncle and holding up a flower to him, exclaming "It's for you!". Louis thanked Y/N, smiling as he took the flower and closely inspected it. "It's a-" "Sunflower! Papa bought it for me because he always calls me that."

Louis looked back at Y/N and tried to give the flower back to her. "If your father bought this for you, than it's yours." Louis said, Y/N shaking her head no. "I wanted to give it to you!" Y/N said, Louis instantly blushing. William went between the two, asking Y/N "This is your first time in the manor, no?", Y/N nodding which made William smile.

"How about you go ahead and see the manor for yourself, and come back here when your done so you can tell us how you feel about it." William suggested, Y/N quckly getting excited and ran up the stairs. 'Y/N, Don't run I just cleaned everything in here!" Louis called out, though he knew that the hyperactive girl will just ignore him.

The first place Y/N went was to her room, being in awe on how it looked like. In the middle of the room was a window with the curtains closed, while on the sides of the room were a vanity stand with a mirror, a dressing drawer, and a bed which can only be made for a princess. "Wowie!" Y/N exclaimed, jumping onto her bed. She ended up undoing the bed, with the pillows falling of the side of the bed and the blanket wrinkling.

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